Wednesday, May 26, 2010

::The River Monster Returns::

Oi! I've been gone so long, it was getting easier and easier to NOT blog! Ahaha how crazy!
So what was the last I'd left everyone at, hm? Ah yes, utter peril, woe-is-me with pain and basically mental chaos.
..Except not the pain, but shh it's all good.
Because I will NOT be homeless yet live in a shopping cart. It appears I can pull off miracles and complete tasks way above average through everything. That's right. I AM GRADUATING ON FRIDAY. And everyone's invited. Just, er, if you're coming, latch onto a kid who looks like they have no people. Because--ho shat!--we're only allowed ten guests. Oopsie.
The unofficial summer break so far has been awesome as oh-possums.
I kidnapped Kai and we took a looong trip to Sacramento to attend my Fetus Buddeh's jazz fest performance. She plays oodles of poodles of brass instruments. She can blow that brass like nobody's business. Sheesh. But eh, she came equipped with suspenders and a trumpet for this performance.
EVERYONE IS SO TALENTED. I swear! You'd think these peoples were like, I dunno, in their fifties as far as experience and skill goes. Mind-blowing. Or, at least it seemed that way to me.
My Fetus Buddeh is awesome as an oh-possum and I love her to bits. And she's going to be playing in another jazz fest soon. The one Molly Ringwald will be at. That lucky batch of cookies. I'd have kittens.
Hmmz. So what else happened?
I cried during my portfolio presentation? And that gave me a better score? These teachers must be Froot Loops. But they're awesome anyway. Though they hijacked my binder and drove it to the desk, where I presume it is right now.
The world may never know. Or, it will perhaps. I'll get back to that tomorrow. Er, today. Geez. It's 1:23am. At least it's fun enough to be in order.
Errr oh. Yes. So, Kai is home now. I like this, bunches. It means he is kidnap-able, and also available for any Disastrous shenanigans. If I disappear any more, blame him. Also, look for a tent somewhither close to Livermore.
Shat! What else has happened? It seems like it's been AGES since I've updated this blog (and playlist--I'll do that now, as well as change its auto-play setting to NOTto-play. Er.) and yet.. Nothing's happened. Not really.
Reading everyone's blogs really helps, though, with any funky mindset I get into. Or just for entertainment purposes. Tis very interesting to get a peek into the lives of others, without getting caught up in that stalking business. Very messy stuff, I tell you.

Aw, shat. I must clean up the mess in and about my room. I totally forgot about my attempt at packing earlier.. Well, duty calls.

Love and other indoor sports (such as, you know, scaling mountains of crap that's been around for nine years),
Blue Disastrous


  1. First off- "Angel With Scabbed Wings" is by far my most favorite Marilyn Manson song ever. AND it's in the #2 spot which is my favorite number. I think this means I need to gamble my last $5 away. Obvi.

    Yay for graduating.

    And no, you never truly graduate high school. You just end up playing with older players and everybody figures out how to lie and generally be douchebags better. ;) Take me- my smart assness has grown exponentially over the last 10 years. And I'm just READY for this reunion in August. Those bitches have no idea what's coming.

  2. And for not shoving away Manson like he's totally vile and unpleasant (er, in a bad way, not his Manson-y way), this makes you cool. Er.
    Sigh. You know, I'll just hop over to Japan. Then, at least, I wouldn't understand the people being jerks. Because I doubt insults and fake-sweetness is taught in any sort of class.
