Sunday, January 31, 2010


Today was okay. I got angry instead of upset, said some stupid things instead of crying. It felt better after all. Which is sad.
And I took a two-mile walk. I'll share pictures later, I don't feel like getting them all up now..
On my last bitter note, I am NOT "one of the guys", nor do I appreciate broken promises from ANYONE.
So! I am in the mood to cut up some shirts. Cutsews! But maybe not.
HO SHAT. I forgot to sew Miyu's hat. Now I feel bad. Bad Blue!

So. On tomorrow's agenda::

That's what I'm doing. Er, doing and seeing. Er.. I am going to the first two, and seeing the last three for various reasons. I think. Let me ask.
YES. Okay. My world has not shifted again. Good. Now if only we can get this webcam thing worked out.
I really really really want to play piano again.
Also, a random quote for you:
"Woah! Does that dog have a motor?!"

Love and other indoor sports (like hair-attacking),
Blue Disastrous

::Brought to You--::

--by the letters F and U.
Remember, kiddies, that one line in that one song will always be painfully true.


Saturday, January 30, 2010

::Well Then..::

Today wasn't so bad. Instead of finding ease in slipping into sorrow and anger and all that jazz, I purposely made an effort to try to be happy. No, I am not going to be pushover Blue anymore.
Or at least I'll try not to be. I don't want to just go along with whatever to make others happy. But I know that if I want anyone to respect my wishes I can't be naggy and gloomy and all.. wilted..
Wait. I guess I am.. Shh!
Camming with Kai.. ChristoFUR (aka Kurisotofa aka bird who vomits acorns into its nest) is being weird. And ahh yeah.
I have been sewing today. Well, cutting. For Miyu.
OH MY DOG, I just remembered the whole point of this entry.
Apparently there are a lot of things fibro peoples can't handle properly. Let me get the list..
I can't have::
+Dairy products
+Citrus fruits

I need more of::
+St. John's wort
+Magnesium citrate
+Vitamin B-6

SO. That leaves like nothing.
Vegan, much? I can eat.. like a rabbit. And yeah.
Time to look up recipes.
OHMYDOG I want to go to Mayhem Fest this year. On my birthday. It is the closest place they are playing, too, on my birthday.
+Rob Zombie
+Lamb of God
+Five Finger Death Punch
+In This Moment
..are among the huge list of bands playing. COME ON. This one was built for me. Minus Manson. But he played last time so it's okay.
And er.. Hm. Maybe I shall play with mekkups again.
AND I want to dye my hair..
Vote for me?

Pick pick pick!
Love! Happiness! PONIES!!

Love and other indoor sports (like spazzing--yes, it IS a sport),
Blue Disastrous

::Note to Self::

Get Mr. Niemi to double- and triple-check email addresses before telling me to email a nonexistent teacher.
That is all.


Friday, January 29, 2010

::Fifth Post Then..::

Oh dear. I really don't appreciate spammers sending me emails to "Pump up the Whoopee Stick!" when I don't have one.. Okay then..
Oh. Tis 9:11. Reminds me of fire-engine red hair. Manic Panic has a bunch of dyes that glow under blacklight. Better than that boss Zefron poster. I'm thinking Hot Hot Pink, or maybe Atomic Turquoise--except that one doesn't glow. But that would be very cool.
OH YEAH. That's why I suddenly was like, "I want contacts!" Because the glowy hair dye made me think of the contacts that glow under blacklight.. Imagine Blue. With pink hair. That glows under blacklight. And when she opens her eyes, so do they.
On another note, I am pretty sure I am certifiably crazy. Really, truly mental. I think it is a combination of the depression, fibro, boredom, and my extreme talent for being a pushover. Or not so much as that, but wanting to please everyone. I hate saying no.
I am an indecisive pleaser with mental issues. You know what this makes me?
::An actor.



So. Today I have witnessed a new sensation. Well, not new, as I've felt various aspects of this before, but never together.
It feels like my head is swimming, the room is spinning, the ground is shaking, and I am choking. All at once. It is very odd. I have no idea what's done it, as I've had normal doses of everything. I am not high, thanks.
And still I don't havbe the most important email.. because it fails when I try to send mine. And Niemi isn't replying to my Mellon--excuse me, Mollen--issue and--
Who is calling me?
Well, Mr. "Unavailable", I am unavailable to you. I do not accept your calls.
YAY! The shaking is back! Except when writing, especially on the Very Important Japanese Final Mister, I find shaking fun.
And back to the odd feeling.
So, today I went to school, two hours late, only it was okay because it wasn't the real class, just the final (which I passed with a 91--as a result of Japanese-to-English mistakes on Miyu's part and English-to-Japanese mistakes on my part).
Takada-sensei said so. And--
Haven't I already explained this? Yes, I have.
Can you tell how much this thing is affecting me? I swear it's foggy in here..

Love and other indoor sports (like Olympic air-swimming),
Blue Disastrous


Boredom. It strikes.
No one is talking.
Nothing to do.
I can't until someone talks.
No one is talking.


Edit:: This is not an emo post. Just.. very very very bored. And irked.


So far, today isn't too bad. I took the Japanese final, with Miyu looking over my shoulder and giggling and erasing my wrong answers the whole time. She is cute--almost fully living in the "Japanese" stereotype we hold here in America, with cute girls who overact and say everything cutely and bounce around like cute.. things-that-are-cute. Yeah.
Um. Anyway. Now I owe her a hat. And the group of druggies that hang outside Building C were shouting at me to give them all hats. Um. No.
So after my final, I waited for about an hour to give Takada-sensei time to grade my final and update my semester grade. Then I went to the office to request my transcript. That set off a whole chain of events that named me as The Girl Faster Than Liz. Now, this is a really big deal. Liz was thee best student at DCHS before she graduated--and all the teachers talk about her ALL THE TIME. Which makes me really want to meet her..
Anyway. Transcript. Out. Colleges. Mailed. Emails. Sent. Hands. Still twitchy. Bah..
I hope my email doesn't still show up as spam on Mollen's email.. thingy. Yes. Thingy.
Including today, I have eleven days to do a complete semester of Chemistry, which I despise. Because it is online. And not Kirchner.
Yay for being busy!

Love and other indoor sports (it is what it is),
Blue Disastrous

::In Other Words::

Last night=Bad
This morning=Better
Blue=Late for school

Blue Disastrous

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

::Starbucks Box?::

Mum got a package in the mail from Inglewood Forest.. in a Starbucks box. Okay then.
So last night I learned my shoes are not safe anywhere. Specifically, the shoelaces. Shoe-zilla..

So! Today! Yeah, today I had school. I was happy. We learned all the particles Takada-sensei could think of. And officially learned the "sa" category of katakana. After class I was all ready to study with Angie--only she was home sick. Shat. I have two days left. She had better email me..
Anyway, before school--I always take a picture of my barn. Pwetty sky today.
And then also on the way to school is a random mansion. I'll get a better picture sometime, it is totally awesome. It has stone lions and everything.
Blahblahblah, after school--eye appointment. The first thing--click the button when you see the squiggles. Focus on the red balloon. "Okay, I'm going to check your eye pressure now. Look at the green light." And I do.
And a huge burst of air shoots my eye and I am temporarily blind from the shock and sudden drying of my eyes. Buu. And then the girl laughed.
Doctor dude comes in. "Better one, better two?" All that nonsense. And now I'm getting new glasses.. JLO glasses with shinies on the sides. They are pwetty, and I hope I don't look so much more dorky with them.. (Like I did there. Buu. I guess we'll get used to them..)
Then I dropped off Kai's mum's friend's pillow. It was so soft and cuddly.. I hope they like it.
Then to BN!! Except outside. Because I took cover and attacked my eyebrows. Yes. I actually have non-caterpillars. That just sounds creepy. But whatever, I'm happy. Hah.
Very soon after actually entering BN, Zak shows up. Awkward first meeting. But before we knew it, it was very normal. Which was good. Only we didn't know what to do, standing around in the BN Cafe.. So off to Hot Topic.
..We totally saw the video. Blahblahblah, back to BN. Bored. TO JC PENNY'S. Only it was boring. And then the moon popped out to say hello. And the clouds got very.. trippy.

Then, hey, let's go play Rockband at Best Buy. Runrunrun. Playplayplay. Bored. Again. To Target for Icees. Loooong line. And then we got it into our heads that hey, we won't get shot in Tracy at night walking like a mile to Walmart for Pocky, no..
Except then we got side-tracked by Petco. It had fish. And cats. And rabbits. And everything else but ferrets.
Oh! "I think I've seen enough of this catfish for one lifetime."
And then we looked at kitties. Momo!

After roaming about Petco and Petsmart, we went to Walmart (actually, we went to Petco, then Walmart, then Petsmart) to get Pocky. It was a good experience. Minus the almost-getting-hit-by-a-car. And the fear of getting shot, and the fear of dropping my iPod, camera, and phone into traffic.
Our day ended when we found out his mum and sister were at Strings. And.. yeah. Then I went home. Checked email for work, school, or Angie.. Nope.
And I really really really just want summer. That sounds terrible. But I hope, come summer, everything will be okay again. I really do.

Okay.. Randomly, the videos are in opposite order. Oops. So watch them backwards. And ignore my retarded voice. And random talking. And yeah.

Love and other indoor sports (like battling the Death Knot),
Blue Disastrous

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Congrats, Kai, for making Dean's List!

I be very proud.

Blue Disastrous

::Empty With You::

Today wasn't such a good day for pain, as both Kai and I were vexed with our physical situations. But hopefully with sleep we'll both be okay.
I got a lot of new music today.

Alice in Chains--Black Gives Way to Blue
Deftones--White Pony
Orgy--Punk Statik Paranoia
Orgy--Vapor Transmission
The Used--Artwork

Good stuff. Especially when I am studying for Japanese. Which is the class I have tomorrow. Meaning tutoring and maybe the final. Meep. But that is all okay. Because I have cake in the oven. This cake mix was meant for Matt's super-late birthday mega-cupcake. Too bad. I have another reason to celebrate.
"Dear Brittany,
Congratulations on your conditional admission to California State University, Monterey Bay!"
Yes!! Blue wins.
It's not a guaranteed thing, but if I send in all of my stuff (transcript, official registration fee, etc.) and pass all of my classes, I will be going back with Kai in the fall!
And, liek, wooah, I can actually learn something. Which is exciting.
Yay! I am on my way to becoming a--well, whatever requires my major. Integrated Studies Special Major. Also known as the Throw-In-Whatever-The-Hell-You-Want Major. Which, for me, will be a mixed TAT/VPA/MPA. Nice? I think so.
Anyway, I shall stop rambling about this.
My Funfetti is nearly done cooling.
Ohpleaseohpleaseohplease let all of our parents agree on loftie. It is the only thing pulling me through this semester.
And I cannot wait to finally be able to lay with Kai in our own bed.

+Drop off the giant pillow
+Bake Matt his late-as-hell birthday cupcake
+Drop off said cupcake
+Make it to school without keeling over
+Japanese: PAY ATTENTION AND PRACTICE. And this does not mean repeating everything Miyu tells me to. At least when Takada-sensei isn't asking me.
+Study for the Japanese final with Angie on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, if possible
+Take said Japanese final
+Send in transcript to colleges
+Go to eye appointment--do not blind self or stab eyes out before then
+Go to doctor appointment--do not die before then
+Take more pictures
+Get EPT/ELM scores and send them to colleges (unless.. wait, I think I told them to send them on my answer sheet thingy. No. Thingymajigger. There we go..)
+Get permission for loft from Mum

Love and other indoor sports (like fish-hiding),
Blue Disastrous

::Too Many Things To Do::

And yet I am avoiding them all.
I wanted to study Japanese for my final, which may or may not be tomorrow. But instead I got out Skittles and started playing a bunch of random MSI.
Then I convinced myself to listen to my iPod on shuffle to find new songs. And then convinced myself that while I'm waiting to find a good bassline I should check everything.
Email, VH, Blogger, and I even watched the Pocky commercials again (convincing myself it might help my Japanese. Does it? No.) but now.. Nothing.
I have nothing left to check. So I am blogging about nothing. And not paying attention to my music like I am supposed to be/not be. Nope.
And my tummy really hurts because it has decided that I do not hurt enough. Very funny.
Mum took Uncle Larry to CVS to get his prescription of Flexeril, which is what I take. It's funny.
"So.. Brittany.. I don't know if your mom told you, but I have to take.."
"Um, yeah.. About that.. Have you noticed any.."
"Side effects? No."
"You don't get--?"
"Sleepy? No. Dizzy? No."
"Well.. What does it do?"
"Really? You're getting this for arthritis and you don't know what it does?"
Anyway, they aren't back yet. I don't know how hard it is to get back. It's not very easy to even get purposely lost. So come on.
I'm glad that Kai is out of class now. Time to bug him about Japanese.

Love and other indoor sports (like hall racing),
Blue Disastrous

Monday, January 25, 2010

::Fueteru Kuchiberu::

One subject to go before sending in my transcript. I'm excited. The time is coming--the period of waiting for approval by people much older and wiser who do not understand young people at all. But I can't wait! Soon after said approval, I shall be living with Kai. Which is good. Very good.
Anyway, today I went to school. Yay! Japanese, free period, and Music.
Japanese was interesting as usual. We talked about how the commercials in Japan are better than the shows.
Go watch. Or else. The Pocky Mum/Pervvy Fisherman/Zombies will get you.
Anyway, after Takada-sensei and Miyu-san sang this, the rest of the class was pretty good too.
So after class, I asked for the vocab I missed from the two months. Takada-sensei was like, "Hm, a good person to ask would be.. Kumamoto-san." We both lean slant-way around the wall to call her--but she is talking with another teacher. So we wait. Slant-way. We were a totem pole. It was crazy.
But Kumamoto-san did really catch me up. Yay! Final, here I come!
Free period time (which was also Kumamoto-san/Aoi study time). I went to find Niemi, only to find he was not in his office and I had walked into my old Careers class, where everyone shut up and stared at me. Facepalm. So I slunk out of there, embarrassed, to go sit in the car with mum, as it was raining and all the classrooms were full.
But then Niemi quickly opened a window from the last building I passed, leapt half-way out and shouted, "NO. Don't think you're going anywhere, Missy! You can wait in my office." So I went back into the full classroom, fought my way past the solid curtain thing in front of his office door and sat and waited. Waited. Waited. Finally he came in.
I got a stack of House stickers! Er, Hogwarts Houses. I have been labeled a Hufflepuff all day. Even Lytle looked at me oddly.
After the break, I went on over to my music class. I took my final. Easy. A guy who wasn't even in the class took my bass (not Skittles, the class bass) so I was sitting doing nothing for an hour and a half. Whee.
After school Mum took me to the mall, and soon after we arrived, Dustin and co. came by to our huge round table. "What does my name look like in Japanese?"
At least I got in some practice.
Dustin and I walked about the mall a bit. I found an awesome jacket. We ran into his friends. They were really nice.. and I only spoke to them in Japanese. It was funny.
Then I had to leave.
Car ride.
Choco lactose-free milk.
TAH DAH. My lovely day.
I will finish the day with making the lesbo pillow more smooth..
And.. I dunno. Some studying for Japanese. Yay.

..And I really want that loft now.

+Drop off the giant pillow
+Bake Matt his late-as-hell birthday cupcake
+Drop off said cupcake
+Make it to school without keeling over
+Japanese: PAY ATTENTION AND PRACTICE. And this does not mean repeating everything Miyu tells me to. At least when Takada-sensei isn't asking me.
+Study for the Japanese final with Angie on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, if possible
+Take said Japanese final
he final
+Send in transcript to colleges
+Go to eye appointment--do not blind self or stab eyes out before then
+Go to doctor appointment--do not die before then
+Take more pictures
+Get EPT/ELM scores and send them to colleges (unless.. wait, I think I told them to send them on my answer sheet thingy. No. Thingymajigger. There we go..)

Love and other indoor sports (projectile--ftw),
Blue Disastrous

::One More Thing!!::

Lilith Tempest was accepted at Hogwarts!
Read about her Sorting here:

Blue Disastrous


..Nuff said.

Today, I had three things repeating in my mind: "ow ow ow", "loft loft loft", and "lesbopillow lesbopillow lesbopillow".
Does that tell you much about my day?
Good. Because that was all.
Except now it is a bit past one, so it was technically yesterday. My excitement of the day? Mint chip ice cream.
And nothing was picture-worthy.

+Drop off the giant pillow
+Bake Matt his late-as-hell birthday cupcake
+Drop off said cupcake
+Make it to school without keeling over
+Japanese: PAY ATTENTION AND PRACTICE. And this does not mean repeating everything Miyu tells me to. At least when Takada-sensei isn't asking me.
+Study for the Japanese final with Angie on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, if possible
+Take said Japanese final
+Go see Niemi and be afraid of his surprise for me (which I really hope is an acceptable pass for Chemistry--or at least the labs) and also remind him that I need to have my transcript updated and sent to CSUMB and CSUS by Friday. Because I doubt that even though the deadline is the first, they will take it on a Sunday.
+Rush to Music, with my tail between my legs, and mumble some excuse for not practicing bass much (poor Skittles, she hates dust--not Dustin) and ask for the final
+Take said final
+Send in transcript to colleges
+Go to eye appointment--do not blind self or stab eyes out before then
+Take more pictures
+Get EPT/ELM scores and send them to colleges (unless.. wait, I think I told them to send them on my answer sheet thingy. No. Thingymajigger. There we go..)

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some Z's to catch. I have to wake up at 5:30. Yes, a.m. Thanks.

Love and other indoor sport (like hunting and catching floating Z's),
Blue Disastrous

P.S. Loftloftloftloftloftloftloftloftloft~

Saturday, January 23, 2010

::Disgusting Repetition::

Writing, writing, writing.
Schoolwork schoolwork schoolwork.
Writing writing writing.
Carrot, carrot, carrot.
Ice cream ice cream ice cream.
Writing, writing, writing.

Kai leaving, Kai leaving, Kai leaving.

At least I'm really good at writing hiragana and katakana now.
Finished Econ with a 99. Niemi is being freakish again, his head being filled with "sophist argumentation" and whatnot. He's in Malibu with the Debate team. I hope they win. They really are awesome.
Hm, so I woke up this morning first, kitty-less. Or would it be "kittyless"? Or "kittiless"? Something.. The point is, ChristoFUR was not warming my tummy or suffocating me. Second, my mum told me to hurry up and get ready because Grandma and we were going to lunch and grocery shopping.
Third and worst, I woke up to the first day of Kai being gone. I keep feeling the darkness of depression trying to seep in. I'm fighting it.
Fighting, fighting, fighting.
We ended up going to La Pinata, except not, because it needs a ~ over the n and also the La Pinata in our area is La Pin-squiggle-ata 2. Yes, I know the real name for said squiggle, but I just like saying "squiggle", thanks.
Pork, beans, cheese (and some random mild peppers and onions that burned my throat viciously) all wrapped in a too-crispy flour tortilla. Their burritos are huge, I swear.
I didn't really feel up to shopping. I got another hat order from a random waitress, and that made me want to sew--and that made me realise I have no time, as I must first get my school stuff straight to not be an Epic Fail and miss out on a year of college, even though that is where I am supposed to be. But I don't like making things easier, now do I?
I was dropped off.
Listened to the Alternative Music channel on TV. Made a huge list of every artist I heard, which I'd post here if only I had not not-capitalised them.
And I finished Econ. And started the process of disgusting repetition to practice Japanese for my final this week. It really does help.
..This reminds me this was the only picture I took today that means anything. Oh well.
I really miss Kai. It is only his first day back, too. And sadly the mysterious disappearances are beginning, which I'll have to get used to again, without the added pain of darkness. Because that is just stupid.

I have decided to add a new part to my entries. A to-do list. Those are fun, hm?

To-Do List:
+Finish Kai's mum's friend's pillow
+Drop off said pillow
+Bake Matt his late-as-hell birthday cupcake
+Drop off said cupcake
+Make it to school without keeling over
+Japanese: PAY ATTENTION AND PRACTICE. And this does not mean repeating everything Miyu tells me to. At least when Takada-sensei isn't asking me.
+Study for the Japanese final with Angie on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, if possible
+Take said Japanese final
+Go see Niemi and be afraid of his surprise for me (which I really hope is an acceptable pass for Chemistry--or at least the labs) and also remind him that I need to have my transcript updated and sent to CSUMB and CSUS by Friday. Because I doubt that even though the deadline is the first, they will take it on a Sunday.
+Rush to Music, with my tail between my legs, and mumble some excuse for not practicing bass much (poor Skittles, she hates dust--not Dustin) and ask for the final
+Take said final
+Send in transcript to colleges
+Go to eye appointment--do not blind self or stab eyes out before then
+Take more pictures

..It's short, no?

Love and other indoor sports (like extreme kitty Scotch-tape-dancing),
Blue Disastrous

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

::Sad, Lonely, Fantasising of Impaling..::

Me? No, not me. Today I was with Kai. Or, this evening and night. I really can't wait for it to be every night..
Anyway, I guess I'm back to Econ and FASFA, and oh-my-dog-I-have-Japanese-tomorrow.. It's not that I don't like Japanese, because I do, and I can't wait until I am somehow magically fluent in it.. I'm just dreading catching up. And talking to.. whatever her name is. Japanese Two girl, who is also somehow magically fluent even though she is only in her second year. But then again, Miyu is in my class and she just came here from Japan a few months ago. Though.. Angela?.. is American. From what I can see. Or saw. That one time.
Maybe Sheila can be my tutor. She's a kid genius. Wait, that's not fair. She is fourteen. But she is awesome. And she screams at her younger sisters in the morning, "すこし!" Just for the sake of being just a bit Japanese.
Best. Song. Evar.
Moving on now. Time for Econ.
College, here I come.

Love and other indoor sports (like Pokemon battling),
Blue Disastrous

::Non-Stick Surfaces::

Aaand I'm back! Sheesh. Anyway, forward!
So Matt and I went to see Avatar, and cut into the somewhat-front of the line. Which is pictured below. It was, as my grandma says, ridiculous.
After the movie, we went to BN across the parking lot, which was hectic as usual. Which is why I stole a piece of Matt's cookie without his notice. Much. MY COOKIE.
Soon we found out that love does exist in every creature..
..and that, indeed, It DOES Fit.
Exciting, no?! Apparently not, as a random old guy with a random fluffy snickerpoodle glared at our enthusiasm. Sheesh. What a party pooper.
At the end of our visit, we began making faces at our parents, who were talking and talking.. and talking, and talking, and talking..
Migraine faces?

After THAT whole eventful day, I went to spend what was left of the evening with Kai. Except then we got hungry. So, on to Savemart! Where I successfully stole many pictures with my camera that no one heard turning on, and Kai always would make a face at this. Like so.
I think he secretly likes being a supermodel.. What do you think? An awkward self-check-out later, we went back to his house to make our delicious meal.. of chikkin nuggets shaped like dinosaurs. This picture is before the watering hole was added, but you get the idea.
Boredom.. Mistaking Kai's knee for cake.. and then getting a message from Mum telling me it was time to leave. Figures.
Another day, another adventure. I'm not quite sure WHY we went to the Modesto mall.. Was it coming back from Aunt Nancy's on New Year's fiiiirst day? Something like that. It was a fun day, that's all I remember. We got some knock-off Fantasy Belts and Sixlets and Runts from the candy store, where we found these excellent Gummi Red Lobsters.
Later that day, or maybe it was the next day, or some day.. Er, anyway, we got around to watching the Notebook, which successfully made me cry a few times. In this romantic mushy mood, we decided, at Kai's suggestion, to make dinner together. It was amazing, especially for two people who had no clue what they were doing.
You know, that was a really great week. I did get to see Kai a lot, AND get out of the house for once. It also started our obsession with Pokemon cards, and drained my wallet (okay, pocket) of 60$ for said cards. Yes. That is obsession. Constant runs to different Targets and even Krier's for new cards.
Oh, look, he made a new face while we were out and about! Don't give me that look, mister.. That is MY look.
All that week, my mum and I were staying at Aunt Nancy's. Jamie was there too, and she brought her cat, Faith, who seriously had a good kitty attitude. And she too had a drunk picture. Why do all cats start out their photoshoots this way?
Several shots later, I was bored, she was tired. And then Mum and I left to go back home.
So, recently I have applied for a job at Edible Arrangements. The head lady, Luba, emailed me back. I got a mini interview and a training session. It was seriously fun, and in my opinion, that is the best job a teen can get starting out. Yay! I get to save for a car!
And, as usual, I was taking random pictures on the way back. I caught this one, and I'm rather proud of it. The only Photoshopping done was resizing.

Also as usual, my cat has been sneaking into the house increasingly, and he is quite a character. As an added bonus, he doubles as a foot and tummy warmer during the night. Not at the same time, unfortunately.
The 17th was Matt's 17th birthday! Yay! Poor guy, his plans for his birthday were cancelled, so I went to hang out with him the day before. I swear, when we're together hilarity and disaster ensues. Ha, AVPM reference. Anyway, anything serious turns into a joke, and everything that is meant to be funny is made drastically important. Such as this paint can. Matt decided to wrangle it himself. Brave, brave Matt. Does he look like he's joking to you? ..Well, maybe.
The stairwell on Sears' bottom floor, outside in the parking garage that's fit for a horror movie, has become our spot. Talking about our latest news, complaining about rules, and scaring random customers about to go into the store--that's just what we do. While I was contemplating sliding down the rail (again), the birthday boy got some random gold paper from his pocket and made us matching cranes. CRANES. I mean, other than those awesome talented Asians, who can DO that kind of thing? Right, he's adopted Asian. Excuse me.
Before we had to leave, we traipsed on over to the other shopping center, with JC Penny's home store and Cost Plus, World Market. I love going to both of those places, naturally, as random foreign sweets and artifacts intrigue me, and I'm going nutty about preparing to decorate the studio in the summer, which is sadly still many months away.
Much to the JC Penny home store saleslady's annoyance, we sat our butts on every chair we could find. And stayed. It drove her nuts. But this chair was pretty cool. It rocks. Literally.
This picture was an afterthought, as we were both getting tired and wanted to go to the park by his house to do some art (yay for cool, fresh air).
On the way down the double staircase I saw these clocks all over the wall in the back. I NEEDED a picture. the one on the veeery bottom right, the cut-off spokes with mirrors, was the best clock ever. But I decided, at 250$, it wasn't THAT cool.
He is a tree! Or maybe, is he trying to hug air? Super-vegan? Nah. He's a tree.
And at the end of the day, I was dropped off--though Matt wanted to see ChristoFUR. The kitty wasn't too happy. All in all, it was a fun day.
And what have I been doing since then? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Well, that's a lie. I have been working almost non-stop on my Econ work and getting all caught up school-wise so I can send my updated transcript to the colleges. I'm really cutting it close..
And then Kai had to go and get me all into Safecracker. Which took about five or six of my work hours. Since beating the game, twice (my second run time was 1:20!), I haven't been able to concentrate on Econ, and I only have four lessons left. That's a bit annoying.
Then I remembered, HO SHAT, Sorting was upon Virtual Hogwarts. Specifically, my character's class. VH 18, Lilith Tempest has yet to be Sorted. We'll find out Valentine's Day. And she had better be a Hufflepuff.
It's been thundering lately.. Raining, too. That'll sure make the drive to Tracy fun, especially since the car has broken down three or four times in the past two weeks. We could have just bought a whole new car.. But no.
Either way, I get to see Kai. Which is nice.
I am NOT Kate Gosslin.
Oh, look at the time. The ginormous cupcake is done.

Love and other indoor sports (like telling the world about things they don't care about--if that's a sport, I'd win),
Blue Disastrous

::Falling Off::

So, how many days has it been? How many weeks has it been? I haven't kept track.. and I have no clue why I suddenly and randomly forgot all about Blogger. It's really quite weird. And what have I been doing?
Ahh, see, I know EXACTLY why I forgot. It is all Kai's fault. YES, YOU. Because the miracle of school's Winter Break came upon us all and forced him to come back home, much to my delight and Max's agony.
Also, I've been to hang out with Matt a couple of times. Much lobster-ness came about.
Of course, after Tree Day, I'm armed with a camera.. Anything is fair game. Beware the little pink polka-spottied camera of doom.
So sometime around Tree Day, or after, yeah.. Oh. Hello there, I'll try to remain as coherent as possible. Matt and I went to see Avatar. Viewing one!
It was, like, eight in the morning. And the line was HUGE. Not for ticket-buyers.. but for ones who had already bought tickets. That meant us. Buu.

..And here is where I get super tired in the middle of telling my über tale, so now I will go and come back with more awesomeness, pictures included. Sound good? It does to me.

Love and other indoor sports (like Photoshopping 25 pictures and not posting them yet),
Blue Disastrous