Sunday, May 2, 2010

::The Good, The Bad, The Ugly::

I think it'll be best to work in reverse.

The Ugly.
Today was a really bad day for my family--us in this house. My brother was set off again. I can't share many other details--as Mum doesn't want anything said, yet--but I really, really hope that he is getting the help he needs now.

The Bad.
I am still sick with the Infectious Kyle Disease. It's like the flu, without the ohmydogI'mgoingtodie! part. I feel bad for Kai--it's been a month now for him. Because of stupid, stupid Saro-chan.
But the excruciating sore throat did not stop me from screaming earlier. Surprisingly.
Now, all of my medications are starting to work less and less. I'm not crippled like I used to be, but it's pretty bad. I am not falling into a pit of despair like I used to, but my thoughts are more bitter than I know they should be. And I still cry for no reason.
I'm hoping the solution is summer.

The Good.
On Friday, I had an appointment with my financial aid counselor at CSUMB. That meant an automatic visit with Kai. But first, the meeting.
My semester bill will look something like this:
Tuition: Something around $2100
Housing: $2720
Meal Plan: $1475
And guess how much the grants will cover? Everything. All I'll need is spending money. That is crazy!! Mum and I were in shock. Still, Mum starts smiling and when I ask, she tells me this is why. It's such a relief.
So, after the meeting, I got to see Kai. Yay! We did what we normally do, our awesome Kai/Blue stuff. Which is a totally weird sentence. Anyway. I checked my email. Who was it?
Said with a dramatic accent, of course.
Kai and I met up with him so I could give him his son's hat (another happy kitty!) and then we just talked. Randomly. On the sidewalk.
Friday was the last day of Script Frenzy. I had 35 pages to write in nine hours. It doesn't sound like much, but it is.. pretty huge.
It was a long struggle.
At exactly 11:58pm, less than two minutes before time was up, I saved my PDF; I HAD REACHED 101 PAGES!!

So that was my exciting.. Friday. Hm. I should get a life.

Love and other indoor sports (monkey-hunting!),
Blue Disastrous

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