Tuesday, January 19, 2010

::Non-Stick Surfaces::

Aaand I'm back! Sheesh. Anyway, forward!
So Matt and I went to see Avatar, and cut into the somewhat-front of the line. Which is pictured below. It was, as my grandma says, ridiculous.
After the movie, we went to BN across the parking lot, which was hectic as usual. Which is why I stole a piece of Matt's cookie without his notice. Much. MY COOKIE.
Soon we found out that love does exist in every creature..
..and that, indeed, It DOES Fit.
Exciting, no?! Apparently not, as a random old guy with a random fluffy snickerpoodle glared at our enthusiasm. Sheesh. What a party pooper.
At the end of our visit, we began making faces at our parents, who were talking and talking.. and talking, and talking, and talking..
Migraine faces?

After THAT whole eventful day, I went to spend what was left of the evening with Kai. Except then we got hungry. So, on to Savemart! Where I successfully stole many pictures with my camera that no one heard turning on, and Kai always would make a face at this. Like so.
I think he secretly likes being a supermodel.. What do you think? An awkward self-check-out later, we went back to his house to make our delicious meal.. of chikkin nuggets shaped like dinosaurs. This picture is before the watering hole was added, but you get the idea.
Boredom.. Mistaking Kai's knee for cake.. and then getting a message from Mum telling me it was time to leave. Figures.
Another day, another adventure. I'm not quite sure WHY we went to the Modesto mall.. Was it coming back from Aunt Nancy's on New Year's fiiiirst day? Something like that. It was a fun day, that's all I remember. We got some knock-off Fantasy Belts and Sixlets and Runts from the candy store, where we found these excellent Gummi Red Lobsters.
Later that day, or maybe it was the next day, or some day.. Er, anyway, we got around to watching the Notebook, which successfully made me cry a few times. In this romantic mushy mood, we decided, at Kai's suggestion, to make dinner together. It was amazing, especially for two people who had no clue what they were doing.
You know, that was a really great week. I did get to see Kai a lot, AND get out of the house for once. It also started our obsession with Pokemon cards, and drained my wallet (okay, pocket) of 60$ for said cards. Yes. That is obsession. Constant runs to different Targets and even Krier's for new cards.
Oh, look, he made a new face while we were out and about! Don't give me that look, mister.. That is MY look.
All that week, my mum and I were staying at Aunt Nancy's. Jamie was there too, and she brought her cat, Faith, who seriously had a good kitty attitude. And she too had a drunk picture. Why do all cats start out their photoshoots this way?
Several shots later, I was bored, she was tired. And then Mum and I left to go back home.
So, recently I have applied for a job at Edible Arrangements. The head lady, Luba, emailed me back. I got a mini interview and a training session. It was seriously fun, and in my opinion, that is the best job a teen can get starting out. Yay! I get to save for a car!
And, as usual, I was taking random pictures on the way back. I caught this one, and I'm rather proud of it. The only Photoshopping done was resizing.

Also as usual, my cat has been sneaking into the house increasingly, and he is quite a character. As an added bonus, he doubles as a foot and tummy warmer during the night. Not at the same time, unfortunately.
The 17th was Matt's 17th birthday! Yay! Poor guy, his plans for his birthday were cancelled, so I went to hang out with him the day before. I swear, when we're together hilarity and disaster ensues. Ha, AVPM reference. Anyway, anything serious turns into a joke, and everything that is meant to be funny is made drastically important. Such as this paint can. Matt decided to wrangle it himself. Brave, brave Matt. Does he look like he's joking to you? ..Well, maybe.
The stairwell on Sears' bottom floor, outside in the parking garage that's fit for a horror movie, has become our spot. Talking about our latest news, complaining about rules, and scaring random customers about to go into the store--that's just what we do. While I was contemplating sliding down the rail (again), the birthday boy got some random gold paper from his pocket and made us matching cranes. CRANES. I mean, other than those awesome talented Asians, who can DO that kind of thing? Right, he's adopted Asian. Excuse me.
Before we had to leave, we traipsed on over to the other shopping center, with JC Penny's home store and Cost Plus, World Market. I love going to both of those places, naturally, as random foreign sweets and artifacts intrigue me, and I'm going nutty about preparing to decorate the studio in the summer, which is sadly still many months away.
Much to the JC Penny home store saleslady's annoyance, we sat our butts on every chair we could find. And stayed. It drove her nuts. But this chair was pretty cool. It rocks. Literally.
This picture was an afterthought, as we were both getting tired and wanted to go to the park by his house to do some art (yay for cool, fresh air).
On the way down the double staircase I saw these clocks all over the wall in the back. I NEEDED a picture. the one on the veeery bottom right, the cut-off spokes with mirrors, was the best clock ever. But I decided, at 250$, it wasn't THAT cool.
He is a tree! Or maybe, is he trying to hug air? Super-vegan? Nah. He's a tree.
And at the end of the day, I was dropped off--though Matt wanted to see ChristoFUR. The kitty wasn't too happy. All in all, it was a fun day.
And what have I been doing since then? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Well, that's a lie. I have been working almost non-stop on my Econ work and getting all caught up school-wise so I can send my updated transcript to the colleges. I'm really cutting it close..
And then Kai had to go and get me all into Safecracker. Which took about five or six of my work hours. Since beating the game, twice (my second run time was 1:20!), I haven't been able to concentrate on Econ, and I only have four lessons left. That's a bit annoying.
Then I remembered, HO SHAT, Sorting was upon Virtual Hogwarts. Specifically, my character's class. VH 18, Lilith Tempest has yet to be Sorted. We'll find out Valentine's Day. And she had better be a Hufflepuff.
It's been thundering lately.. Raining, too. That'll sure make the drive to Tracy fun, especially since the car has broken down three or four times in the past two weeks. We could have just bought a whole new car.. But no.
Either way, I get to see Kai. Which is nice.
I am NOT Kate Gosslin.
Oh, look at the time. The ginormous cupcake is done.

Love and other indoor sports (like telling the world about things they don't care about--if that's a sport, I'd win),
Blue Disastrous

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