Saturday, November 21, 2009

::Oh. My. Cod.::

"You tell him, Dakota! Don't let that Cat mess with you!"
Yes, we are watching Cat in the Hat. Thing One and Thing Two have just arrived. I hate the Things.
The Cat keeps saying "OH YEAH!!" It's like he's the Kool-Aid Man or something! It's ridiculous!
Well.. I would like a metal crab lock. Er. A lock that looks like a crab, not a lock FOR a crab. Though I am a Cancer. But I don't have cancer. I think.
So, earlier I took a walk down Memory Lane when I told Kai that I finished off my dinner burrito with a bite as big as my palm, a bite pulled off because I have a befitting Bergman mouth. And by the by, my best friend is looking for some cat food. I'm not quite sure he has the best taste in dinners.
Anyway, when I was a wee lass of three or two, my best friend was not the one searching for cat food. No, other than my Fetus Buddeh, I stuck to my older brothers, especially Ken. This, of course, led to me thinking at one point that I, too, was a boy. Though I didn't quite understand why boys did what they did in the bathroom, as toilets are concerned.
Ah, yes, I do remember hating wearing dresses (a thing that carries on today, with rare exceptions). I remember bringing in sticks and looking for snakes, and then playing with my brother's when he started breeding them. I remember the inappropriate-for-the-dinnertable contests we had, and the spanking I got when I imitated my brothers' colourful language. And then, of course, was when my love of horror movies and fascination with blood was brought on.
Which brings me right back to today, as I look at my picture that's displayed on the coffeetable. I was a model at four. I went from that sweet (yeah, right) little girl to, well, whatever I am now. At the moment, I'm wondering whether I can make use of the leftover blood I have stored in my room.
Ooh! Look at this living room! Why, it's clean! This is.. shocking.. to say the least.
OM NOM NOM NOM. Dr. Pepper Cherry, anyone?
OH NO. The monkey is NOT GONE. Stupid monkey, leave!!
Or I shall be forced to perform Super Ninja Voodoo on you.
Let's see what the People think. GOOGLE-ing NOW.
As a friend from waaay long ago is eating the wings off of live birds.
Bah, people only look for lyrics starting with "I think". BORING.
Let's see what the People want to know how to do, then.
Sigh, sigh. Even more boring things. No fun anymore, I swear!
Merry Cheesecake, everyone.

Love and other indoor sports (like conning a ferret),
Blue Disastrous


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