Thursday, November 19, 2009

::More Doctors, Oh I'm SO Excited!::

Could you catch any sarcasm in there at all?
Oh well, I really am excited--for next week. Next week nearly everyone in America has the week (or at least a few days, come on) off for Turkey Day! Which is Thanksgiving. Duh. Come on people, you all know that.
For Monday something special is planned, but I won't write about it until after the matter, since I'm not sure if it really will happen. Though I do hope so.
Then, right after that (or the next day..) Mum and I are going to get Kai and bring him here to be plumped up with an assortment of foods on Thanksgiving, though he'll probably only eat like.. turkey.. salad.. olives.. bread.. apple cider.. I guess I can make something this year, just so he can have more to eat. RAW POTATOES. Nahh, but it'll be nice. (Hear that, Kai?)
Yes, yes, I'm excited--gah. Be right back, gotta take ze pills.
*trots off*
I am back. Feeling, still, excited.
AND I have almost double the views on my kitty hats this morning.
This calls for more sewing, since I have tons of new fabric.
About one more hour now and I should get up and shower to go to my doctor. Team of. Team of doctors. Like that isn't weird at all.
Mutilation is the most sincere form of flattery.
You know, I'd have to agree. If someone loves you enough to totally butcher something thatris specifically yours, then I'd say they're pretty obsessed. Good, right? Well, no, maybe not.
And then you throw in a random guitar solo and the whole world turns right on upsidedown.
YES, THANK YOU BLOGGER FOR AUTOSAVE. *hugs the site like a maniac*
Internet Explorer stopped working and closed my page and I thought I had lost all of this. I freaked out.
But now I'm much better. *sobs*
And now I'll go before any other mishaps come about.

Love and other indoor sport (due to the saturnine days of life),
Blue Disastrous

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