Monday, January 25, 2010

::Fueteru Kuchiberu::

One subject to go before sending in my transcript. I'm excited. The time is coming--the period of waiting for approval by people much older and wiser who do not understand young people at all. But I can't wait! Soon after said approval, I shall be living with Kai. Which is good. Very good.
Anyway, today I went to school. Yay! Japanese, free period, and Music.
Japanese was interesting as usual. We talked about how the commercials in Japan are better than the shows.
Go watch. Or else. The Pocky Mum/Pervvy Fisherman/Zombies will get you.
Anyway, after Takada-sensei and Miyu-san sang this, the rest of the class was pretty good too.
So after class, I asked for the vocab I missed from the two months. Takada-sensei was like, "Hm, a good person to ask would be.. Kumamoto-san." We both lean slant-way around the wall to call her--but she is talking with another teacher. So we wait. Slant-way. We were a totem pole. It was crazy.
But Kumamoto-san did really catch me up. Yay! Final, here I come!
Free period time (which was also Kumamoto-san/Aoi study time). I went to find Niemi, only to find he was not in his office and I had walked into my old Careers class, where everyone shut up and stared at me. Facepalm. So I slunk out of there, embarrassed, to go sit in the car with mum, as it was raining and all the classrooms were full.
But then Niemi quickly opened a window from the last building I passed, leapt half-way out and shouted, "NO. Don't think you're going anywhere, Missy! You can wait in my office." So I went back into the full classroom, fought my way past the solid curtain thing in front of his office door and sat and waited. Waited. Waited. Finally he came in.
I got a stack of House stickers! Er, Hogwarts Houses. I have been labeled a Hufflepuff all day. Even Lytle looked at me oddly.
After the break, I went on over to my music class. I took my final. Easy. A guy who wasn't even in the class took my bass (not Skittles, the class bass) so I was sitting doing nothing for an hour and a half. Whee.
After school Mum took me to the mall, and soon after we arrived, Dustin and co. came by to our huge round table. "What does my name look like in Japanese?"
At least I got in some practice.
Dustin and I walked about the mall a bit. I found an awesome jacket. We ran into his friends. They were really nice.. and I only spoke to them in Japanese. It was funny.
Then I had to leave.
Car ride.
Choco lactose-free milk.
TAH DAH. My lovely day.
I will finish the day with making the lesbo pillow more smooth..
And.. I dunno. Some studying for Japanese. Yay.

..And I really want that loft now.

+Drop off the giant pillow
+Bake Matt his late-as-hell birthday cupcake
+Drop off said cupcake
+Make it to school without keeling over
+Japanese: PAY ATTENTION AND PRACTICE. And this does not mean repeating everything Miyu tells me to. At least when Takada-sensei isn't asking me.
+Study for the Japanese final with Angie on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, if possible
+Take said Japanese final
he final
+Send in transcript to colleges
+Go to eye appointment--do not blind self or stab eyes out before then
+Go to doctor appointment--do not die before then
+Take more pictures
+Get EPT/ELM scores and send them to colleges (unless.. wait, I think I told them to send them on my answer sheet thingy. No. Thingymajigger. There we go..)

Love and other indoor sports (projectile--ftw),
Blue Disastrous

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