Sunday, December 6, 2009

::Clearly Emo::

That last post. Yeah. Disregard that.
Anyway, I had an amazing day with Kai doing mostly nothing but laying in a fortress we built of blankets and random dorm furniture. That wasn't that random.
Er, I had something important to say, I think, but now I can't remember.
It's weird how I can write so randomly and freely and quickly when blogging but when I have the awesomest story idea in my head and know exactly what's happening, my mind goes blank and my fingers freeze up. It's so unfortunate.
So then I had the idea to start another blog where it would be a story, er, as if the character were blogging. But then I couldn't think of a name for said character. The only name stuck in my head is Lilith for obvious reasons, but I can't just use that, again for obvious reasons.
So I began looking at name lists of various things, such as names from horror movies and all. Of course I then wanted to name my character after another character in a game. I went, "Rinoa! Wait. No." Rinoa is awesome and all, but it wouldn't have fit.
And then I discovered many people have named their babies after Kairi, Rinoa, and Sephiroth. Yes. Even Sephiroth. I laughed. Poor kids. Well. Just ones named that. Kairi is rather pretty, and Rinoa is kickass, so I guess some people would make okay-ish parents.. as long as they paused their games long enough to feed and clean the little buggers.
I'm kinda tired, which is weird, since I wasn't a minute ago. I guess this thing just happens.
I wish I were in the cave.

Love and other indoor sports (like fort-building),
Blue Disastrous

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