Tuesday, December 15, 2009

::Sleepless in SModesto::

And why am I watching Paid Programming at midnight? Because I have nothing better to do when I wake up pissed off because a dream turned into an annoyance and no one is up.
I suppose I can try Zak. He'll probably throw his cat at me though. Or something drastic. He always does things like that.
Hm, look at those people walking down the beach.. with their horse on a leash?! Woah. I mean, getting in shape is one thing, but no gadget can make you lose enough weight and gain enough endurance to keep up with a HORSE when they start chasing after a squirrel.
Pff! Those are SO not your "before" pants, guy. You're just holding up randomly large pants.
Oh. Wait a minute. This infomercial showed Chuck Norris. This must be a legit product if it can turn me into Chuck Norris.
In Soviet Russia, ass DOESN'T kick Chuck Norris. It wouldn't dare.
So now I'm re-obsessed with Harry Potter. THANKS, A Very Potter Musical.

Gotta love that Draco-y goodness.

Love and other indoor sports (like.. not that product),
Blue Disastrous

Saturday, December 12, 2009

::Keeping Everything In::


Love and other indoor sports (like raising discontent),
Blue Disastrous

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

::I'll Be Sent to Azkaban::

I don't know whether it's more sad that I am obsessed with Harry Potter so much to the point that I find entertainment roleplaying as a Hogwarts student/making tons of references to the series/whatever else I do related to the series, or that I put so much into my blogs that no one reads that it is considered "too personal" and that it "gives basis for someone to begin stalking you". Those are both not direct quotes, more like the main idea of a message a moderator sent me on VH, because I posted a link to my blog in my profile. The rules state that no one is allowed to post personal information that can lead to someone stalking them.
But this is online anyway, plus I'm the one writing about all this random crap and publishing it, fully aware of potential stalkers (which I've gone through before, and I don't really care).
These past few days have been marked by increasing uneventfulness. Except yesterday. Yesterday was okay, due to the appearance of a certain scarf-wearing jungle animal addicted to ripping and eating belts.
I just realised I haven't played Borderlands in a few days. This could explain things. But now I'm too comfortable to get my mouse all positioned (since the mousepad is the tablet and all).
And a slanket would be very useful right now. Or the Harry Potter Snuggie.
It's colder here than in Seaside.

Love and other indoor sports (like dueling),
Blue Disastrous

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

::Virtual Stalking::

I log into Blogger and read over my Watched Blogs' new posts. And someone says she needs help with her college questions, questions describing her.
And you see, I can answer the questions for her, because she's inspired me as a writer and blogger, though we've only talked a few times.
So I guess this crosses the line. I am a stalker. Why? Because I have nothing better to do, of course.
I also have nothing better to do than be a virtual Hogwarts student. Including writing assigned essays. And extensive roleplaying.
I am a sad, sad person.
Who is going shopping in six hours.
With no money.
And apparently no sleep.

Love and other indoor sports (like mania),
Blue Disastrous

Sunday, December 6, 2009

::We Are Related To..::

So today I'm bored while watching the Harry Potter marathon, a weird thing. So I go to my blog and hit "Next Blog" to search for random people. But every blog was about religion. Apparently the "Next Blog" button is supposed to take us to related blogs. And you all know how religious I am.
The same thing with Clara's blog, every one after it was about spreading the word of Christ.
Then Lyn-z's, and after hers came tons of blogs about athletics.
James' blog is apparently about gadgets that are unusual.
Lastly, Maria's is apparently about babies and pregnancy.
There is definitely something wrong with the button.

Love and other indoor sports (like smashing glass over the Great Hall),
Blue Disastrous

::Clearly Emo::

That last post. Yeah. Disregard that.
Anyway, I had an amazing day with Kai doing mostly nothing but laying in a fortress we built of blankets and random dorm furniture. That wasn't that random.
Er, I had something important to say, I think, but now I can't remember.
It's weird how I can write so randomly and freely and quickly when blogging but when I have the awesomest story idea in my head and know exactly what's happening, my mind goes blank and my fingers freeze up. It's so unfortunate.
So then I had the idea to start another blog where it would be a story, er, as if the character were blogging. But then I couldn't think of a name for said character. The only name stuck in my head is Lilith for obvious reasons, but I can't just use that, again for obvious reasons.
So I began looking at name lists of various things, such as names from horror movies and all. Of course I then wanted to name my character after another character in a game. I went, "Rinoa! Wait. No." Rinoa is awesome and all, but it wouldn't have fit.
And then I discovered many people have named their babies after Kairi, Rinoa, and Sephiroth. Yes. Even Sephiroth. I laughed. Poor kids. Well. Just ones named that. Kairi is rather pretty, and Rinoa is kickass, so I guess some people would make okay-ish parents.. as long as they paused their games long enough to feed and clean the little buggers.
I'm kinda tired, which is weird, since I wasn't a minute ago. I guess this thing just happens.
I wish I were in the cave.

Love and other indoor sports (like fort-building),
Blue Disastrous