Monday, April 5, 2010

::Thank POODLES::

FINALLY I have caught up on blogs. It has taken that long to get through all the entries to all the blogs I have subscribed to from that one random.. one-week period? Er, the time when I was away from Blogger for a while. Yeah.
But no, I am not the type to just skip over all those entries. I won't ignore the all the work put into blogging, because obviously I blog too, and it means a lot to me when people take the time to read. (Though I'm not sure why, I don't say anything so interesting..)
You know what I find interesting? When I take a break to go to the bathroom, as I am unfortunately a human, and I get back to about six messages with a couple asking where I've gone. I was only gone a minute! Honestly.. Yes, I do love my people. Which is why I'm known for texting back immediately. Weirdness.
Happy Zombie Cria Day! Yesterday, that is. Was. Of course I am sitting here eating my purple Peeps (one has a random eye on its head) and dark chocolate and all. But also, I am enjoying my bright hair.
I would post a picture, but I want to wait for something better than what I currently have. So ha. But it is extremely similar to Jeffree Star's.
..Oh.. my.. dog.. I totally refreshed my Blogger homepage to find a bunch of new entries. Lovely! I shall read them now.


So, I read them. Do I regret it? Yes and no. One particular entry brought up an old issue and while I do think of it often, I do shove it aside and purposely forget it. Now I am not. But moving on.
Saturday was fun. Vince and I walked a long way, first stopping at a field over overgrown bushes and yellow flowers. It was pretty cool, but I was kind of afraid a random creature would pop out and eat me. So on we went, until we got to that one side of Schulte, with the ditch with a "creek" and all those trees and whatnot. Turns out, there were no dead bodies. I was shocked.
We spent a few hours there, experimenting with what I will call "photo art". We both semi-failed, but we did get some good shots out of it.
Anyway, we ended up taking off to the mall when two raccoons scared the artistic vision out of me. So, to the mall! To Hot Topic! To Best Buy! To the World Market!
Only, Mum and Grandma were there. We were not supposed to go anywhere they were, as they were getting Easter surprises. We snuck around like creeps. Vince ended up getting tea (which smelled nasty; I forced him to stay away a bit because it was so bad), and then we decided to leave. Only, Mum was near the entrance. For sure we were going to get caught. So we crouched down, weaving in and out of displays, and darted out the door. Only one of the ladies at the counter saw us.
Right outside we were stopped. Ho. Shat. Before she could say anything, we both started half-shouting, "We didn't steal anything! We didn't steal! We have nothing! We were trying to not be seen by someone! We don't have anything! We didn't steal!" Things like that. Vince even offered we turn out our pockets. Like Snape. Or something.
But then the lady says, "No, I just wanted to know what you got." Gesturing to his tea. Sure, lady. I'm sure that's exactly what you wanted to know. Two dark teens darting out of a store, suspiciously glancing over their shoulders to see if they were being caught (by Mum)? Sure, lady.

Yesterday was interesting. I woke up at a somewhat-normal time. But of course, I immediately felt ridiculously sick, and I fell asleep on the couch right after looking through my Easter basket. Which was awesome, by the way. Stuffed full of socks, dark chocolate, purple Peeps, my traditional Long Ears chocolate bunny, a dark bunny, and my own set of adorable ceramic measuring spoons. And a llama! Another for my family of llamas.
I woke up later to find my Aunt Connie and Erica had just arrived. Yes, I know saying "my Aunt Connie.." should be grammatically incorrect. But I mean they are MINE, so ha. Not just a general "this is my aunt, this is my cousin". Meh, whatever, now I'm just rambling.
Very shortly after, I took a shower while Erica gave everyone haircuts. Then it was my turn. The whole day was consumed by hair stuff, catching up, and watching the Blindside while eating dinner. All in all, a good day. And yes, I am eating the leftovers now! Delicious, tender pork.. Oh! Yum!

It is now five days into Script Frenzy, and I am still on page three. Today, I am supposed to be on page seventeen to be on track. Well, ha! Take that, goal! I am going to feign failure, and come out victorious after all!
Well, I can only hope.
Still, deaths, car crash, Lulu, abusive father, mental scars.. Nearly to the first mention of Adrienne hearing a guiding voice. The story is totally taking on a life of its own, and it is way warped from my original nightmare. It is truly amazing.
As well as the human mind. That is all I shall say about that.

As of now (well, when I post this entry), I shall be whoring my blog. Who wants to follow, ne?

Love and other indoor sports (like.. Paso Doble?),
Blue Disastrous

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