Wednesday, September 22, 2010

::Japogerms, Drinking Beer with Chopsticks Since..::

So, here I am in FYS, totally not caring what Steve says about our clubs presentation.. thing. And I'm reading a blog because of this class, realizing I haven't blogged in.. Really? I don't even know how long.
I'm adjusting to college life quite well, I'd say. I thought, coming in, I'd make no friends, though that thought is laughable now. Not that I'm surrounded by hoardes of people 24/7. That would just be crazy. Unless they are humans trying to kill us zombies, and that won't work.
Ah, crap. Presentation on a club I know nothing about. Wonderful.
*elevator music*
..We fail. Anyway, I am more concerned with Steve liking me as a person than having him think of me highly as an intelligent student, though I definitely won't turn that idea away. Why is this? It all started on a dark, stormy--
Wait. Seaside is SUPPOSED to be dark and stormy. Has it been this way? No. No, it has not. I shall begin again.
It all started on a freakishly hot day, in boring FYS class. Boring. But wait! In comes a woman who starts speaking about.. CSU study abroad. Oh no. But oh yes.
I have spent a year an a half learning and speaking Japanese, and so I'm going.. to Germany.
Why does this make sense? It doesn't.
"You can blend right in, Blue. You're blonde."
"Indeed. You're blonde too(, Glenni)."
"But I'm Norwegian."
My friend, the lovely lolita Glenni, is also travelling with me to Europe. To Germany.
Will: "Maybe you'll find some Jap..ogerms."
Me: "Japogerms?"
Will: "Drinking beer with chopsticks since.."

And that is where I shall leave off. For now. Me? I am off to lament my FYS epic learn and find out where I can take German next semester.

Love and other indoor sports (such as tagging humans with socks),
Blue Disastrous


  1. You're back! YAY!'ve missed so much. :)

  2. I have a looooooot to catch up on.. I will be reading blogs throughout my boring classes. Hehe.
