Monday, January 25, 2010


..Nuff said.

Today, I had three things repeating in my mind: "ow ow ow", "loft loft loft", and "lesbopillow lesbopillow lesbopillow".
Does that tell you much about my day?
Good. Because that was all.
Except now it is a bit past one, so it was technically yesterday. My excitement of the day? Mint chip ice cream.
And nothing was picture-worthy.

+Drop off the giant pillow
+Bake Matt his late-as-hell birthday cupcake
+Drop off said cupcake
+Make it to school without keeling over
+Japanese: PAY ATTENTION AND PRACTICE. And this does not mean repeating everything Miyu tells me to. At least when Takada-sensei isn't asking me.
+Study for the Japanese final with Angie on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, if possible
+Take said Japanese final
+Go see Niemi and be afraid of his surprise for me (which I really hope is an acceptable pass for Chemistry--or at least the labs) and also remind him that I need to have my transcript updated and sent to CSUMB and CSUS by Friday. Because I doubt that even though the deadline is the first, they will take it on a Sunday.
+Rush to Music, with my tail between my legs, and mumble some excuse for not practicing bass much (poor Skittles, she hates dust--not Dustin) and ask for the final
+Take said final
+Send in transcript to colleges
+Go to eye appointment--do not blind self or stab eyes out before then
+Take more pictures
+Get EPT/ELM scores and send them to colleges (unless.. wait, I think I told them to send them on my answer sheet thingy. No. Thingymajigger. There we go..)

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some Z's to catch. I have to wake up at 5:30. Yes, a.m. Thanks.

Love and other indoor sport (like hunting and catching floating Z's),
Blue Disastrous

P.S. Loftloftloftloftloftloftloftloftloft~

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