Tuesday, February 16, 2010

::Almost Wednesday!::

Sadly, I am looking forward to waking up at five in the morning to go to school. Also, I/Lilith have/has Potions class tomorrow. More Hufflepuff House Points!
Things here at home are not the greatest. Still in the thick of a family crisis. I hope we have some good news coming for us.
Hm, now for some random.. stuff..

Okay.. Now that that is over with..
Soon I will begin a new Zoho notebook for my ideas on my mini-series. I finally have a plot! And a story, too. Which is nice. Now I must start writing.. but how much shall I share on my blog?
I just went searching for a random wordcount widget, but then I realised I don't have a set wordcount in mind. So I suppose I'll work on that.
So.. I'll.. start doing something else now..

Love and other indoor sports (like otter ear-cutting),
Blue Disastrous


  1. like otter ear cutting :O
    thats thats thats so mean, i love otters, theyre like terriers that are long and love swimming, dont cut their ears. plus, theyre uber cuuuute

  2. I only meant I was cutting out shapes to become otter ears on my latest hat.. model.. o_O
