Tuesday, January 26, 2010

::Too Many Things To Do::

And yet I am avoiding them all.
I wanted to study Japanese for my final, which may or may not be tomorrow. But instead I got out Skittles and started playing a bunch of random MSI.
Then I convinced myself to listen to my iPod on shuffle to find new songs. And then convinced myself that while I'm waiting to find a good bassline I should check everything.
Email, VH, Blogger, and I even watched the Pocky commercials again (convincing myself it might help my Japanese. Does it? No.) but now.. Nothing.
I have nothing left to check. So I am blogging about nothing. And not paying attention to my music like I am supposed to be/not be. Nope.
And my tummy really hurts because it has decided that I do not hurt enough. Very funny.
Mum took Uncle Larry to CVS to get his prescription of Flexeril, which is what I take. It's funny.
"So.. Brittany.. I don't know if your mom told you, but I have to take.."
"Um, yeah.. About that.. Have you noticed any.."
"Side effects? No."
"You don't get--?"
"Sleepy? No. Dizzy? No."
"Well.. What does it do?"
"Really? You're getting this for arthritis and you don't know what it does?"
Anyway, they aren't back yet. I don't know how hard it is to get back. It's not very easy to even get purposely lost. So come on.
I'm glad that Kai is out of class now. Time to bug him about Japanese.

Love and other indoor sports (like hall racing),
Blue Disastrous

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