Monday, April 12, 2010

::Under the Influence!::

Not of drugs, though. Of colourful things. Of cute things. Of fluffy things.
And of books. And fabric. And baking. Oh my dog, I just may explode.
What happened today? Right! It is a Moonday. 月曜日。Yes, I did remember. That bit of Japanese should send a little hint--yes, waking up at 5:45am (after falling asleep around 5) to go to a class that absolutely messes with my mind! Yay! Japanese is pretty cool though. The class was going over particles. Of course, all of us girls already knew it all, and we were doodling on our whiteboards again and idly standing (sitting) by in case we were shot a question.
My whiteboard contained a llama, an invisible orange pink unicorn, a monstrous leech, all of katakana at least once, and a good (new) portion of my script.
And then I was asked a question.
OH SHAT. I had just learned this with Kai. I literally did a face-desk. It really hurt, and it was really loud. Miyu, of course, giggled as usual. Takada-sensei asked if I was all right--as if I were an escaped hippopotamus with rabies wearing a tutu. So I had explained I had just learned all of these prepositional kanji two days ago. And then.. everyone went quiet. More quiet. Meh.
So now they think I'm a kitty-eared, pink-haired, Japanese-genius freak. It's an improvement.
Then a break. Lunch. Wanting to shoot myself after two--TWO--painstakingly long phone conversations with my grandma.
And then Music! Yay! Right?
Wrong. Apparently the school has decided to have a "talent showcase" and OF COURSE Mr. Courtright has made it known that this is mandatory for all of us in his class. WHAT?! What's worse yet, he just gave us sheet music today which we must master by the showcase on the 30th. Excuse me. No. I do not DO Hook's "Minuet", no matter how easy it is. Can't I do Perfectly Flawed? Why not?! Buu.

AAANYWAY, the positives:
+4 more pages of my screenplay today.
+Did not fall asleep in either class.
+Got a lot of compliments on my hair.
+Random urge to work on my ridiculous English course--finished a unit and then some.

So, say yay for the psychotic senior?
Hopefully I can go to the fabric store to make Dexter's neko mimi.
OH YEAH. I totally just remembered a large portion of my day I wanted to say here. So, I've written an 18 Before 18 list, and one of my goals is to read a book a week until then. But I've no money! And no (safe) library! So, I asked my old pal, Sedona, what I should do.
Oh, duh. Paperback Swap.
Double score: people have listed textbooks Kai and I are going to need next semester. For 1 Book Credit? Heck yes.

Love and other indoor sports (like plotting sweet, sweet revenge),
Blue Disastrous

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