Tuesday, March 30, 2010

::Pasta Blends with Nothing::

You see, it tries to be Davey while singing 100 Words. And you know it makes sense.

As you know, I have not blogged in a very long time. Why is this, you ask? Why am I sitting in front of the laptop (rather, it sitting on me) nearly all day, every day, and I've not blogged?
Simple. Because I, you see, am lazy. And forgetful.
Basically, I have been feeling like I have the flu (especially yesterday) and of course that affects my brain which goes, "Whee! Ima pretend I go to Hogwarts! And plan a wedding that is still a star away! And build a Mill deck (which is kickass, if I do say so myself--not that I'd play anyone other than Kai, for now)!"
Also, it makes me type many typos and many R's and \'s from my obsessive-compulsive typing. Which is very ridiculous. And not in the "OH HAY, BOGGART" way.
What I am trying to say is, as far as anything of importance in the real world (or semi-real world, actually, which kills that dreadful TV show from ages ago) goes, I've fallen off the face of the Earth. Like, really, gravity has selectively chosen me to not receive its almighty sucking/pulling ima-make-you-this-many-pounds-mwahahahaha powers. I have only done a few hours of schoolwork, I have not updated my blog, I have not been on Facebook (which is actually good, since it's distracting, but bad because I'm keeping up some old friendships there--how bittersweet), and I have not been on top of any of my college stuff.
Which reminds me! Today, as I've started to look back into everything important, I noticed that.. FINALLY CALGRANTS HAS RECEIVED AND KEYED IN MY GPA FORM, YAAAAAAY!!
You may not throw me a party at which you shall serve me Funfetti cake with lavendar buttercream frosting, and you shall lay a fluffy kitty on my lap, as well as a dark crown upon my head and call me your Mistress, as you are now my evil minions who will help me take over the world with my mind-controlling novels.
That is all.
But really, I'm excited about that. And I'm excited to hear back from every financial aid place. I have a 3.5 GPA, which (hopefully) will be higher when I graduate. I thought it was worse. So now I'm really happy.
Also, I am really happy that I got to see Kai on his birthday. He is now 17 (again--NOT THE MOVIE, PLEASE) and it was a happy occasion. Except there was no cake. Why was there no cake? Because he wanted Lucky Charms marshmallow treats and I was going to give them to him! But he didn't even shove one of the emo candles in it to make a wish! Really! What kind of birthday is that, Kai?!
Still, a fun one. We saw How to Train Your Dragon, which was actually very entertaining. It was also in 3D. I'm happy with 3D now. It is no longer the IMA-POP-OUT-AND-GRAB-YOU-OR-STAB-OUT-YOUR-EYE-MWAHAHAHA 3D, but Real3D, which is.. good. I don't like the first-mentioned type of 3D. It is freakish, and no matter how well I know it is fake, it scares me. Me, Blue, the girl who laughs through horror movies. It is very sad.
Sigh. Now, apparently my tummy wants to sing along with the pasta mentioned waaay up there. I do have all of Crash Love stuck in my head. I hated it at first, but now I'm borderline-obsessed. Also, I was temporarily obsessed with the game Imperfect Balance, which is why my eyes are being weird and every word I read or type is falling "off-screen" and bursting into a billion shards of glass.
All right, so! My agenda for the rest of the week is as follows:
+Actually work on cleaning the room. This means leaving my laptop off and instead playing music on my iHome made just for that purpose so I can't get distracted.
+Actually work on schoolwork, and hopefully a lot of it to catch up before..
+..my PLP meeting, which is going to suck because of the fact I have been neglecting my work for VH and French and an un-birthday birthday and somewhat-fake wedding planning. But honestly, they're a lot more fun than wasting hours to get through pointless work that teaches me nothing.
+Get Mum to do what she needs to do for my financial aid process. She knows. She knows.
+Meet with Vince! And do the shoot! And catch up! And not be awkward! We are, after all, twins. And he knows if he tries anything, I shall shout incest and start an epic brawl that I will probably lose. But he is one of the guys that lives by the code of chivalry, which is why I keep him around. I could babble about his awesomeness but it would get very awkward for quite a few people.
+Not hate on the people I hold a grudge against. Which means, at the moment, two girls who do not know when to stop and do not know what boundaries are and who do not understand anger (or they do, and still act how they do to continue making me feel this way, because they know I will never publicly unleash my wrath upon them, and I only ever do see them in public). Though, they both deserve hating, however illogical that is, so I shall continue to hate them and hope I do not see them EVER, EVER again. Unfortunately, I may be stuck with them for a few years. I hope not.
+Absorb more Japanese and French. This does not mean speaking French in Japanese or speaking Japanese in French. How I will keep these as two separate entities remains to be seen.
+Get all other eight to stop crowding me, despite the current anger I just caused by making this known.
+Prepare for Screnzy. That is pretty self-explanatory.
+Learn to prepare more meals so I shall not starve or die from malnutrition in college.
+MAKE EVERYTHING I PROMISED. I am a horrible, horrible person who has been sick and distracted and every other excuse. But the army of fleece kitties is coming, I swear.
+Start sleeping regularly.

Speaking of sleeping regularly, it is nearly three, which is not going to help anything at all. But it is not my fault that the blogs of those I follow are really interesting. It is, however, my fault that I just decided to start reading them at midnight, and also that I have been away so long that I STILL haven't caught up on all the blogs.
Unfortunately for now, this means I must leave. You all must be rolling your eyes or jumping for joy (butt-jumping from your chairs?) that finally this blog is getting wrapped up.
But, instead, I shall make it longer.

That is all.

Love and other indoor sports (like doing the Can-Can while asleep),
Blue Disastrous

P.S. My legs still hurt.

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