Friday, November 27, 2009


Before I forget, here is my post from NaNoWriMo's Harry Potter thread:

*facepalms and holds it while letting out a long breath*

Harry Potter.

Harry Potter.

Parry Otter.
Need I say anything else?

House: HufflepuffCharacter(s): Luna, Snape, Draco, LUPIN, Tonks, and Bellatrix.

Book: Though I've read the first six at least fifteen times each, I've only read Deathly Hallows once (on vacation in Hawaii, which really annoyed my dad when we were supposed to be doing Very Fun Activities starting the day it came out when I was so
disappointed because he AND my cousin, the only other people there with me who
could drive, both fell asleep when they had both promised to take me at midnight
to get it). So I can't quite remember all that happened in the book, except I
know I cried when Lupin died. I cried at all the appropriate parts with Snape. I
cried when I finished the book, since it was over. Done. Finished. Anyway, to
the point.. I'm going to have to say Half-Blood Prince. Though it'll probably be
Deathly Hallows when I get a new copy (as I left my original one at my dad's
house, which was lost when I sort of moved out and he threw out all my

Movie: Prisoner of Azkaban. Hands down. Lupin-y goodness. I could froth at the mouth.

Quiddich: I'd probably be a Seeker. I'm not coordinated enough to be a Chaser, in complete sync with other people who either will toss a ball at me or will try to keep it away from me. Then I also am not strong enough to be a Beater. And a Keeper? Balls flung at me or in a complete opposite direction? No thanks. But I am good at finding things (must be the Hufflepuff in me--but WHAT THE HELL IS A HUFFLEPUFF?! Mm, AVPM).

I've been re-reading the whole series sans Deathly Hallows for about a month now, one immediately after another. My boyfriend does NOT understand why I'd want to keep reading the same books over and over. I rawr at him, he growls at me. And then I read again. It's lovely.
And here I am, listening to AVPM while having a constant "Snape,
Snape, Severus Snape--DUMBLEDORE!!" stuck in my head from Potter Puppet Pals. I am craving more Harry Potter goodness, and finding not much, I think I'll make some videos. Or something. It would be fun.
And my last comment.. is that I want to learn how to quilt solely to make a Hufflepuff quilt for my dorm room.

So yeah. I am quite a sad being.
Happy Turkey Day! Well. Not. Because now it's Black Friday. Whatever.
Monday, Mum and I went to pick up Kai. We were dropped off at Stoneridge Mall when it opened at ten and picked up at four-thirty? Or maybe just four.
In that time span, we wandered around, discovered Sanrio was gone and in its place is a really yummy sorbet and gelato place. I had chocolate hazelnut gelato and Kai got a freakish mix of cookies and cream and blackberry caberet somethingFrench which was actually kind of good. Not my cup of tea. I mean wine. Yeah, he had tea later too, served by a guy who looked like he was into Kai. Which totally wasn't awkward at all.
And then Kai told Miki to come to the mall. So she did. And then we went around to the other side of the mall, but outside, where she proceeded to smoke a pack of cigarettes and tell us all about her latest failed relationship (when I wanted to go and key his car as much as she wanted to). And then she left for work like right after.
So then Kai and I went back inside and sat on one of the couches randomly lying around the middle of the mall by the perverted show of Santa Claus. Then we got picked up.
And then we went to my Aunt-but-not-really-Aunt Nancy's house. I dunno what happened the rest of the--oooooh. Now I remember. But never you mind. Hah. We basically watched random stuff in the back room.
Then we made the bed and snuggled and slept.
Next day, woke up. Played Wii. Made pizza. Dr. Horrible. Um. What else? I dunno. But more snuggle. Redline. Laughing ourselves silly. Wii again. Kai got tired so more snuggle. He slept. I became Way Too Emotional and was awake all but one hour or so of the night.
Woke up again. Food. Wii. Got dressed. Left Aunt-but-not-really-Aunt Nancy's house. Took Kai Way Out of the Way to meet his sister and hand him over. Then Mum and I drove like two hours to get back home. And we were tired.
Genuine sleep.
Woke up and realised Real-Aunt Connie and Cousin Erica were here. Watched the Purina National Dog Show. We were right. Sadie the Scottish Terrier won Best in Show, her 100th win. We watched random things and then went to go cook for the Thanksgiving Feast we have every year.
Rest of the Family comes over and hilarity ensues. Especially when we watched the home videos of Every Cousin Except Blue as a Young Tyke.
By the way, the Very Random-Looking Capitalisation isn't random at all, it's what I believe to be Important Enough to look like a Very Proper Noun. So regard them all as such. Thanks.
Anyway. Then everyone left. And now I'm very sad. I feel abandoned by everyone.
So I guess I'll go to sleep.

Love and other indoor sports (like searching for pain-killers),
Blue Disastrous

P.S. Why did I completely detail this week thus far? Because I felt like it. The only two people who ever read it are my follwers, and even then, that's Very Exremely Iffy. The only proof I have is my one comment. And then Kai saying he reads them. But I dunno that for sure.
P.P.S. I had a dream there was a tornado, but we had to drive to this shelter place, and outside of it we had to watch an Adam Lambert video and then Skype with him while he asked us a trivia question about his personal life. Which we didn't know, so we were locked outside. And we got back in the car, where the tornado picked us up. And there was a cow there. In the tornado, not the car.
P.P.P.S. Really, goodnight now.

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