Sunday, November 8, 2009

::S-so C-cold..::

God moren!
It is very cold here in somewhat-sunny California this morning.
I woke up and was very sad to find my Kai wasn't next to me. Then I considered whether I should leave my warm bed or not.
But I did (oh, how I despise being human), and shortly after, I discovered my blueberry foaming hand soap is like a thick, blue mousse.
"Oh, hunny, you like some moouuse?"
"Erm, mouse?"
"Yes, some moouuse?"
"Erm.. *asks someone next to her quietly what the lady said, but isn't answered* Excuse me?"
"Hunny, you like moouuse? Mouse, in your hair, moouuse?"
"*angrily* That's what I sayyy."
Ah, silly, cute Asian hairdressers with strong accents. Aren't they adorable?
Yes! We have a new fridge.
And I finally caught up on my official NaNoWriMo wordcount last night (though now I'm behind again)!
Metempsychosis is dead. Well, not really dead, but..
I much prefer zombies to crazy reincarnated incest. Though that, too, is amazing in its own respects.
So! I have decided that I want to work at JMP Creative. Mhm. Go watch the Travel Channel if you want to know why.
I had something important to say but I can't remember. That happens a lot.
Usually Alzheimer's doesn't come on until, er, 60 or 70 years old? Rarely even 50, at that. So what's wrong with me?!
I really want to read Harry Potter. But I should write.
OH. Zombie walk. This is what it was.
I still want to plan one. Really. I really, really would like one.
So, er, yeah.
It only occured to me a few days ago that "er" and "erm", said with an English accent, sounds like our "uh" and "um". Now, really, I knew I was dumb, but not that dumb. Oh well. It's growing on me, I suppose.
NOW. Off to add more things to my Amazon Wishlist, which is filling up super quickly.
Let the procrastination begin..

Love and other indoor sports (like ignoring responsibilities while chomping on a cupcake),
Blue Disastrous

Lookie my lovely NaNo Widget! >w<

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