Sunday, January 31, 2010


Today was okay. I got angry instead of upset, said some stupid things instead of crying. It felt better after all. Which is sad.
And I took a two-mile walk. I'll share pictures later, I don't feel like getting them all up now..
On my last bitter note, I am NOT "one of the guys", nor do I appreciate broken promises from ANYONE.
So! I am in the mood to cut up some shirts. Cutsews! But maybe not.
HO SHAT. I forgot to sew Miyu's hat. Now I feel bad. Bad Blue!

So. On tomorrow's agenda::

That's what I'm doing. Er, doing and seeing. Er.. I am going to the first two, and seeing the last three for various reasons. I think. Let me ask.
YES. Okay. My world has not shifted again. Good. Now if only we can get this webcam thing worked out.
I really really really want to play piano again.
Also, a random quote for you:
"Woah! Does that dog have a motor?!"

Love and other indoor sports (like hair-attacking),
Blue Disastrous

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