Saturday, January 23, 2010

::Disgusting Repetition::

Writing, writing, writing.
Schoolwork schoolwork schoolwork.
Writing writing writing.
Carrot, carrot, carrot.
Ice cream ice cream ice cream.
Writing, writing, writing.

Kai leaving, Kai leaving, Kai leaving.

At least I'm really good at writing hiragana and katakana now.
Finished Econ with a 99. Niemi is being freakish again, his head being filled with "sophist argumentation" and whatnot. He's in Malibu with the Debate team. I hope they win. They really are awesome.
Hm, so I woke up this morning first, kitty-less. Or would it be "kittyless"? Or "kittiless"? Something.. The point is, ChristoFUR was not warming my tummy or suffocating me. Second, my mum told me to hurry up and get ready because Grandma and we were going to lunch and grocery shopping.
Third and worst, I woke up to the first day of Kai being gone. I keep feeling the darkness of depression trying to seep in. I'm fighting it.
Fighting, fighting, fighting.
We ended up going to La Pinata, except not, because it needs a ~ over the n and also the La Pinata in our area is La Pin-squiggle-ata 2. Yes, I know the real name for said squiggle, but I just like saying "squiggle", thanks.
Pork, beans, cheese (and some random mild peppers and onions that burned my throat viciously) all wrapped in a too-crispy flour tortilla. Their burritos are huge, I swear.
I didn't really feel up to shopping. I got another hat order from a random waitress, and that made me want to sew--and that made me realise I have no time, as I must first get my school stuff straight to not be an Epic Fail and miss out on a year of college, even though that is where I am supposed to be. But I don't like making things easier, now do I?
I was dropped off.
Listened to the Alternative Music channel on TV. Made a huge list of every artist I heard, which I'd post here if only I had not not-capitalised them.
And I finished Econ. And started the process of disgusting repetition to practice Japanese for my final this week. It really does help.
..This reminds me this was the only picture I took today that means anything. Oh well.
I really miss Kai. It is only his first day back, too. And sadly the mysterious disappearances are beginning, which I'll have to get used to again, without the added pain of darkness. Because that is just stupid.

I have decided to add a new part to my entries. A to-do list. Those are fun, hm?

To-Do List:
+Finish Kai's mum's friend's pillow
+Drop off said pillow
+Bake Matt his late-as-hell birthday cupcake
+Drop off said cupcake
+Make it to school without keeling over
+Japanese: PAY ATTENTION AND PRACTICE. And this does not mean repeating everything Miyu tells me to. At least when Takada-sensei isn't asking me.
+Study for the Japanese final with Angie on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, if possible
+Take said Japanese final
+Go see Niemi and be afraid of his surprise for me (which I really hope is an acceptable pass for Chemistry--or at least the labs) and also remind him that I need to have my transcript updated and sent to CSUMB and CSUS by Friday. Because I doubt that even though the deadline is the first, they will take it on a Sunday.
+Rush to Music, with my tail between my legs, and mumble some excuse for not practicing bass much (poor Skittles, she hates dust--not Dustin) and ask for the final
+Take said final
+Send in transcript to colleges
+Go to eye appointment--do not blind self or stab eyes out before then
+Take more pictures

..It's short, no?

Love and other indoor sports (like extreme kitty Scotch-tape-dancing),
Blue Disastrous

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