Saturday, October 31, 2009

::Phone Blog::

Missing Kick-off parties? Buu. LOIS, Blue Disastrous

Friday, October 30, 2009

::French.. Hamburger Buns?::

Not toast. Huh. How odd.
WOO. Making up for a day of missing blogs. I'm writing in this like a diary. Just.. adding bits and pieces so randomly.
"Kristina, what are you doing with your boyfriend?!"

"Kristina, your dad is going to kill someone!!"

"Kristina, you just got on the Honour Roll!!"

Love and other indoor sports,
Blue Disastrous


Stupid stupid STUPID Claudia taking Carly as a hostage..
ANYGAY, I have a new reader! Apparently. So he said. Let's see.
Bahahaha. This is getting pretty funny at this point.
And so is General Hospital! Carly is going to palm the baby. Just as Dane Cook set it in the stars.
*shivers uncontrollably*
I should be doing some homework, but I'm afraid of my grades.
HAHAHA. Stupid Claudia. This is getting ridiculous.
"She has a hostage, a very pregnant hostage."
Ah, the word "pregnant". I love using it. To describe pauses, that is.
"..That was pregnant."
Gah! I need to make the surprise. Now. And get my "costume" ready. And, er.. Yeah. *facepalm*
What a nice way to show love: Shoot her.

Love and other indoor sprts (like sniping),
Blue Disastrous

::Look Down::

You see, this is what happens when you have a crappy day and try to blog about it by phone.
Sigh. I just got home with my Flex and Lyrica. My best friends.
I wrote another half a page (handwritten only, blah) when I was eating lunch.
We went to the bank, then to La Pinata (with a tilde over the n, duh), then to Mum's insurance place, Sears, JC Penny's, I went to Hot Topic while Mum and Grandma went to Macy's and got basically ignored by Heather, then I went to meet up with them.
As we left, I lingered at the iPod vending machine because I noticed they had the particular iPod dock I have on my Christmas list, and Grandma goes, "You want something from there, Brittany?" I laughed while Mum told her what was in the machine. "Oh," said Grandma, "I thought they were some new drink or something."
Gotta love grandmas.
Well, it's one thing after another with me today.
But I'm getting better now and I'm about to take a Flex.
To writing, General Hospital, and making something for Kai and I for our movie fest tomorrow.

Love and other indoor sports,
Blue Disastrous
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::Just a Quick Update Before Bed::

My first chapter:
4488 words.
20 pages.
Setup and foreshadowing and clues and hints galore.
Weird teachers.
Weird students.
Freak rainstorm.

AAAND zombies to come.
Gotta love it.


Love and other indoor sports,
Blue Disastrous


I'm back!
Miss me?! Hardly. Of course.
So tonight was fairly productive. I added 3087 words to my zombie novel (so far--not done for tonight; I should be at 3334 at LEAST by the end of tonight) so I'm rather proud of myself. Let's hope I can keep this up for my own NaNo (which would actually be NoWriMo if I wanted to be correct--Novel Writing Month, duh) as well as the official NaNo, which I will be writing Metempsychosis for. Two novels in (a little over) one month? It can be done--I hope.
I'm finding it hard to come up with words. I'm sure it'll get better with practice.
Oi! I went to see the Scary Doctor Peoples today. I got prescribed Lyrica. And more PT. So maybe I actually won't become fully disabled in the next few years. That'll be good.
"I smell like.. a kitten."
"No, you smell like a goat."
"*sniffs hair* Oh, yeah, you're right."
"Oy vey, I had a kid."
Sigh. Crazy people.
I should get back to writing.
You know, I'd always wondered how writers were smart enough to know how to tie in all the cryptic clues a good mystery (or complicated-plot) novel has, but then today, as I wove in some of my own cryptic clue threads, it hit me: It's easy because we know what's going to happen. So we can give little tiny clues and then twist them a bit, then totally put them through the wringer to end up with neat little secret hints thrown into the beginning and middle. Foreshadowing, too.
Back to the zombification of my small college town!

Love and other indoor sports,
Blue Disastrous

::Phone Blog::

Well, reader(s), my internet is temporarily down, so it'll be just little phone messages for a bit. LOIS, Blue Disastrous

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Three applications out.
Monterey Bay
San Francisco
So hopefully someone will take me. I'm pretty sure the first two will. Not sure about Frisco. But that's okay, because Monterey is where my heart is.

I wrote 850 words earlier. Then got distracted. I shouldn't have, I know. But buu! Meany. It's all Pandemic 2's fault. I swear.
..Stupid Madagascar.

Love and other indoor sports (like infecting the world),
Blue Disastrous

::I'm a Liar!::

I never did write--much. Instead, I've been creating some wearbles from.. YARN. Hah.
I was going to post some huge, melodramatic thing saying how everyone finds other things more important than me, but whatever because one, it's been that way a while, two, it'd make me seem even more childish, and three.. Well, I've not exactly been there for everyone else for a while, what with sleeping all day.
So I guess I can't complain, really.
Back to scarf.

Love and other indoor sports,
Blue Disastrous


..turned into 20 years of sleep. Yeah. Sorry about that (though I'm sure no one missed me, really, at least not here).
So today, I think, I'm going to start writing a novel. I'm going to go to, pick up the word of the day.. and write. A novel. Not just in's little box and time limit, oh no. I'm going to base a NOVEL off of ONE WORD.
Have I said it enough times yet? Hah!
Wow, Dutchess is afraid of.. a box. She is usually just afraid of living things, but now apparently a box is living too, so she's afraid of it as well.
Okay! Let's see what the word of today is..
Microphone? o_O
Okay.. I can't use that! Let's try another site, like's Word of the Day.
That could work. Okay then, off I go!

Love and other indoor sports,
Blue Disastrous

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

::Phone Blog::

Nap time! LOIS, Blue Disastrous

::Death by Snickers::

"Want Snickers?"
"*tosses and hits her daughter in the elbow*"
"OW! MUM! Death by Snickers!"
"I'm so sorry!"
"You know what this means.."
"You're going to blog about it, aren't you?"

Mum and I, ladies and gentlemen. Another of our crazy conversations--er, shouting:

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire: "Which of these authors wrote the series titled 'Handcuff Secrets?' Was it--"
Mum and I: "REYES!"

We'd have won the million, I tell you!
So, I've discovered I sometimes mouth sentences after speaking them or thoughts, which is a bit.. unfortunate. Hopefully no one other than Mum can read lips. And even then..

Another quote without context:
"Oh hai, Dick Clark."

Love and other indoor sports,
Blue Disastrous


If anyone can think of a lovely idea to help me along with my zombie apocalypse novel, now would be the time to step up. Please? I'm too impatient, and I want to start writing as soon as possible. So thanks. :3

Love and other indoor sports,
Blue Disastrous

::Blue, the POD Person::

Yes! I am going to self-publish. I know that there's a way less chance of being published by a Big Five publisher (or any traditional publish house), but hey, if I can even sell one copy, make one person happy, then that is perfectly fine. Moreso than that, really, because then I'll have done my job as an author.
Now, I know I haven't even written my book yet. Hush. That is coming now.
I will start writing it.. now.

Love and other indoor sports,
Blue Disastrous

Monday, October 26, 2009


Life is dreadfully unfair. For many reasons. But my story now is only to say I've been sick for over a week with something that Mum is convinced is the flu. The normal flu, the one that has actually been proven to kill more people per *enter number of daysmonthsyears*. I've missed so much on-site school that I'm going to have to work my ass off to just get back to where I was.
I vividly remember something that was said that was distinctly funny, but now I can't remember. That's what happens when you sleep through literally two days.
Why are people--characters--on soap operas so naïve? Like Amanda on All My Children, who is literally about to be able to use that phrase, as she believes David will miraculously let her go to her husband if she has ANOTHER one of his demon spawn. And Kristina--ugh! She! Is! So! Stupid! I swear, I could kill her happily (in my perfect soap opera world where I love in my head) and move on with my life on the next beat. She not only stays with her physically, emotionally, mentally, and sexually abusive boyfriend (who is also so controlling and stalker-ish that it's just psycho), who she is convinced just loves her, but she also thinks that if Michael tells his dad that Claudia ordered the hit on him that took a year from Michael's life, their dad will call the police like a good man. Um, yeah, a mob boss who is over-protective of his children? He's not going to call the police. He's going to personally kill his new wife without another thought. Even if she was innocent. Which she's not.
So there was my little rant of the day.
What else? *thinks* Well, Grandma is hoarding all the Halloween candy for the trick-or-treaters, so Mum had to go get two bags of Snickers to make up for our lack of candy. Also, our fridge/freezer died. So now we have no food (except soup and whatnot).
The Harry Potter soundtracks, for all the movies (except the sixth, I don't have that one), are really dramatic. Like you expect every second, something bad is going to happen. It's really intense. I feel on-edge.
Speaking of Harry Potter, I'm on page 572 of the Goblet of Fire (again). And listening to the soundtrack with it makes me want to go back in time to see it in Imax again, when we were in the front row and the theater was FREEZING and it was like we were right in the movie. It was amazing. I can't wait for the seventh book movies. I'm going to dress for them. Hufflepuff all the way! The real question, though, is whether to stick to the real costume (er, from the movies), or to interpret it and make a gothic lolita version. It would be cute, and I'd be more likely to wear it than the real costume (er, parts of it), but it might just look too costume-y.
Ahaha! Introducing Colin! Tis funny. Whenever I think of Colin, I think of a small nine-year-old boy, though even when we first meet him, he is eleven--and always, of course, a year younger than Harry. Which is really hard to believe, since Rowling really makes it sound like he's eternally a nine-year-old.
*facepalm* Oh geez. Dueling Club. Remember Lockhart and Snape dueling? Yeah! It was great. Though the snake that came from it (well, Draco fighting a bit later with Harry) "attacked" a Hufflepuff. I'm really taking notice of what happens to all my Huffies in the books now. And frankly, there aren't enough of them. Though there are a LOT that are Sorted into Hufflepuff every book (well, every book that has Sorting in it).
What's up with everyone thinking Hufflepuff is the wimpy house, anyway? Sure, some of the students in it are wimpy, but they shouldn't tarnish the whole House's reputation. And really, other than that, the only other mention is when Harry meets Draco (not Sally--hah!) in Madame Malkin's and Draco says something like he'd die if he were Sorted into Hufflepuff. And come on, it's Draco--who, in the book, is very sexy, and in the movie becomes somewhat unattractive more and more--can we really trust what he says? No, we can't. Or we shouldn't.
Plus, we have Tonks! Or, we had Tonks.
Sigh. I'm still thinking a lot about which novel I should write for NaNoWriMo. I'm still heavily leaning on Metempsychosis, which is the novel I have in my NaNo profile, but my other ideas are just.. I really wish I could write five novels in one month and not go completely insane. Maybe if I somehow write the first in a week, I can go to the second. Then the second in that week, the third. Then finishing the third in that week, the fourth.. and the fifth squeezed into the last--oh, two days.
Yeah, that's what I'll do.
My order, then:
-Untitled zombie apocalypse novel
-Murder City
-Someone is Awake
-Untitled novel about parallel universes
And then in April will come Tunnels--first the writing, and then the actual filming--for Script Frenzy.
Oh my. Scary-sounding drama.. must be--I was right. The Spiders. From Chamber of Secrets, which, if you couldn't already tell, I've been listening to the whole time.
Anyway, NaNo. Yeah. I need some more characters, and a bit stronger plot for novels 1, 2, and 5. The others each had a short but dedicated period of time of obsession, so those are completely thought-out, though somehow the others have more importance to write first.
I'm kind of excited for Screnzy, though, since I'll actually film Tunnels--though it kind of freaks me out to see that come to life. I still have a scar from the dream it came from, so.. Amped-up scary horror dream on film? And I'm probably going to be playing myself--come on, low-budget film? Yeah. I can't afford to pay good actors who will act like I want them to. The other, like, two characters (not including the mutilated corpses) can be played by friends/my love, since they'll listen to me.. hopefully.
Afterall, Kai hasn't texted me once in writing this. Which has been half an hour. Which was after another half an hour of not hearing from him. So, kinda sad. But he's busy. As always. Oh well.
Not to dwell.
Oh, goody, a plane is kind of crashing on TV. Which is one of my greatest fears, along with elevators and being slowly murdered and Kai dying.
Enough of that--I must bother my teacher for the work I've missed.
And I smell Dublin Iceland's ice. For some reason. Which makes me really, really miss skating.

Love and other indoor sports,
Blue Disastrous

Sunday, October 25, 2009


You know, the gameshow! Well, apparently Kai and I would win. We know each other like.. like we know Manson. Yeah.
Anyway. Quote/conversation sorta without context:
Mum: Well, she'd be happy, but he can't live on that forever.
Me: MUM!!

Love and other indoor sports,
Blue Disastrous

::And Three Hours Later..::

I am back! And the first unit out of six is DONE. If I keep this up, I'll finish the whole course by the end of the week. Next is Econ, yeh? Oh well. Shh.
Oh my dog, my nails are so long.. Bleck. I hate it. They look all icky and I am trying so hard not to bite them. But why not? *shudder* Nevermind.
All the talk of government makes me want to write a novel about a dystopia that has the cover of being way way way too happy and perfect. It could work, right?
Ooh, I'm going to go get some Hello Pandas! And a Coke. Then to Econ, I suppose.
Why is it so hot in here?

Love and other indoor sports,
Blue Disastrous

::Early Morning Once Again::

Just settled into bed with my laptop. My tummy is kinda bugging me, unfortunately--shouldn't have had ice cream. I swear I'm a touch lactose intolerant.
Faiting Spells! By AFI. Tis what's playing now--wait. Song just changed. It's now Straight to Video by MSI--or, rather, a remix. The Nonplus Mix. Remix. Umm, okay? Your beauty's fading! It's f-f-fading!
*shiver twitch*
What interesting happened today? Not much, really. I ended up going to bed at, er, 3:something. On the couch. I woke up to find Mum and Grandma watching Singing in the Rain--well, I'm not sure that was it. It wasn't the real one, but it was about a guy and a girl singing for the movie, except the girl who was supposedly singing wasn't the real singer, and there was a girl in the background so it would look like the first girl WAS the real singer, and at the end BackingSingerGirl and MainSingerGuy fell in love. I was only awake for the last ten minutes or so, so I'm not sure. Plus, it was on DVD. I don't really know why that was relevant, but apparently it was.

Me: Mum, I look like a man.
Mum: You do not! Just pull back your hair--yeah, like that--now see? Less of a man?
Me: ! I thought you said I didn't look like a man!

And this is why I'm still wearing a kitty-ears headband, to pull back my hair to look less like a man. Maybe I should try scowling less, because it just makes me look unnecessarily mean. Though apparently no matter what I look like, Kai still thinks I'm sexy.
But he IS a weirdo. So, really, I don't know WHAT he's thinking.
Into the Fire by Marilyn Manson now. Stupid stomach, SHUT UP.
Okay then, off to Government, which I'm just starting tonight, since I'm a loser who has been putting it off, along with Economics and Chemistry. But they really need to be done. At least--let me check to see when I need to send in the in-progress transcript to my college (Go CSU Monterey Bay Otters!).
So, by 1 February, I need to be at least halfway into all of my remaining classes. Buu. Better get working then, eh?
Enough school talk. Boring as plain pie crust.
OH. One last thing. A quote without context (a concept inspired by Love Always, Clara):

"Goodness, I'm just blowing an artic windstorm, aren't I?"

Okay then! Time to start learning. Wish me luck.

Love and other indoor sports,
Blue Disastrous

Saturday, October 24, 2009


I'm posting like mad and I don't even have any followers. But it is making me feeling better. You know. Writing randomness.
So, anyway, I'm working on English now. And probably annoying the heck out of my teacher, who is cool, but still. I went off into a tangent about how sad it is that I know exactly what is happening on One Life to Live this week.. and every week for the past six months (and before that, every other week for the past, I dunno, ten years?).
It's really sad. Sigh. So, back to work.
I realise I say "so" a LOT. So. Sorry. Tis just a part of me, I suppose.

So, here is my English "paragraph outline", on a topic sentence that I wrote from expanding on the general topic "Clothing":

Paragraph Outline:
Topic sentence: There are a few important things to remember when dressing for a metal concert.
I. First, do not dress to impress anyone.
A. The more chains and leather a person wears, the more he or she blends in with the crowd.
i. ..therefore getting lost..
ii. ..and defeating the purpose trying to look unique and impressive.
B. No one is going to care what anyone else looks like anyway.
i. Everyone is there for the music.
ii. The real metalheads will laugh at anyone trying too hard.
II. Remember which band is playing--and who the enemies are.
A. A person does NOT want to anger the fans.
i. A person wearing a Jonas Brothers shirt at Mayhem Festival is likely to get jumped by several hardcore fans.
ii. A person wearing a "*headlining band" SUCKS!" shirt is also likely to get beaten into a bloody pulp.
B. A person also does NOT want to anger the bands themselves, for the same reasons.
III. Whether wearing band merchandise or not, the most important thing is to dress comfortably--leave the fancy stuff at home.
A. Moshing in hardware such as many belts and metal neck hangings (such as chains, collars, and oversized handcuffs) is NOT fun, it DOES hurt, and it WILL make a person look extremely stupid--later, when they are bloody and brusied.
B. Concerts, especially tours with many bands playing one after another, usually go on for hours.
i. A person does not want to be standing for hours in uncomfortable shoes, a constricting shirt, and pants hanging off their bottoms.
ii. Also, it is unwise to wear something that is either nice (why wear it in the first place?) or has sentimental value, because drunken fans WILL spill beer on it, and zombie moshers WILL bleed on it.
Conclusion: Steer clear from anything you THINK will make people impressed, anything that will anger the crowds (or bands), and articles of clothing that will become more trouble than they are worth--at least for tonight, as tonight, we mosh.

Yeah, it's inconsistant in places (with the "a person", "he/she" and "they", and implied "you" commands). Hush.

Love and other indoor sports,
Blue Disastrous

::Another History Question::

Perhaps the biggest hurdle to the success of Reconstruction was the failure of whites to accept the new position blacks had in this country. Why would they have so much difficulty in accepting them?

Whites not accepting their former slaves becoming citizens? Really? Shocker. You know, seeing as how their "masters", I guess they would be called, had always seen them as pieces of property who were theirs to own--years and years of experience with their own personal slaves. Though I do NOT own any slaves, I would imagine it a bit like dogs suddenly becoming citizens, and suddenly my dog Hashi leaving home and voting and all that. It would be really hard to imagine, and it might even make me mad--my companion, the one who practically OWES me love (since I feed her and house her and all this nice stuff) is leaving me suddenly AND she gets a role in society?! Preposterous! Though I am not saying black people are dogs or any other kind of animal than human, it would kind of be like that. Kind of.

You know, I REALLY need to stop being so chatty in my responses, since I'm going to be graded on this. But whatever. I mean, it breaks my heart to think Hashi would leave me!

Love and other indoor sports,

Blue Disastrous

::Entry One::

Aaand let's start with a rant? Okay, maybe not. I'm new to blogging, so sue me. But someone told me it's a good way of a sort of therapy, or whatever, yeh?
So I'm sitting here. Awake. Duh. Doing some schoolwork--might as well put SOME use into being sick--and then I come across a question.
"What do you think a typical white American thought of Europeans immigrating to America in the time when America was going through so many changes?"
This is the lesson involving freeing black slaves and such.
So I think, gee, lesson. You sure are overgeneralising. Really, that's all history lessons do, right? Only special horrific events are laid out in detail, and then everything else is glossed over and overgeneralised to the point of not being recognisable (er, to those people, I guess, but they can't read their own history, so being recognisable wouldn't be much of a problem.. sorta).
Don't get me wrong, we do learn, us high school students. Those of us who try, at any rate. But just what they want us to. Hm, I smell a conspiracy!
So, in my answer, I go on to rant and rant and rant about how there is no such thing as a "typical white American", or "typical American". And how I can't possibly know, because I wasn't there, and the history books (and, in my case, online lessons) didn't take a poll of what every single white American in that period of time thought of such a thing.
Then I kinda stuck in at the end how they may have thought it was unfair to give many of those pesky immigrants rights when they had only just come to America and the "typical whites" in question had been there for a few generations, and their relatives and not-so-distant ancestors had worked so hard to found the country. And fight in the Revolution. And the Civil War, though that isn't really the founding, but it does tie in with the whole other-races-getting-equal-rights thing. Majorly. And, you know, blood.
In case I do have any readers whatsoever, I'd like to point out that I'll usually be updating my blog late at night (er, early in the morning) like now, and I'm practically half asleep, listening to some weirdo metal. Like Marilyn Manson--and oi, he is metal, it says so right here on my Mayhem Festival shirt. Even though his name is nowhere on here. Shh. I won't tell if you won't.

Love and other indoor sports,
Blue Disastrous