Wednesday, November 4, 2009

::Zombie Walk::

In the process of organising a zombie walk, probably in Monterey.
So, get ready for that.
My official wordcount for NaNoWriMo for yesterday was 7560.
My unofficial wordcount for NaNoWriMo for yesterday was 12048.
I'm very sorely behind.
My official wordcount should have been 11669.
My unofficial wordcount should have been 15003.
But no. Because I fail.
I am 1328 words behind on Metempsychosis and 1627 words behind on Don't Say the Zed-Word.
And 2995 and 3294 words behind, respectively, as of today.
So as I ramble this nonsensical complaint to you, answer me this; why on Earth am I not writing two novels furiously right now?
Because, you see, I have school today and I must get up in four hours.
Tah tah.

Love and other indoor sports (like foaming at the mouth),
Blue Disastrous

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