Monday, February 1, 2010

::Bubble Bath::

Today went something like this::
5:30am:: Wake up, shower.
5:45am:: Webcam with Kai-koi. Tired Kai-koi is still sexy. Even more so, as I pretend I am the only one to see him in this state. Anyway--get dressed.
6:30am:: Still changing. Can't decide what to wear. Kai-koi is still sexy.
7:00am:: Squeek when I realise I will be late. Sadly say goodbye to Kai-koi. Depart.
8:00am:: Japanese class. Disaster and hilarity ensue.
9:30am:: Crumple into the car.
9:33am:: Receive horrid news. Stress. Falls asleep.
10:50am:: Wake up again. Super pain. Stresses about class.
10:59am:: Decide not to go to class.
11:00am:: Leave school. Mum runs errands. I stay in the car. Texting.
1:00pm:: Return to school. Meet with Mollon. Become embarrassed as all Chemistry knowledge was gone.
2:15pm:: Crumple into the car again.
2:30pm:: Arrive at Banta Elementary School. Hrkk.
2:35pm:: Say hi to Mr. Zopfi, led in by Dustin and Dakota.
2:38pm:: Get discovered by Mrs. Cook. Shat. Get kicked out.
2:39pm:: Say hi to Mrs. Pombo on our way out.
2:40pm:: Leave to go to mall. Go to World Market instead.
2:50pm:: See Jon.

3:00pm:: Wander.
3:30pm:: Meet with Zak. Disaster and hilarity ensues. Including smoothies, duck walks, and many stalker-ish videos that could come back to haunt me.
6:15pm:: Parting. Head toward home.
7:20pm:: Quick run to Safeway.
7:55pm:: Get home. Sits on butt texting and
10:45pm:: Blog.

Tah dah. It was terribly fun. But I miss Kai so so so much. I can't wait for summer. I really can't.

Also, through the hrkking peach tea causes, I have decided I shall get a kitty that looks like a "Momo". And name her Momo.

Love and other indoor sports (pills?!),
Blue Disastrous

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