Friday, April 16, 2010

::Mm, Brains, How Tasty..::

Welcome once again to Zombie Blue's blog. Thanks for reading.

Being a mostly-homeschooled childling, I have the freedom to do my work whenever, and the freedom to totally put everything off otherwise. Because I don't have specific times I MUST go do that important paper on Victorian Poetry, I have gotten my sleeping schedule WAY off track. Hence the zombie feeling. Yesterday/today I stayed up twenty-three hours, then took a nap for five and a half. Woo. Still, zombie-like.

So, updates. I have six books to ship out to people requesting them, and I'm waiting for mine. It is really odd, to me, that people like these types of books, but I suppose if my mum has bought them, other people out there can share that taste in books.

I am STILL shocked about my grants. I keep logging into CMS and looking at my Financial Aid page. I feel like I have Jobberknolls flapping about in my tummy. Is it silly to keep checking it? I doubt it would mysteriously vanish..

So, Mr. Toptop the blue laptop had an adventure today. He traveled in the car! On my lap in a small space, but I could tell he was excited. I mean, his battery life actually lasted a lot longer than it usually would.
I decided to go along with my mum and my uncle to his radiation appointment today for the first time, because my grandma had over her sister and an old friend. Eva, Delores and Gladys. Tell me those DON'T sound like stereotypical granny names. Anyway, they were chattering about and laughing like old hens, so, no thank you. I would rather sit out in a car for half an hour to an hour. Which is what Mum, Mr. Toptop and I did.
It was good, I got to write more to my screenplay freely without distraction from the internet. Maybe I should go to Borders or something more often, and not use their wireless internet. Though, books would probably snag me then. Darn. Coffee shop? I can wear all black (wow, such a stretch from what I usually wear, right?) and pretend to be one of those super cool people you see in the movies who appear so untouchable because of their awesomeness, but then they turn out to be the unfortunate, moody, misunderstood people whose lives are only full of bad things..
Um. No. I don't think so.
Anyway, I've written up to the first main point in my screenplay. Finally. It seems to have taken forever. But now is when I need to start really thinking, how can I build up the structure of the plot? How can I neaten it up, and make it have more impact? One thing I need for sure, though, is to know some ways a person can torture herself.
Oh, yeah. Writing this and not being scared? It'll be a ball.

Love and other indoor sports (oh, don't laugh),
Blue Disastrous


  1. ill try my best, you know what i mean

  2. I'm writing a book right now and my brain literally feels fried at this point. I have decided to boycott it for the weekend and start up on Monday.

    Old ladies are hilariously fun. ESPECIALLY if you get them talking about taboo things. :) I work with seniors so I get a kick out of them. AND the other day at Curves I got molested by an old lady who liked my boobs an went on for 5 minutes about how I should appreciate my perky boobs. It was just a very weird situation all together.

  3. Vince--thank you.
    Sara--I wish you luck writing your book! It may take forever to finish (or not) but getting so far is such a huge accomplishment, it's worth it! As far as old ladies, eh, they can be, but at the moment they are stirring up old-lady-drama. Oh dear.
