Thursday, November 12, 2009

::No Phone::

How liberating! Hah.
So, I have no phone at the moment. Which is what I just said.
It appears my brain is on the fritz again.
And I must write! Buu!
Um. What else?
Ah, German seems somewhat easy..
"Unter" is "under", stuff like that. I mean, not all words are like that, but yeah. On the way to becoming a polyglot! Tehe.
Yeah. A certain someone makes me want to visit Switzerland.. meaning, to get along well enough, I'd have to learn basic German or French. German is easier, in my opinion (after learning a bit of Norwegian, which is closer to German than French).
And yeah. Ramble ramble ramble..
Mail is here.

Love and other indoor sports (like sifting through letters),
Blue Disastrous

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