Thursday, February 11, 2010


I have not blogged in a while..
Yesterday was my first day back home, er, sorta. I had Japanese class--though Mum wanted to sleep more so I had to miss it. Anyway, I went to my PLP meeting and Niemi and I basically laughed at the joke of school. And then Smith, who was supposedly missing, popped in to give me my Cal Grants GPA form, which I filled out right away and went to take it to Clark, except on the way, I ran into a distraction.
Two distractions.
Alexis and Miyu came from out of nowhere and somehow we started talking of hats (I have another order, wewt! Want one?) and Pokemon (this was when Miyu discovered I had Pokemon Crystal in my bag, and asked in choppish English if she could play--which she did, and she got me two Pokemon as well) and sewing class (which Alexis insisted I'd love) and Nana (which Alexis would not stop talking about).
Nearly half an hour later, I had to sort of rudely cut poor Alexis off because I still hadn't dropped off my form. And then I left. Which was awkward.
So then I went with Mum to the mall, where we ate as we read tons of stuff about pH balancing, which is a pretty good thing if you ask me. Except then we realised we were going to be late to pick up my glasses. They're pretty cool, though it's kinda awkward that they're JLo glasses.
A few hours later, we were home, and I suddenly was inspired to look for my ever-missing Pokemon cards. I looked in all my old board games--even Pokemon Sorry, which was sorry I could not find my cards there. I looked in the stuck bottom dresser drawer. I looked under the nightstand. I even looked under the couch--which is where I found the adapter for my keyboard that has been missing for two and a half years, which made me forget my cards to go play piano for hours.
Later yet I got extremely sick and just.. crashed.
And this morning until now (still happening, however), I've been as sick. Blargh. I really want to play piano again, or waste time looking at cards, but I must do one of two things. Either I can sew all of my hat orders, or I can work on Chemistry.
I think I will drag out the keyboard now.

Love and other indoor sports (like binder-vanishing),
Blue Disastrous

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