Sunday, April 25, 2010

::OH My Dog::

But not a Big Fuckin' Dog by any means.

Where to begin, where to begin?

Yesteryesterday my mum randomly is like, "I think I want to go to Monterey tomorrow."
And so we went. Obviously--this was a Kai visit. Sadly enough, from 9 to 11, then maybe 3 to 7, we were asleep. It was a truly lazy day.
I do love spending time with Kai, even if we are being crazy weird--especially if we're being crazy weird. And oi! I actually beat him. Yay for a shiny Mill deck!
After a point we just wanted to get out. Get a grilled cheese like a Sim's aspiration gone wrong. Only, there were people in the lobby, so that is where we went after obtaining said grilled cheese. (There were no napkins or paper towels to speak of, so I had to soil the wolves howling on Kai's knees--which totally doesn't sound awkward.)
You know, I'm really getting to like these lobby-people. Today I saw most of the best, and none of the worst. Speaking of, Kelly is very kind. She baked Kai a late-birthday cake. Nyan.
In all of her niceness, and the cake's niceness.. it was Funfetti. And so, the spiteful baker in Blue is moving on.
Yes, Kai, a cake can be made without any cardboard to speak of.
Of course, in this newfound need to learn to bake from scratch comes the rest. I'm adopting Mum's tradition--or Ken and Laura's, more like--which is, basically, to try a new recipe EVERY DAY. MWAHAHA. Yes, love up the evil laughter. Anyway, this is most likely going to lead into planning full menus every two weeks. Just like Mum. And Laura. And Sara.
That said, if anyone has any particularly tasty recipes they'd like to share, it would be appreciated. Printed and cooked, and then appreciated.
On the note of paperful needs, the screenplay is now a few pages longer, thanks to Chuu. Annoyingly, Chuu only likes to send messages shorter than 130 characters, and so Chuu spammed up my email. Ahh, Chuu..
Summer is coming. Quickly. It's scaring the hell out of me. Less than a month, and I'll be done. I hope. I may need to rely on the help of Magical Decision Dime and Magical Empty Weird Tiny Plastic Cup, but at least it'll be over with, nyan?
No. I take that back. Orientation, then Mayhem/Blue's Birthday, and THEN August. Maybe with some form of camping trip or beach B&B stay injected in there. Tis a good plan, nyan?
Garble warble didgeridoo. Yeah, I went there.

Someone please sort out this mind.

Love and other indoor sports (made for you, me and the creepers),
Blue Disastrous


  1. I just bought vintage cookbooks from the library sale. I'm so fucking excited about this because EVERY recipe calls for an unheard of amount of fat. It's going to be awesome. Like there is a cookie recipe with 3 sticks of butter. This is my kind of cooking. :)

  2. Ho shat! That is crazy! ..And yet tasty. When's dinner? XD
    Good idea, I'll see if I can raid some library sales!
