Friday, February 12, 2010

::How "Ironic"::

Or, what people say is ironic but is really just.. sad.
"I need to go, I need to get out of here. I feel like I'm going crazy."
That line, most often said by me (literally at least five times a day, in my head or otherwise), was just spoken by my mum. And I wanted to yell out, "WELCOME TO MY LIFE."
Things are just plain crazy over here. It's just.. too much.
I have about six months left. Maybe less, if somehow, I dunno, Kai and I can go on a random summer camping adventure, or something--which is hardly likely. But still! So close to sanity..
So, today I'm supposed to be doing Chemistry, or English, or sewing, but I am feeling quite lazy again.
Oh! I realised that I kinda dropped my To-Do Lists, but I have an even better alternative. Zoho! So, if anyone is interested (who knows, are you nuts?) you can go hither to see what I need to do and which dates are important and for what.. I like having something so readily available to keep me on track.
Oh my dog! My next post (after this one, that is) will be number one hundred! Wewt! It sure did take a while, but I'm there. That's kinda cool. I hope the next hundred entries will be happier, and not so dramatic, and maybe some interesting things will happen so this is less an emo diary and more like a, "Hey! Look! Coolness!"
That is all.

Love and other indoor sports (like.. I've got nothing),
Blue Disastrous

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