Sunday, November 29, 2009
::Ahaha.. Narrowly Escaped Death::
Saturday, November 28, 2009
::So.. Bright..::
Friday, November 27, 2009
*facepalms and holds it while letting out a long breath*
Harry Potter.
Harry Potter.
Parry Otter.
Need I say anything else?House: HufflepuffCharacter(s): Luna, Snape, Draco, LUPIN, Tonks, and Bellatrix.
Book: Though I've read the first six at least fifteen times each, I've only read Deathly Hallows once (on vacation in Hawaii, which really annoyed my dad when we were supposed to be doing Very Fun Activities starting the day it came out when I was so
disappointed because he AND my cousin, the only other people there with me who
could drive, both fell asleep when they had both promised to take me at midnight
to get it). So I can't quite remember all that happened in the book, except I
know I cried when Lupin died. I cried at all the appropriate parts with Snape. I
cried when I finished the book, since it was over. Done. Finished. Anyway, to
the point.. I'm going to have to say Half-Blood Prince. Though it'll probably be
Deathly Hallows when I get a new copy (as I left my original one at my dad's
house, which was lost when I sort of moved out and he threw out all my
stuff).Movie: Prisoner of Azkaban. Hands down. Lupin-y goodness. I could froth at the mouth.
Quiddich: I'd probably be a Seeker. I'm not coordinated enough to be a Chaser, in complete sync with other people who either will toss a ball at me or will try to keep it away from me. Then I also am not strong enough to be a Beater. And a Keeper? Balls flung at me or in a complete opposite direction? No thanks. But I am good at finding things (must be the Hufflepuff in me--but WHAT THE HELL IS A HUFFLEPUFF?! Mm, AVPM).
I've been re-reading the whole series sans Deathly Hallows for about a month now, one immediately after another. My boyfriend does NOT understand why I'd want to keep reading the same books over and over. I rawr at him, he growls at me. And then I read again. It's lovely.
And here I am, listening to AVPM while having a constant "Snape,
Snape, Severus Snape--DUMBLEDORE!!" stuck in my head from Potter Puppet Pals. I am craving more Harry Potter goodness, and finding not much, I think I'll make some videos. Or something. It would be fun.
And my last comment.. is that I want to learn how to quilt solely to make a Hufflepuff quilt for my dorm room.
So yeah. I am quite a sad being.
Happy Turkey Day! Well. Not. Because now it's Black Friday. Whatever.
Monday, Mum and I went to pick up Kai. We were dropped off at Stoneridge Mall when it opened at ten and picked up at four-thirty? Or maybe just four.
In that time span, we wandered around, discovered Sanrio was gone and in its place is a really yummy sorbet and gelato place. I had chocolate hazelnut gelato and Kai got a freakish mix of cookies and cream and blackberry caberet somethingFrench which was actually kind of good. Not my cup of tea. I mean wine. Yeah, he had tea later too, served by a guy who looked like he was into Kai. Which totally wasn't awkward at all.
And then Kai told Miki to come to the mall. So she did. And then we went around to the other side of the mall, but outside, where she proceeded to smoke a pack of cigarettes and tell us all about her latest failed relationship (when I wanted to go and key his car as much as she wanted to). And then she left for work like right after.
So then Kai and I went back inside and sat on one of the couches randomly lying around the middle of the mall by the perverted show of Santa Claus. Then we got picked up.
And then we went to my Aunt-but-not-really-Aunt Nancy's house. I dunno what happened the rest of the--oooooh. Now I remember. But never you mind. Hah. We basically watched random stuff in the back room.
Then we made the bed and snuggled and slept.
Next day, woke up. Played Wii. Made pizza. Dr. Horrible. Um. What else? I dunno. But more snuggle. Redline. Laughing ourselves silly. Wii again. Kai got tired so more snuggle. He slept. I became Way Too Emotional and was awake all but one hour or so of the night.
Woke up again. Food. Wii. Got dressed. Left Aunt-but-not-really-Aunt Nancy's house. Took Kai Way Out of the Way to meet his sister and hand him over. Then Mum and I drove like two hours to get back home. And we were tired.
Genuine sleep.
Woke up and realised Real-Aunt Connie and Cousin Erica were here. Watched the Purina National Dog Show. We were right. Sadie the Scottish Terrier won Best in Show, her 100th win. We watched random things and then went to go cook for the Thanksgiving Feast we have every year.
Rest of the Family comes over and hilarity ensues. Especially when we watched the home videos of Every Cousin Except Blue as a Young Tyke.
By the way, the Very Random-Looking Capitalisation isn't random at all, it's what I believe to be Important Enough to look like a Very Proper Noun. So regard them all as such. Thanks.
Anyway. Then everyone left. And now I'm very sad. I feel abandoned by everyone.
So I guess I'll go to sleep.
Love and other indoor sports (like searching for pain-killers),
Blue Disastrous
P.S. Why did I completely detail this week thus far? Because I felt like it. The only two people who ever read it are my follwers, and even then, that's Very Exremely Iffy. The only proof I have is my one comment. And then Kai saying he reads them. But I dunno that for sure.
P.P.S. I had a dream there was a tornado, but we had to drive to this shelter place, and outside of it we had to watch an Adam Lambert video and then Skype with him while he asked us a trivia question about his personal life. Which we didn't know, so we were locked outside. And we got back in the car, where the tornado picked us up. And there was a cow there. In the tornado, not the car.
P.P.P.S. Really, goodnight now.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
::Who Cares?::
Or cleaning?
Or uploading pictures onto a photography account?
Or spending time here instead of nowhere at all?
Or controlling lutz landings?
Or.. anything?
Certainly.. me. That's very unfortunate.
So, today started off badly. Because I woke up from an amazing dream which can't happen in real life because, I dunno, I guess my mum doesn't trust me.
But whatever, yeah?
I hope it'll get better.
I really wish I could do what James did--that turkey. He left the place that was keeping him down when he just wanted to be happy. James, I admire you for leaving.
Of course, I don't have a job. And I'm having issues with Etsy. Facekeyboard.
I guess today is an all-around icky day. Only Lyn-z is really helping the matter. Thank you, Fetus Buddeh.
I'm going to go scout out some pudding. That'll help too.
Love and other indoor sports (like dynamite),
Blue Disastrous
Saturday, November 21, 2009
::Oh. My. Cod.::
Yes, we are watching Cat in the Hat. Thing One and Thing Two have just arrived. I hate the Things.
The Cat keeps saying "OH YEAH!!" It's like he's the Kool-Aid Man or something! It's ridiculous!
Well.. I would like a metal crab lock. Er. A lock that looks like a crab, not a lock FOR a crab. Though I am a Cancer. But I don't have cancer. I think.
So, earlier I took a walk down Memory Lane when I told Kai that I finished off my dinner burrito with a bite as big as my palm, a bite pulled off because I have a befitting Bergman mouth. And by the by, my best friend is looking for some cat food. I'm not quite sure he has the best taste in dinners.
Anyway, when I was a wee lass of three or two, my best friend was not the one searching for cat food. No, other than my Fetus Buddeh, I stuck to my older brothers, especially Ken. This, of course, led to me thinking at one point that I, too, was a boy. Though I didn't quite understand why boys did what they did in the bathroom, as toilets are concerned.
Ah, yes, I do remember hating wearing dresses (a thing that carries on today, with rare exceptions). I remember bringing in sticks and looking for snakes, and then playing with my brother's when he started breeding them. I remember the inappropriate-for-the-dinnertable contests we had, and the spanking I got when I imitated my brothers' colourful language. And then, of course, was when my love of horror movies and fascination with blood was brought on.
Which brings me right back to today, as I look at my picture that's displayed on the coffeetable. I was a model at four. I went from that sweet (yeah, right) little girl to, well, whatever I am now. At the moment, I'm wondering whether I can make use of the leftover blood I have stored in my room.
Ooh! Look at this living room! Why, it's clean! This is.. shocking.. to say the least.
OM NOM NOM NOM. Dr. Pepper Cherry, anyone?
OH NO. The monkey is NOT GONE. Stupid monkey, leave!!
Or I shall be forced to perform Super Ninja Voodoo on you.
Let's see what the People think. GOOGLE-ing NOW.
As a friend from waaay long ago is eating the wings off of live birds.
Bah, people only look for lyrics starting with "I think". BORING.
Let's see what the People want to know how to do, then.
Sigh, sigh. Even more boring things. No fun anymore, I swear!
Merry Cheesecake, everyone.
Love and other indoor sports (like conning a ferret),
Blue Disastrous
Thursday, November 19, 2009
::More Doctors, Oh I'm SO Excited!::
Oh well, I really am excited--for next week. Next week nearly everyone in America has the week (or at least a few days, come on) off for Turkey Day! Which is Thanksgiving. Duh. Come on people, you all know that.
For Monday something special is planned, but I won't write about it until after the matter, since I'm not sure if it really will happen. Though I do hope so.
Then, right after that (or the next day..) Mum and I are going to get Kai and bring him here to be plumped up with an assortment of foods on Thanksgiving, though he'll probably only eat like.. turkey.. salad.. olives.. bread.. apple cider.. I guess I can make something this year, just so he can have more to eat. RAW POTATOES. Nahh, but it'll be nice. (Hear that, Kai?)
Yes, yes, I'm excited--gah. Be right back, gotta take ze pills.
*trots off*
I am back. Feeling, still, excited.
AND I have almost double the views on my kitty hats this morning.
This calls for more sewing, since I have tons of new fabric.
About one more hour now and I should get up and shower to go to my doctor. Team of. Team of doctors. Like that isn't weird at all.
Mutilation is the most sincere form of flattery.
You know, I'd have to agree. If someone loves you enough to totally butcher something thatris specifically yours, then I'd say they're pretty obsessed. Good, right? Well, no, maybe not.
And then you throw in a random guitar solo and the whole world turns right on upsidedown.
YES, THANK YOU BLOGGER FOR AUTOSAVE. *hugs the site like a maniac*
Internet Explorer stopped working and closed my page and I thought I had lost all of this. I freaked out.
But now I'm much better. *sobs*
And now I'll go before any other mishaps come about.
Love and other indoor sport (due to the saturnine days of life),
Blue Disastrous
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
::They Said Hell's Not Hot::
So! Rawr!
I blame my total lack of blogging on HISTORY. Yes. Or maybe myself, for putting off my work at the beginning of the year.
I've been doing tons of stupid History for the past *enter number of days since I've last blogged here* days because for some reason I'm crazy and want to go to college a year early. NO WAY.
It's like I've never said that before.
History and sometimes writing along with going out to school and doctors' appointments and physical therapy have made me forget to write out what's happened in a day.. for some reason.
And now I don't have anything to say. And I'm going on and on and on about nothing, really.
Okay. So last night I saw a commercial for, I dunno, some brand of shoes that I wasn't paying attention to.. because I was so caught up on the first part of the commercial. Which was a long time zoomed in on breasts.. so of course I think it must be, you know, likera bra commercial or something. But there was an odd "Valley Girl" voice saying something hateful about someone else..
And then the real narrator goes, "Make your boobs jealous by wearing shoes that will make your butt look better."
On Sunday my mum took Grandma and I to the Harvest Festival. It's really fun. There are tons of booths where people sell their products, mostly handmade things (duh). And then there are booths where people are selling food or drink--and of course they give out samples. It's great--walking through the aisles looking at jewelry or clothes or random things while eating beef jerky, soup, pie, drinking coffees with random flavours..
I really wish they'd sell their food in meals. Like the soup people. I'd have much rather eaten their soup than the chikkin* and cheese quesadilla at one of the food places by the stage. Bleh. Super expensive crap. That's what it is.
Anyway, that day was fun, even though I had no money to shop with. Grandma got me a Snickers caramel apple. Yummy.
And now I have my mum's biiig laptop on my lap, and I'm trying to uninstall things. It's hot. No, really, my legs are burning!
So, er, I guess I'll just, erm, stamp "BLOG" onto my left hand and hopefully then I'll remember to write and not just come up with random events from the past that I can barely remember (bad memories are only for elders? PAH!!).
Love and other indoor sports (like leg roasting),
Blue Disastrous
Thursday, November 12, 2009
::No Phone::
So, I have no phone at the moment. Which is what I just said.
It appears my brain is on the fritz again.
And I must write! Buu!
Um. What else?
Ah, German seems somewhat easy..
"Unter" is "under", stuff like that. I mean, not all words are like that, but yeah. On the way to becoming a polyglot! Tehe.
Yeah. A certain someone makes me want to visit Switzerland.. meaning, to get along well enough, I'd have to learn basic German or French. German is easier, in my opinion (after learning a bit of Norwegian, which is closer to German than French).
And yeah. Ramble ramble ramble..
Mail is here.
Love and other indoor sports (like sifting through letters),
Blue Disastrous
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
::No School!::
So I shall be cramming for my Hiragana test.
And more History.
And yeah.
I don't know whether I've given up on NaNo or not. I mean, I don't want to. But I somehow can't get words out. It's frustrating.
And now I'm behind by four thousand words again.
I should go see Matt today. But out somewhere, like the mall. Yeah! That's it!
I think I'll go do stuff now.
So, er. Later.
Love and other indoor sports (like improvising),
Blue Disastrous
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
::I Sense Death is Drawing Near::
Don't worry.
Just a little Death.
Anyway, in the meantime, while I wait for said Death, I really am not getting anywhere with writing my novel. I swear, I write more in my blog than novel. It's pretty sad.
Erm. I baked brownies tonight.
I'm almost done with Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
My hands look tiny.
My hair is still black.
Okay then.
Death. I hope for it.
Love and other indoor sports (like waiting expectantly),
Blue Disastrous
P.S. I'm not being emo. It's a very true thing that I hope for. It's not what you think.
Monday, November 9, 2009
::Tree Day List?::
So I've made mine.
15 items.
I felt bad until I realised one, it was the shortest list of my family (because usually Grandma bugs us to add more) and two, most things are common things (such as any Moleskine notebooks--they're addictive!).
So yeah.
But as long as I've Kai with me, I'll have a great Tree Day.
Love and other indoor sports (like scavenging for ideas),
Blue Disastrous
::It Occurs to Me..::
You know.
I think the root of all my problems has really been this: I have not gotten any good mail in quite some time.
A postcard here, a bank statement there, but other than that, I've gotten no mail! Whaaaaat?!
I think I shall order myself something (like, I dunno, maybe a couple of books, or, er, YARN) and then, of course, colleges should be getting back to me soon..
And then I need to get pictures of hats up on Etsy and such and get some orders, and I'd love to get them through mail..
Mail! See? Mail is life. Yes.
No, no, maybe not.
But! Connecting with some friends I haven't spent time with in a while is certainly nice.
If we could only find a theater..
Anyway! Yes, so, I shall hop on that right now. Er, you know, getting a life and such. You know how things are.
Maybe I'll catch a shower too, right after dinner.
Which is ready now.
And Mum told me her two secrets to spaghetti sauce which are:
Do you really think I'd tell you?!
Now, if you'll excuse me, I've a pint of fake blood to play with.
Love and other indoor sports (like spattering blood),
Blue Disastrous
Sunday, November 8, 2009
::S-so C-cold..::
It is very cold here in somewhat-sunny California this morning.
I woke up and was very sad to find my Kai wasn't next to me. Then I considered whether I should leave my warm bed or not.
But I did (oh, how I despise being human), and shortly after, I discovered my blueberry foaming hand soap is like a thick, blue mousse.
"Oh, hunny, you like some moouuse?"
"Erm, mouse?"
"Yes, some moouuse?"
"Erm.. *asks someone next to her quietly what the lady said, but isn't answered* Excuse me?"
"Hunny, you like moouuse? Mouse, in your hair, moouuse?"
"*angrily* That's what I sayyy."
Ah, silly, cute Asian hairdressers with strong accents. Aren't they adorable?
Yes! We have a new fridge.
And I finally caught up on my official NaNoWriMo wordcount last night (though now I'm behind again)!
Metempsychosis is dead. Well, not really dead, but..
I much prefer zombies to crazy reincarnated incest. Though that, too, is amazing in its own respects.
So! I have decided that I want to work at JMP Creative. Mhm. Go watch the Travel Channel if you want to know why.
I had something important to say but I can't remember. That happens a lot.
Usually Alzheimer's doesn't come on until, er, 60 or 70 years old? Rarely even 50, at that. So what's wrong with me?!
I really want to read Harry Potter. But I should write.
OH. Zombie walk. This is what it was.
I still want to plan one. Really. I really, really would like one.
So, er, yeah.
It only occured to me a few days ago that "er" and "erm", said with an English accent, sounds like our "uh" and "um". Now, really, I knew I was dumb, but not that dumb. Oh well. It's growing on me, I suppose.
NOW. Off to add more things to my Amazon Wishlist, which is filling up super quickly.
Let the procrastination begin..
Love and other indoor sports (like ignoring responsibilities while chomping on a cupcake),
Blue Disastrous
Lookie my lovely NaNo Widget! >w<
Saturday, November 7, 2009
::A Quick Account of the Day::
Took a shower.
Got dressed.
Skip a few steps.
Took the SAT.
Skip a few more steps.
New fridge came.
Watched Flashforward, Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, and Castle episodes I'd missed by sleeping other nights.
Pulled out some hair due to frustration with pain, causing more pain.
Got mad at self.
Skip a few more steps.
Write blog.
Love and other indoor sports (like anguish),
Blue Disastrous
Friday, November 6, 2009
::Oh No, I Gone Done Wronged Myself..::
Mum is out. She's at the store buying stew and cupcakes and garlic bread. If I catch her in time with my text, she'll bring home some Otter Pops for my throat.
I'm still sick with the flu-ish thing! Wewt!
Anyway, can anyone tell me who I imitated in my title?
That's right. Bruce. Well, the bee. Mayor Bee, Mayor Bee!
Ooh, I haven't sewn in a while. You know, all, with Christmastime coming up and all, now would be the perfect time to place some orders for some snuggly kitty hats! I have some new colours and prints; just drop me a line if you or a friend is interested!
..Oh. I'm vury behind in my novels. As in, over 20,000 words behind. Plus I need to be doing History. Oh, but I'm still reading..
Shh. It'll all be okay.
Love and other indoor sports (such as cloning yourself to get a hundred tasks done at once),
Blue Disastrous
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
::Aaand That Is Why You Have the Little Cup::
So anyway. I'm not dead. Just.. busy.
I need to finish two courses and two big English papers by 14 December, as well as take the SAT, learn a month's worth of Japanese by Monday, and finish two novels (those by 30 November).
So I'm a little screwed.
And I hate Facebook.
Love and other indoor sports (like cramming for school),
Blue Disastrous
::Zombie Walk::
So, get ready for that.
My official wordcount for NaNoWriMo for yesterday was 7560.
My unofficial wordcount for NaNoWriMo for yesterday was 12048.
I'm very sorely behind.
My official wordcount should have been 11669.
My unofficial wordcount should have been 15003.
But no. Because I fail.
I am 1328 words behind on Metempsychosis and 1627 words behind on Don't Say the Zed-Word.
And 2995 and 3294 words behind, respectively, as of today.
So as I ramble this nonsensical complaint to you, answer me this; why on Earth am I not writing two novels furiously right now?
Because, you see, I have school today and I must get up in four hours.
Tah tah.
Love and other indoor sports (like foaming at the mouth),
Blue Disastrous
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
I want to make a Hufflepuff quilt. And I shall!
I promise.
Now back to writing.
By the by, I've added 649 words to Don't Say the Zed-Word.
So that's good.
Love and other indoor sports (like Olympic Hair-Pulling-Out),
Blue Disastrous
Jayne, KD, Mishi, Luci, Gabrielle, Dustin..
And yet I am procrastinating like there's no--no, I'm procrastinating like there IS a tomorrow. And many tomorrows after that.
"Happy Pony is on. And I'm not missing happy pony."
Oh no. Because missing Happy Pony is like ripping sunshine from the world. We would all freeze and die.
Which is quite how I prefer the world, now that I think about it.
Apocalypse by Lack of Happy Pony.
Death by Snickers.
Psychiatrists on To-Do Lists.
I could go on forever and ever.
Jeg forstår du danser.
Og jeg danser.
I'm going crazy, you know.
I suppose I should write the first attack on the school in Don't Say the Zed-Word.
And the arrival to the school in Metempsychosis.
I really like fantastical boarding schools, don't I?
Another excerpt:
The door swung open to reveal a very sloppy-looking Amber--her hair swept up
into a sloppy bun piled on top of her head, a very baggy tee and sweatpants
thrown on as comfy PJ's. Her face was white, but angry. "What the hell do you
losers want?" she spat at us."We.. heard screams.." came Nat's weak reply. Amber huffed at us as the other girls of the hall tucked their curious faces back into their rooms.
"Well, yeah, there's a spider in my bed," she said, as if that were a perfectly logical explanation for horrid screams that seemed like someone was being murdered. I glared at her.
"So you mean to tell us that you woke us all up because a spider is in there? Not some freakish serial killer?" demanded Nat.
Amber crossed her bony arms."Yeah. What's your point?""My point," I interjected, "is that next time I hear a peep out of you, there had better be a damn serial killer in there."
So, thar it is.
And a quote without context:
So. Cold ice is cold. Busy Kai is busy. Estoopid Llama is estoopid (but amazing :3). In-love Dustin is in-love.
Well, I shall not say, for this is the internetz, and who knows? Maybe someone someday will be like, "HAYYY, she wrote that one thing that one time so nao we all HAET her!!"
So I shall shut up.
Love and other indoor sports (like book wrestling),
Blue Disastrous
Stop it.
Right now.
That is all.
Love and other indoor sports (like heated arguments),
Blue Disastrous
I've been reading Harry Potter all day. Finished about the last 100 pages of Goblet of Fire and I'm now 157 pages into Order of the Phoenix.
I should be writing more for NaNo, but no.. I have been too lazy to get my laptop, which Mum brought to me just a few minutes ago, so I decided to blog before writing.
I got my San Francisco State University ID. I haven't been accepted quite yet, but at least I haven't been turned away quite yet.
I just want the three colleges to send me my letters already, no matter the outcomes. I just want to know.
So I slept mostly all of yesterday, from 1pm until 7am this morning. I had quite a few dreams, none of which I can remember expect the one where I was dating a rather attractive young woman from New York.
Okay, then, better get hurrying off to "class". If I finish at least a couple hours and log it all, then I won't feel so bad for blowing off the rest of the night for writing, see.
Oh dear. The log book is somewhere hiding in the bedroom.
Love and other indoor sports (like log book sleuthing),
Blue Disastrous
Monday, November 2, 2009
So I set out to write the novel I intended.
Get Writer's Block.
So I write part of another novel.
Words come out of everywhere.
Next day.
I start to write the novel I intended.
Words come out of everywhere.
So I start to write the next part of the other novel.
I feel confident.
Then I get Writer's Block.
My wordcount I'm supposed to be at today?
Am I going to reach it?
Yes. But it's not nice to have a BIG, FAT BLOCK IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE while you're trying to write something publishable.
Love and other indoor sports (like hacking apart your Writer's Block),
Blue Disastrous
::*Rubs Eyes Wearily*::
"Aren't you done yet?" I dropped the PJ's I was tucking into my large suitcase.
Alex was leaning against the doorframe, his dark hair hanging over his eyes and
his lips tugging again at a comfortable smirk. My heart, for some freakish
reason, began to race.
"Erm," I began, willing my tongue to start working
again, "Nearly. Just have to throw in some non-clothing stuff now," I mumbled,
forcing myself to shove the PJ's into the luggage.
His eyes twinkled. "You
better hurry up, slowpoke," he teased, "Mum and Dad are here. They want to leave
soon." He laughed musically, good-naturedly, before turning and walking away,
leaving me still on the floor, a large fistful of socks in my hand. Who was I
I still had plenty of underwear to pack.
Like? Nyeh. It's a bit of very obvious foreshadowing.
"I sneezed and then got hurt in a place that makes no sense."
Quote without context for the morning.
I'm in a really bright mood. I think it's because I feel I've done something good today..
Okay, I'm off now to tell my EC I'm not going to make it to our meeting.
Love and other indoor sports (like novel-writing),
Blue Disastrous
+One unit of Government.
+The last half of a unit of English.
+About a fifth of a unit of U.S. History.
So I feel accomplished. Now, off to write another 1667 of Metempsychosis and another 2734 of Zed-Word Adventures. Which still isn't my title. But it's getting there.
Let's hope today's writing isn't as painful as yesterday. That was awful.
Love and other indoor sports (such as finding sustenance somewhere in this foodless house),
Blue Disastrous
::1710 + 1113::
I fell way short of my expectation for the zombie one, but I think it's pretty good for only an hour of writing. Can you all tell which story I'm more involved in?
Eight hours for 1710 for Metempsychosis (including distractions and procrastination because of lack of interest).
One four for 1113 for Zed-Word Adventures. Ooh. That may become a title, ladies and gentlemen!
Let's hope today is better--but for now, I "go" to school.
So.. er.. yeah.
Love and other indoor sports (is writing considered one?),
Blue Disastrous
Sunday, November 1, 2009
And then after THAT is another 1667 words for my zombie novel. *rubs eyes*
But apparently writing in a blog is much easier.
Why is that?
Why can't I write 279 words?
Why am I so tired?
And why does their house disappear?
Love and other indoor sports (like Death by NaNo),
Blue Disastrous
::EDIT on Kristina's Facial Expressions::
She now shows.. *drumroll*
"Oh, Kristina, I know it's scary that a crazy lady took a pregnant hostage in front of you--"
"*CRIES harder* It's m-my dad! He said he was going to kill his crazy lady wife! I know she almost killed my brother and put him in a coma for a year, but I thought my dad was a nice man who would call the cops on her instead! WAHHHHH!!"
So yeah.
Love and other indoor sports (like Olympic lasagna-eating),
Blue Disastrous
::I Hate Chain Posts::
No one is going to come rape you or kill your mum in the middle of the night.
The one you love isn't suddenly going to forget about you.
You won't have 23491748732 years of bad luck.
So STOP sending them.
Are you 13? No, I don't think so.
Love and other indoor sports,
Blue Disastrous (who is at 1108 words)
After all, what is the meaning of life?
Love and other indoor sports (like writing frantically),
Blue Disastrous