Tuesday, November 3, 2009


is where my wordcount remains for today. I must write! I promised them I would write!
Jayne, KD, Mishi, Luci, Gabrielle, Dustin..
And yet I am procrastinating like there's no--no, I'm procrastinating like there IS a tomorrow. And many tomorrows after that.
"Happy Pony is on. And I'm not missing happy pony."
Oh no. Because missing Happy Pony is like ripping sunshine from the world. We would all freeze and die.
Which is quite how I prefer the world, now that I think about it.
Apocalypse by Lack of Happy Pony.
Death by Snickers.
Psychiatrists on To-Do Lists.
I could go on forever and ever.
Jeg forstår du danser.
Og jeg danser.
I'm going crazy, you know.
I suppose I should write the first attack on the school in Don't Say the Zed-Word.
And the arrival to the school in Metempsychosis.
I really like fantastical boarding schools, don't I?
Another excerpt:

The door swung open to reveal a very sloppy-looking Amber--her hair swept up
into a sloppy bun piled on top of her head, a very baggy tee and sweatpants
thrown on as comfy PJ's. Her face was white, but angry. "What the hell do you
losers want?" she spat at us.

"We.. heard screams.." came Nat's weak reply. Amber huffed at us as the other girls of the hall tucked their curious faces back into their rooms.

"Well, yeah, there's a spider in my bed," she said, as if that were a perfectly logical explanation for horrid screams that seemed like someone was being murdered. I glared at her.

"So you mean to tell us that you woke us all up because a spider is in there? Not some freakish serial killer?" demanded Nat.
Amber crossed her bony arms."Yeah. What's your point?"

"My point," I interjected, "is that next time I hear a peep out of you, there had better be a damn serial killer in there."

So, thar it is.
And a quote without context:

So. Cold ice is cold. Busy Kai is busy. Estoopid Llama is estoopid (but amazing :3). In-love Dustin is in-love.
Well, I shall not say, for this is the internetz, and who knows? Maybe someone someday will be like, "HAYYY, she wrote that one thing that one time so nao we all HAET her!!"
So I shall shut up.

Love and other indoor sports (like book wrestling),
Blue Disastrous

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