Sunday, May 30, 2010

::Rockin' the Night Away::

Gyah. So I snapped awake when I heard a super-loud bang, almost explosion-status. And immediately after was the quake. I freaked out. A few minutes later came another bang and another quake.
And now, I am scared to sleep. So I'm here, blogging, since I've neglected to do so.

Yesterday (or, er, Friday) was my graduation. And really, it still hasn't sunk in that I have no school now. Which is a bit odd.
What is up with the high school planning the graduation at the start of a Memorial Day WEEKEND?! Do they not take into consideration those of us coming from an hour away to the school?! I was almost an hour late due to traffic (as well as two detours to pick up guests, but we left in plenty of time). So icky. The traffic.
Er, anyway. I got there. I had a gold cord shoved into my hand. Yay for a 3.0 (or somewhere higher, though lower than 3.5 since I wasn't called up for that, buu).
The ceremony was.. er. Interesting? I dunno, the speeches were great, in my opinion. Some were funny. Others made me dig my nails into my palms because I didn't want to cry. After all, Sheelah was filming this all, and I was in the front row.
There were singers. Two for the national anthem. One of which was good, the other seemingly had stage fright at the last second and barely tried and that made their voices clash and our ears bleed. The same happened with the choir at the end. Some were good, others not so much.
But one girl sang The Climb in the middle of the ceremony and was amazing. Why couldn't she have sung the other songs, hm? Ah, well.
The highlight of this whole thing, other than getting my fake-diploma (I suppose my name is Sample Diploma?), was the amount of people who came for me.
+Mum, of course
+Jordan, thank gooses
+Grandma, who was excited I was graduating on her birthday
+Kai, who was more excited than I
+Vince, who cheered the loudest (er, or I just heard him the best, I dunno)
+Matt, whose card he gave me made me want to cry
+Aunt Dee
+Aunt Cherie and Uncle Chico
+"Aunt" Nancy and John

Now, I haven't seen my brother, Ken, or his wife and son for nearly.. actually, over a year now. And Jason is almost two. He has no clue who I am, just this girl with purple-blue hair. That was sad. But I was so happy they came for me. I totally stopped and ran out of the group of us grads, who were supposed to be exiting at this point, and just.. ditched them all. To hug my brother. It was amazing.
Though, it reminded me that my dad wasn't there. And that was, and still is, painful. He didn't care enough to see me.
That's done with, though. Nothing else to do about it.

Today, or, er, yesterday, Kai and his dad picked me up and we went to San Jose to go to an awesome card shop. I actually saw a Black Lotus. I squeed. I'm silly. Kai sold a few cards to get almost 80$ in store credit, which he used to buy a small stack of cards to almost complete his newest deck. Oh, the shinies.. Oh, the full art.. They are glorious.
We passed right by Fanime, too. Tons of people. Even a Tetris block. Yeah. Beat that.

Later today, my Aunt Cherie and Uncle Chico are treating our immediate family (as well as Kai and their daughter's boyfriend) to dinner for Grandma's birthday at a Japanese restaurant. I wonder vaguely how much Kai will totally pwn my family in speaking, and if anyone there actually speaks Japanese.. Either way--they'll have chopsticks, and Kai won't have to use a knife as his primary eating utensil.

Monday, we'd better be able to see each other. 1 3/4 years. Kanpai!

Love and other indoor disasters (such as, say, a postage-stamp double room),

P.S. Dick Clark likes whipped cream. A lot. It was all over his chin and whiskers.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

::The River Monster Returns::

Oi! I've been gone so long, it was getting easier and easier to NOT blog! Ahaha how crazy!
So what was the last I'd left everyone at, hm? Ah yes, utter peril, woe-is-me with pain and basically mental chaos.
..Except not the pain, but shh it's all good.
Because I will NOT be homeless yet live in a shopping cart. It appears I can pull off miracles and complete tasks way above average through everything. That's right. I AM GRADUATING ON FRIDAY. And everyone's invited. Just, er, if you're coming, latch onto a kid who looks like they have no people. Because--ho shat!--we're only allowed ten guests. Oopsie.
The unofficial summer break so far has been awesome as oh-possums.
I kidnapped Kai and we took a looong trip to Sacramento to attend my Fetus Buddeh's jazz fest performance. She plays oodles of poodles of brass instruments. She can blow that brass like nobody's business. Sheesh. But eh, she came equipped with suspenders and a trumpet for this performance.
EVERYONE IS SO TALENTED. I swear! You'd think these peoples were like, I dunno, in their fifties as far as experience and skill goes. Mind-blowing. Or, at least it seemed that way to me.
My Fetus Buddeh is awesome as an oh-possum and I love her to bits. And she's going to be playing in another jazz fest soon. The one Molly Ringwald will be at. That lucky batch of cookies. I'd have kittens.
Hmmz. So what else happened?
I cried during my portfolio presentation? And that gave me a better score? These teachers must be Froot Loops. But they're awesome anyway. Though they hijacked my binder and drove it to the desk, where I presume it is right now.
The world may never know. Or, it will perhaps. I'll get back to that tomorrow. Er, today. Geez. It's 1:23am. At least it's fun enough to be in order.
Errr oh. Yes. So, Kai is home now. I like this, bunches. It means he is kidnap-able, and also available for any Disastrous shenanigans. If I disappear any more, blame him. Also, look for a tent somewhither close to Livermore.
Shat! What else has happened? It seems like it's been AGES since I've updated this blog (and playlist--I'll do that now, as well as change its auto-play setting to NOTto-play. Er.) and yet.. Nothing's happened. Not really.
Reading everyone's blogs really helps, though, with any funky mindset I get into. Or just for entertainment purposes. Tis very interesting to get a peek into the lives of others, without getting caught up in that stalking business. Very messy stuff, I tell you.

Aw, shat. I must clean up the mess in and about my room. I totally forgot about my attempt at packing earlier.. Well, duty calls.

Love and other indoor sports (such as, you know, scaling mountains of crap that's been around for nine years),
Blue Disastrous

Saturday, May 15, 2010

::Reasons Why::

I have been gone forever. I know this. You know this. The world knows this.
But I have good reason, I swear.
End of the year as an independent study accelerated junior during a period of especially crippling pain from fibro. FUN STUFF.
+Unit 3 of Chemistry
+Unit 4 of Chemistry
+Unit 5 of Chemistry (which is, unfortunately, not an exam unit as usual)
+Community service log mishaps
+PowerPoint summing up my entire life in school thus far
+Obtaining a copy of my transcript
+Obtaining copies of work samples from random classes I don't even know about
+The last bits of the stack of forms for my portfolio
+Resume and cover letter
+Somehow print my (102-page) script when we have no ink for the printer
In three days. THREE DAYS. On top of pain. Or I don't graduate.
I swear, if I make it through this, I am going to throw a party for the IPU (Don't you agree, Du'Pont?).

Blue Disastrous

Friday, May 7, 2010


Woah, I've totally gone missing from my blog, haven't I?
An explanation:
I have Infectious Kyle Disease. There's a no-brainer. It is a mind-controlling thing, I tell you!!
But also, my poor Kai is in the hospital. Again. I hope this doesn't happen EVERY MAY. Seriously. No thanks. Anyway, I have been visiting every day! The last thing I want is for Kai to stare at a wall all day, alone, with nothing to do but sleep. Nyan.

For the next twelve days I shall also be gone. I have a semester of Chemistry. Still. But I swear I'll pull this off.

Also, some more good news--I am on my college's list for the EOP. Yay! While it sounds all suckish and ew-I'm-poor-ish, it really is pretty cool. I can't wait. August 13th, please!

What else is new? A crockpot, my earrings and an obsession over an iPod touch. Yeah..

JULNOWRIMO IS COMING. Who is jumping into insanity?

Love and other indoor sports (like riding the bed in half-dresses),
Blue Disastrous

Sunday, May 2, 2010

::The Good, The Bad, The Ugly::

I think it'll be best to work in reverse.

The Ugly.
Today was a really bad day for my family--us in this house. My brother was set off again. I can't share many other details--as Mum doesn't want anything said, yet--but I really, really hope that he is getting the help he needs now.

The Bad.
I am still sick with the Infectious Kyle Disease. It's like the flu, without the ohmydogI'mgoingtodie! part. I feel bad for Kai--it's been a month now for him. Because of stupid, stupid Saro-chan.
But the excruciating sore throat did not stop me from screaming earlier. Surprisingly.
Now, all of my medications are starting to work less and less. I'm not crippled like I used to be, but it's pretty bad. I am not falling into a pit of despair like I used to, but my thoughts are more bitter than I know they should be. And I still cry for no reason.
I'm hoping the solution is summer.

The Good.
On Friday, I had an appointment with my financial aid counselor at CSUMB. That meant an automatic visit with Kai. But first, the meeting.
My semester bill will look something like this:
Tuition: Something around $2100
Housing: $2720
Meal Plan: $1475
And guess how much the grants will cover? Everything. All I'll need is spending money. That is crazy!! Mum and I were in shock. Still, Mum starts smiling and when I ask, she tells me this is why. It's such a relief.
So, after the meeting, I got to see Kai. Yay! We did what we normally do, our awesome Kai/Blue stuff. Which is a totally weird sentence. Anyway. I checked my email. Who was it?
Said with a dramatic accent, of course.
Kai and I met up with him so I could give him his son's hat (another happy kitty!) and then we just talked. Randomly. On the sidewalk.
Friday was the last day of Script Frenzy. I had 35 pages to write in nine hours. It doesn't sound like much, but it is.. pretty huge.
It was a long struggle.
At exactly 11:58pm, less than two minutes before time was up, I saved my PDF; I HAD REACHED 101 PAGES!!

So that was my exciting.. Friday. Hm. I should get a life.

Love and other indoor sports (monkey-hunting!),
Blue Disastrous