Friday, April 16, 2010

::I Need More Music::

Listening to the same 1246 songs gets pretty monotonous. And yes, I did just spend five minutes trying to remember the word "monotonous" due to another brain fail.

There hasn't been much to blog about lately, and that makes me sad. Sad because I am putting out blog entries that aren't quite worthwhile, and sad because my life is, unfortunately, so uneventful that the highlights of a day include finally finding a book to order and doing another unit in English. And that is definitely not okay.

So, today. First off, once more, I slept until around four. This is also not okay. Anyway, at least I woke up to good news. I got mail!
The reason this is so exciting is that I never get mail. I'm not signed up for any memberships at stores or responsible for paying bills or a receiver of magazines or anything, so all of my mail traffic is the occasional bank statement and--WAIT. Now, I am pretty sure I've explained this before. Brain fail two in a matter of eight minutes.
But this wasn't a bank statement telling me what I already know, or anything from my dad. This.. was the best news I've had in a while. My financial aid award letter.
I've received enough grants to pay for nearly the full total for my freshman year. I can't remember if I screamed or cried or was shocked into silence (it was probably some mixture of these) but this is.. amazing. Beyond that, even. I don't have to beg my dad for help, and I don't have to miss out on college altogether. This is.. the biggest thing that will happen, most likely, until graduation. Huge. Duh. Of course. I'm still shocked.
After that, I don't even know what I did until only a few hours ago. I am pretty sure I only sat staring at the piece of paper for a bit, while other things were happening in the background.
Also, my grandma went out to get another Old Lady Bouffant, also known as The Ridiculous Afro (in my head, at least), so Dick Clark came inside. Not just in my room, either, but in the living room. And he ate my mac n cheese, then rested awkwardly half-off my lap.

Okay, then. I just got off on a very different and passionate tangent. I saw, on a photo album of one of my friends', quite an argument. I clicked. The album was of five pictures, each one containing an emo-ish couple. The first picture, one was kissing the other's cheek. The second, the couple was kissing in the rain. Very classic and cute, and dynamic shot on the photography side of it. The third was two just standing close together. The fourth was an embrace, romantic. The fifth was a sketch of a couple kissing, with credits to someone's DevArt account. Okay. So, why the outrage?
Yep. You guessed it. They were gay couples.
(Er, well, the rain one, I couldn't quite tell if the shorter person is male or female.)
Um. Okay? CUTE and NOT OBSCENE pictures in an album these people didn't have to even click on? It just bothers me that the people who commented with such passionate rage said, "I don't hate gays," but that they didn't want to log into Facebook to see "a bunch of dudes making out." Er.. "(Not that I'm anti-gay.)"
I believe there is only one picture there of one couple of questionable sexuality kissing in the rain. There is no groping, no rubbing, no flying tongues. Nothing at all obscene. Nothing out of the realm of what straight couples normally post. Hell, these pictures were way conservative for what I've seen some of my friends post. If this album shouldn't have been posted, neither should any of straight couples.
Sorry about this tangent. It just really, really bothers me that people show so much hatred toward one group of people while smiling and putting up a front of, "I'm totally supportive!" Did we, as a country, not just get out of a period of time that was full of hatred for a group of people because they have a different shade of skin colour?
Just because of a stupid book..

ANYWAY. Woah. Totally went off again. My original idea, writing of some self-discoveries sparked by another of Sara's blog entries, is now seeming like a very, very bad idea. Too much negativity in one entry. Oi. Let me just say that I've got some more evaluation to do, and I have a lot of personal work to get done and even more issues to get through.

And I'm on page eleven of my screenplay.

Love and other indoor sports (like bashing in skulls, of course),
Blue Disastrous


  1. I'm a good influence, I promise! I mean, I don't even drink, smoke or do bad can I be??

    More funny posts coming soon. I'm alone with the kids today which means something will happen. Well, Jack got his leg stuck in the crib and um..yeah. There's a story to that. Check back later. ;)

  2. Oh- check out Envy on the Coast. Another blogger friend of mine got me turned to them and they rock. Their new cd, Low Country, is pretty damn awesome.
