Friday, October 30, 2009


I'm back!
Miss me?! Hardly. Of course.
So tonight was fairly productive. I added 3087 words to my zombie novel (so far--not done for tonight; I should be at 3334 at LEAST by the end of tonight) so I'm rather proud of myself. Let's hope I can keep this up for my own NaNo (which would actually be NoWriMo if I wanted to be correct--Novel Writing Month, duh) as well as the official NaNo, which I will be writing Metempsychosis for. Two novels in (a little over) one month? It can be done--I hope.
I'm finding it hard to come up with words. I'm sure it'll get better with practice.
Oi! I went to see the Scary Doctor Peoples today. I got prescribed Lyrica. And more PT. So maybe I actually won't become fully disabled in the next few years. That'll be good.
"I smell like.. a kitten."
"No, you smell like a goat."
"*sniffs hair* Oh, yeah, you're right."
"Oy vey, I had a kid."
Sigh. Crazy people.
I should get back to writing.
You know, I'd always wondered how writers were smart enough to know how to tie in all the cryptic clues a good mystery (or complicated-plot) novel has, but then today, as I wove in some of my own cryptic clue threads, it hit me: It's easy because we know what's going to happen. So we can give little tiny clues and then twist them a bit, then totally put them through the wringer to end up with neat little secret hints thrown into the beginning and middle. Foreshadowing, too.
Back to the zombification of my small college town!

Love and other indoor sports,
Blue Disastrous

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