Wednesday, January 27, 2010

::Starbucks Box?::

Mum got a package in the mail from Inglewood Forest.. in a Starbucks box. Okay then.
So last night I learned my shoes are not safe anywhere. Specifically, the shoelaces. Shoe-zilla..

So! Today! Yeah, today I had school. I was happy. We learned all the particles Takada-sensei could think of. And officially learned the "sa" category of katakana. After class I was all ready to study with Angie--only she was home sick. Shat. I have two days left. She had better email me..
Anyway, before school--I always take a picture of my barn. Pwetty sky today.
And then also on the way to school is a random mansion. I'll get a better picture sometime, it is totally awesome. It has stone lions and everything.
Blahblahblah, after school--eye appointment. The first thing--click the button when you see the squiggles. Focus on the red balloon. "Okay, I'm going to check your eye pressure now. Look at the green light." And I do.
And a huge burst of air shoots my eye and I am temporarily blind from the shock and sudden drying of my eyes. Buu. And then the girl laughed.
Doctor dude comes in. "Better one, better two?" All that nonsense. And now I'm getting new glasses.. JLO glasses with shinies on the sides. They are pwetty, and I hope I don't look so much more dorky with them.. (Like I did there. Buu. I guess we'll get used to them..)
Then I dropped off Kai's mum's friend's pillow. It was so soft and cuddly.. I hope they like it.
Then to BN!! Except outside. Because I took cover and attacked my eyebrows. Yes. I actually have non-caterpillars. That just sounds creepy. But whatever, I'm happy. Hah.
Very soon after actually entering BN, Zak shows up. Awkward first meeting. But before we knew it, it was very normal. Which was good. Only we didn't know what to do, standing around in the BN Cafe.. So off to Hot Topic.
..We totally saw the video. Blahblahblah, back to BN. Bored. TO JC PENNY'S. Only it was boring. And then the moon popped out to say hello. And the clouds got very.. trippy.

Then, hey, let's go play Rockband at Best Buy. Runrunrun. Playplayplay. Bored. Again. To Target for Icees. Loooong line. And then we got it into our heads that hey, we won't get shot in Tracy at night walking like a mile to Walmart for Pocky, no..
Except then we got side-tracked by Petco. It had fish. And cats. And rabbits. And everything else but ferrets.
Oh! "I think I've seen enough of this catfish for one lifetime."
And then we looked at kitties. Momo!

After roaming about Petco and Petsmart, we went to Walmart (actually, we went to Petco, then Walmart, then Petsmart) to get Pocky. It was a good experience. Minus the almost-getting-hit-by-a-car. And the fear of getting shot, and the fear of dropping my iPod, camera, and phone into traffic.
Our day ended when we found out his mum and sister were at Strings. And.. yeah. Then I went home. Checked email for work, school, or Angie.. Nope.
And I really really really just want summer. That sounds terrible. But I hope, come summer, everything will be okay again. I really do.

Okay.. Randomly, the videos are in opposite order. Oops. So watch them backwards. And ignore my retarded voice. And random talking. And yeah.

Love and other indoor sports (like battling the Death Knot),
Blue Disastrous


  1. lol today was funz. I'm a horrible cameraman tho. :( My fav video is the turtle one. :)
