Friday, January 29, 2010


So. Today I have witnessed a new sensation. Well, not new, as I've felt various aspects of this before, but never together.
It feels like my head is swimming, the room is spinning, the ground is shaking, and I am choking. All at once. It is very odd. I have no idea what's done it, as I've had normal doses of everything. I am not high, thanks.
And still I don't havbe the most important email.. because it fails when I try to send mine. And Niemi isn't replying to my Mellon--excuse me, Mollen--issue and--
Who is calling me?
Well, Mr. "Unavailable", I am unavailable to you. I do not accept your calls.
YAY! The shaking is back! Except when writing, especially on the Very Important Japanese Final Mister, I find shaking fun.
And back to the odd feeling.
So, today I went to school, two hours late, only it was okay because it wasn't the real class, just the final (which I passed with a 91--as a result of Japanese-to-English mistakes on Miyu's part and English-to-Japanese mistakes on my part).
Takada-sensei said so. And--
Haven't I already explained this? Yes, I have.
Can you tell how much this thing is affecting me? I swear it's foggy in here..

Love and other indoor sports (like Olympic air-swimming),
Blue Disastrous

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