Monday, February 22, 2010


I am finding myself more and more annoyed and hate-filled, like I was last time. Also like last time, I am not saying anything. So that's not helping.
Anyway, today was school. Only Takada was sick and we had a sub who knew nothing at all about Japanese, so we basically played around and it was really weird and review-ish. This is after Lytle came out and sternly talked to me for the first time, because L said we could leave after signing in. Nothing was going right.
So, after the strange non-Japanese Japanese class, Mum and I went back into Tracy to kill some time.. then went back to school for my music class.
Today it was actually interesting, and I was very pleased. Though, Courtright tried taking my hat a few times, which is not very nice when you don't want all these amazing musicians seeing your disgusting flat hair.
Alexis and I decided not to work on our normal guitar and bass, instead sitting at the keyboard and trying to trip up our fingers doing scales in a particular way. And then there was the listening to hardcore Japanese metal that was amazing while Courtright wasn't looking. We (Alexis and I) talked the whole time about random Japanese things, from manga to fashion to capsule hotels to dancing squid. It was all rather fun.
Then it was time to go to BN, where I began emailing my aunt about quilting and got help and such. And then, out of nowhere, Zak popped up. So we spent about, hm, an hour writing a basic script and going over different scenarios for said script. We ended up with a twisted short scene where a rabid rabbit--well, I won't get that far. We ARE going to film it, after all.
After that, it was all fun again with the walking and the ranting and the walking and the Sour Patch Kids and the walking and the kitties and the walking.. Did I mention the walking? I swear, by the time we reached Costco we had to have at least walked like five miles. Which is a lot for the both of us.
Aaand then he had to randomly leave again. And then I left.
And here I am, feeling annoyed and not satisfied, yet again.
I am now caught between wanting time to speed up and wanting to just sleep forever and never live a real life again. I feel worthless. Again.
So that's all I have to say about that.
Now, back to figuring out how to do this.. paper.. piecing.. thingy. Either that, or start writing some of the script as a rough draft/proposal. Just have to keep my mind busy is all..

Love and other indoor sports (I've got nothing tonight),
Blue Disastrous

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