Saturday, February 13, 2010


101, get it? Bahh, bad joke. Pichi-pichi piichi. Another bad joke.
So today.. I have.. Chemistry. And I really have to this time. Not just staying on Facebook, lurking like a.. thing that lurks. But I actually have the chat popped out. Take that!
This morning has gone like this:
Wake up. Kitty is laying on my butt. I turn around, he falls off, then climbs onto my tummy. Push kitty off, go to the living room. Discover I cannot sit on the couch as Uncle Larry and Mum are looking for random vegetarian soup recipes online. Sit on the floor. Get cold. Go to room, get sock and Cam's jacket. Go to kitchen. Mum comes in and starts making me pancakes (which were DELICIOUS) and cinnamon sugar for said pancakes. Eat. Grab laptop. Remember to grab glasses for the first time. Go back to living room and sit on the end of the couch (as Uncle Larry is making one of the soups he found online, which is a Thai soup, which has tons of ginger in it, so the house is being über-perfumed with it), open laptop, go to Blogger, start writing, Richard IM's, I write this some more..
Yeah. I so just put a simple morning into tons of words. So ha. I'm preparing for VH, because Sorting is TOMORROW, and Lilith must be in Hufflepuff. Or else.
The air purifier is loud. And Grandma still thinks I'm three. Or not even three. Two. And a half.

Love and other indoor sports (like discovering random cuts on your thumb),
Blue Disastrous

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