Saturday, May 15, 2010

::Reasons Why::

I have been gone forever. I know this. You know this. The world knows this.
But I have good reason, I swear.
End of the year as an independent study accelerated junior during a period of especially crippling pain from fibro. FUN STUFF.
+Unit 3 of Chemistry
+Unit 4 of Chemistry
+Unit 5 of Chemistry (which is, unfortunately, not an exam unit as usual)
+Community service log mishaps
+PowerPoint summing up my entire life in school thus far
+Obtaining a copy of my transcript
+Obtaining copies of work samples from random classes I don't even know about
+The last bits of the stack of forms for my portfolio
+Resume and cover letter
+Somehow print my (102-page) script when we have no ink for the printer
In three days. THREE DAYS. On top of pain. Or I don't graduate.
I swear, if I make it through this, I am going to throw a party for the IPU (Don't you agree, Du'Pont?).

Blue Disastrous


  1. You can do it!! Because if you don't you might end up homeless, living in a shopping cart with two wheels with a pet racoon and a tin can band.

    Not that that wouldn't be fun and possibly have perks. Obviously.

  2. Wow you have a lot going on, good luck!
