Saturday, February 13, 2010

::Post One Hundred!::

Yay! I don't really have much to report, sadly.
Well, except on Facebook (which I once swore I hate but now I always lurk for no good reason) I have found a new friend in an old acquaintance. So that is very good.
Also, I must go retrieve a poison banana for Saro-chan, because he apparently needs to die right now more than usual.
So, I guess that the 25th is Roommate Meet and Greet Night, but no one seems to know if it is just for current residents or ones starting in the fall as well. More investigation shall have to be done on that.
Earlier, Mum and Uncle Larry ran off to the store earlier and brought home two peach yogurts, which are supposed to be for Uncle Larry, but we shall see.. It may be a fight to the death between us. I had to hide eating a peach yogurt that was already in the fridge and no one knew about. Really, it was that sad.
I have nothing else to say really. The only thing I can think about now is how I'm ever going to get enough to pay my housing security deposit so I can actually live somewhere in the fall. Blah. Starving artist, only I'm not selling my art just yet. Well, shat.
I'll do it! I still have like.. a month.. Yeah! Buu, enough whining!
I WILL be there.
I WILL find a way.
I WILL have my cave!
And I WILL.. er.. steal Kai's oven to bake things in!
..And YOU get a humpback whale, and YOU get a humpback whale, and YOU..

Love and other indoor sports (like partying over a hundredth post),
Blue Disastrous

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