Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I really, really hate that word.
I've been reading Harry Potter all day. Finished about the last 100 pages of Goblet of Fire and I'm now 157 pages into Order of the Phoenix.
I should be writing more for NaNo, but no.. I have been too lazy to get my laptop, which Mum brought to me just a few minutes ago, so I decided to blog before writing.
I got my San Francisco State University ID. I haven't been accepted quite yet, but at least I haven't been turned away quite yet.
I just want the three colleges to send me my letters already, no matter the outcomes. I just want to know.
So I slept mostly all of yesterday, from 1pm until 7am this morning. I had quite a few dreams, none of which I can remember expect the one where I was dating a rather attractive young woman from New York.
Okay, then, better get hurrying off to "class". If I finish at least a couple hours and log it all, then I won't feel so bad for blowing off the rest of the night for writing, see.
Oh dear. The log book is somewhere hiding in the bedroom.

Love and other indoor sports (like log book sleuthing),
Blue Disastrous

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