Saturday, October 24, 2009

::Entry One::

Aaand let's start with a rant? Okay, maybe not. I'm new to blogging, so sue me. But someone told me it's a good way of a sort of therapy, or whatever, yeh?
So I'm sitting here. Awake. Duh. Doing some schoolwork--might as well put SOME use into being sick--and then I come across a question.
"What do you think a typical white American thought of Europeans immigrating to America in the time when America was going through so many changes?"
This is the lesson involving freeing black slaves and such.
So I think, gee, lesson. You sure are overgeneralising. Really, that's all history lessons do, right? Only special horrific events are laid out in detail, and then everything else is glossed over and overgeneralised to the point of not being recognisable (er, to those people, I guess, but they can't read their own history, so being recognisable wouldn't be much of a problem.. sorta).
Don't get me wrong, we do learn, us high school students. Those of us who try, at any rate. But just what they want us to. Hm, I smell a conspiracy!
So, in my answer, I go on to rant and rant and rant about how there is no such thing as a "typical white American", or "typical American". And how I can't possibly know, because I wasn't there, and the history books (and, in my case, online lessons) didn't take a poll of what every single white American in that period of time thought of such a thing.
Then I kinda stuck in at the end how they may have thought it was unfair to give many of those pesky immigrants rights when they had only just come to America and the "typical whites" in question had been there for a few generations, and their relatives and not-so-distant ancestors had worked so hard to found the country. And fight in the Revolution. And the Civil War, though that isn't really the founding, but it does tie in with the whole other-races-getting-equal-rights thing. Majorly. And, you know, blood.
In case I do have any readers whatsoever, I'd like to point out that I'll usually be updating my blog late at night (er, early in the morning) like now, and I'm practically half asleep, listening to some weirdo metal. Like Marilyn Manson--and oi, he is metal, it says so right here on my Mayhem Festival shirt. Even though his name is nowhere on here. Shh. I won't tell if you won't.

Love and other indoor sports,
Blue Disastrous

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