Sunday, October 25, 2009

::Early Morning Once Again::

Just settled into bed with my laptop. My tummy is kinda bugging me, unfortunately--shouldn't have had ice cream. I swear I'm a touch lactose intolerant.
Faiting Spells! By AFI. Tis what's playing now--wait. Song just changed. It's now Straight to Video by MSI--or, rather, a remix. The Nonplus Mix. Remix. Umm, okay? Your beauty's fading! It's f-f-fading!
*shiver twitch*
What interesting happened today? Not much, really. I ended up going to bed at, er, 3:something. On the couch. I woke up to find Mum and Grandma watching Singing in the Rain--well, I'm not sure that was it. It wasn't the real one, but it was about a guy and a girl singing for the movie, except the girl who was supposedly singing wasn't the real singer, and there was a girl in the background so it would look like the first girl WAS the real singer, and at the end BackingSingerGirl and MainSingerGuy fell in love. I was only awake for the last ten minutes or so, so I'm not sure. Plus, it was on DVD. I don't really know why that was relevant, but apparently it was.

Me: Mum, I look like a man.
Mum: You do not! Just pull back your hair--yeah, like that--now see? Less of a man?
Me: ! I thought you said I didn't look like a man!

And this is why I'm still wearing a kitty-ears headband, to pull back my hair to look less like a man. Maybe I should try scowling less, because it just makes me look unnecessarily mean. Though apparently no matter what I look like, Kai still thinks I'm sexy.
But he IS a weirdo. So, really, I don't know WHAT he's thinking.
Into the Fire by Marilyn Manson now. Stupid stomach, SHUT UP.
Okay then, off to Government, which I'm just starting tonight, since I'm a loser who has been putting it off, along with Economics and Chemistry. But they really need to be done. At least--let me check to see when I need to send in the in-progress transcript to my college (Go CSU Monterey Bay Otters!).
So, by 1 February, I need to be at least halfway into all of my remaining classes. Buu. Better get working then, eh?
Enough school talk. Boring as plain pie crust.
OH. One last thing. A quote without context (a concept inspired by Love Always, Clara):

"Goodness, I'm just blowing an artic windstorm, aren't I?"

Okay then! Time to start learning. Wish me luck.

Love and other indoor sports,
Blue Disastrous

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