Monday, February 1, 2010

::Up Early..::

It sucks, but hey, I like school. So I'm okay.
EPT/ELM scores are up now.
EPT: 159 total score, 4 essay score.
Okay, so not my greatest. I still well passed.
ELM: 72 total score.
That one is better.
So hey, I'm not a dummy after all. And the word "dummy" in itself is dumb anyway because it is.. freakish.
Er.. Yeah.
Kai said he'd wake up to webcam with me while I get ready, but alas, he is not up. I thought not. Who'd want to wake up at 5:30am for not much anyway? Tehe.
Silly rabbit. Trix are for kids.
I must go now, before all my time is up. Time to get ready, that is. Sheesh. I am rather inarticulate. Maybe this is why my EPT wasn't so great. Whoops.

Love and other indoor sports (like professional Urban Decay mekkup application),
Blue Disastrous

BTB:: Anything I spell wrong is on purpose. For the most part. If not, I go and edit immediately after I notice. So ha.


  1. Just as a note, we said we would webcam at 6 after your shower. I normally don't text till after I take my shower. I texted her at the right time and we ended up webcamming :3

  2. Oh, yeah, sure, only comment to correct me..
