Sunday, February 28, 2010

::Alligators and Epic Misspellings::

So I signed up for a mentor on Virtual Hogwarts, which, in my head, isn't so virtual anymore. It is more or less becoming my whole life. And I'm okay with that. My fake-life, which is Lilith's and not mine, is far more fun and far less complicated. Plus, I suspect she will be getting straight O's this term.
I am finding that my emotions are all completely and unnecessarily jumbled. When I should be angry, I'm disappointed. When I should be serene, I am super--no--über--no--HYPER-random and over-the-top crazy. When I should be sad, I am numb. When I should be sympathetic, I am greedily happy. When I should be happy for someone else, I'm either sad or jealous, or some cheap combination of the two. And all of these can happen in the course of a five-minute conversation, or a walk down the hall and out the door.
And the really sad part is, there are probably a lot of weddings ruined by flamingos.
I am also becoming more and more easily distracted. For example, every day I set out to do schoolwork, and end up on random scientific pages or on videos of people adapting songs into their preferred instruments. Or, like now, the random urge to Google "Parkour" for no reason.
It's really very interesting, actually.
Imagine getting attacked and running away off the wall next to you to get around the attacker. And then the look of "HUH?" on his face as you vault or jump or roll away.
Or maybe not that dramatic.
Above all, we must remember that anything is possible. Do with that what you will.

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