Really, I must be some kind of adaptive creature. My hair is now Hot Hot Pink and Atomic Turquoise, split right down the middle. People are going insane up in here.
Also, I finally got my kigurumi, and people go nuts over seeing a giraffe walking around. I feel like the coolest kid in town.
Why have I not posted in forever? Sadly, nothing interesting has happened, really. I'm learning to use the Pen tool on Photoshop. I'm also preparing myself to become a hooked fishie on Monday. Other than that, nothing amazing..
Blue Disastrous
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
::Revenge of the Japogerms::
This morning, on this day, one third of my weekend days, I woke up early. Eight, to be exact. Though I woke up NOT from an alarm or Kai, it was sort of disappointing. Am I not supposed to sleep in on weekends? Not that this even matters; I had to wake up early regardless because I had to shower, eat breakfast, dash to my room with Kai to change into lolita clothes, meet Glenni and run to Building 58 waaaaay out in the middle of nowhere; though that's not true, it's only a block past my Japanese class, but it is also about two blocks from Building 35, which is a little over a mile from my room. Ew.
That is aside from the point, and a very long sentence with two semicolons. Is that grammatically allowed?
Kai, Glenni and I went to talk to Holly White, who is also the twin to my not-Aunt Nancy. They are identical, except not even related in any blood matter. Holly White. The lady a person at CSUMB goes to if he or she would like to study abroad in some foreign country--for example, Germany. And we all know that we, the awesome trio of awesomeness, plus our pet Secret-Fantasy-Asian, want to go to Germany.
I like that I could be saying this in one sentence, and yet I am not. Why? Because, you see, I am a weirdo.
"Today, Kai, Glenni and I went to see Holly White about going to study abroad in Germany."
Isn't that much simpler?
Hmmmm... *Kai heeeeeer* hijacked... ka-ching-ka-pow... take that blog... ahhhh!!!! *avoids an accident* hijacking really gets your nerves going! *dodges a few cop cards* great... they found me!!! Blue!!! take back control before I crash and kill us!!!!
..What. Um. Hi, people. Blue here. Kai went crazy when I asked if he wanted to say anything on my blog. Back to the main plot, yes?
Nothing really super-exciting happened. We were asked why Germany, and then Holly White (to whom I keep referring with her full name) told us which classes she recommends we take next semester so we don't have to take them in Germany, or when we get back. Then she told us that we may be better off in Sweden. The problem with going to Sweden, though, is that our school doesn't have a language proficiency test for Swedish. Honestly, I'd.. prefer Sweden. Sweden and Norway.. I love them. And fika would probably be awesome--but, then, so would having a breakfast of bread, pastries, and cold meats and cheeses, which is in Germany. Or so I hear. The only thing German I've experienced, other than a portion of my blood, is the awesome dessert, German Chocolate Squares. This is only German from the German chocolate cake mix used for it. And is mix in a box really German? I think not.
I lied. I have also experienced Milka bars, which I recommend to anyone. Delicious.
looks like we're going to Germany.
Will: (singsong) Bullets, bullets, bullets--
Shane: (also singsong) Bullets, bullets, bullets, I make them out of clay. When they're hard and ready, with bullets I will play.
Love and other indoor sports (like cracking glowsticks for hours upon hours of glow-tastic fun),
Blue Disastrous
..Once, a glowstick exploded in my mouth. I remember how it tasted, on the inside. I should probably stop cracking them with my teeth. But it's so fun..
That is aside from the point, and a very long sentence with two semicolons. Is that grammatically allowed?
Kai, Glenni and I went to talk to Holly White, who is also the twin to my not-Aunt Nancy. They are identical, except not even related in any blood matter. Holly White. The lady a person at CSUMB goes to if he or she would like to study abroad in some foreign country--for example, Germany. And we all know that we, the awesome trio of awesomeness, plus our pet Secret-Fantasy-Asian, want to go to Germany.
I like that I could be saying this in one sentence, and yet I am not. Why? Because, you see, I am a weirdo.
"Today, Kai, Glenni and I went to see Holly White about going to study abroad in Germany."
Isn't that much simpler?
Hmmmm... *Kai heeeeeer* hijacked... ka-ching-ka-pow... take that blog... ahhhh!!!! *avoids an accident* hijacking really gets your nerves going! *dodges a few cop cards* great... they found me!!! Blue!!! take back control before I crash and kill us!!!!
..What. Um. Hi, people. Blue here. Kai went crazy when I asked if he wanted to say anything on my blog. Back to the main plot, yes?
Nothing really super-exciting happened. We were asked why Germany, and then Holly White (to whom I keep referring with her full name) told us which classes she recommends we take next semester so we don't have to take them in Germany, or when we get back. Then she told us that we may be better off in Sweden. The problem with going to Sweden, though, is that our school doesn't have a language proficiency test for Swedish. Honestly, I'd.. prefer Sweden. Sweden and Norway.. I love them. And fika would probably be awesome--but, then, so would having a breakfast of bread, pastries, and cold meats and cheeses, which is in Germany. Or so I hear. The only thing German I've experienced, other than a portion of my blood, is the awesome dessert, German Chocolate Squares. This is only German from the German chocolate cake mix used for it. And is mix in a box really German? I think not.
I lied. I have also experienced Milka bars, which I recommend to anyone. Delicious.
looks like we're going to Germany.
Will: (singsong) Bullets, bullets, bullets--
Shane: (also singsong) Bullets, bullets, bullets, I make them out of clay. When they're hard and ready, with bullets I will play.
Love and other indoor sports (like cracking glowsticks for hours upon hours of glow-tastic fun),
Blue Disastrous
..Once, a glowstick exploded in my mouth. I remember how it tasted, on the inside. I should probably stop cracking them with my teeth. But it's so fun..
College Life,
Psycho Blue,
Quest for a Life,
Random Quotes
Thursday, September 23, 2010
::Whack a Fuckin' Mole::
I COULD write a blog full of hatred and anger at situational nonsense (hn, no, better call it 'crap', as nonsense should only be awesome).
But I won't. Instead I shall say how delicious my ramen is. It is quite good.
Blue Disastrous
But I won't. Instead I shall say how delicious my ramen is. It is quite good.
Blue Disastrous
::You'd think I'd be a dolphin..::
Drinking water like crazy.. What is that obnoxious giant-slow woodpecker noise coming from outside? Weird..
So. I left art. Fun sickness is fun. Not. But Japanese will have me.
I've been very forgetful lately. Like when I just forgot where I live, coming back from art. And why I wanted to blog just now.
Er.. Piercings? Supposedly I am piercing my ears again this weekend. My mum won't let me pierce my lip, basically because she doesn't like it. All of her other reasons were squashes by my reasoning. Win.
Love and other indoor sports (like scavenging for RAMEN),
Blue Disastrous
So. I left art. Fun sickness is fun. Not. But Japanese will have me.
I've been very forgetful lately. Like when I just forgot where I live, coming back from art. And why I wanted to blog just now.
Er.. Piercings? Supposedly I am piercing my ears again this weekend. My mum won't let me pierce my lip, basically because she doesn't like it. All of her other reasons were squashes by my reasoning. Win.
Love and other indoor sports (like scavenging for RAMEN),
Blue Disastrous
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
::Japogerms, Drinking Beer with Chopsticks Since..::
So, here I am in FYS, totally not caring what Steve says about our clubs presentation.. thing. And I'm reading a blog because of this class, realizing I haven't blogged in.. Really? I don't even know how long.
I'm adjusting to college life quite well, I'd say. I thought, coming in, I'd make no friends, though that thought is laughable now. Not that I'm surrounded by hoardes of people 24/7. That would just be crazy. Unless they are humans trying to kill us zombies, and that won't work.
Ah, crap. Presentation on a club I know nothing about. Wonderful.
*elevator music*
..We fail. Anyway, I am more concerned with Steve liking me as a person than having him think of me highly as an intelligent student, though I definitely won't turn that idea away. Why is this? It all started on a dark, stormy--
Wait. Seaside is SUPPOSED to be dark and stormy. Has it been this way? No. No, it has not. I shall begin again.
It all started on a freakishly hot day, in boring FYS class. Boring. But wait! In comes a woman who starts speaking about.. CSU study abroad. Oh no. But oh yes.
I have spent a year an a half learning and speaking Japanese, and so I'm going.. to Germany.
Why does this make sense? It doesn't.
"You can blend right in, Blue. You're blonde."
"Indeed. You're blonde too(, Glenni)."
"But I'm Norwegian."
My friend, the lovely lolita Glenni, is also travelling with me to Europe. To Germany.
Will: "Maybe you'll find some Jap..ogerms."
Me: "Japogerms?"
Will: "Drinking beer with chopsticks since.."
And that is where I shall leave off. For now. Me? I am off to lament my FYS epic learn and find out where I can take German next semester.
Love and other indoor sports (such as tagging humans with socks),
Blue Disastrous
I'm adjusting to college life quite well, I'd say. I thought, coming in, I'd make no friends, though that thought is laughable now. Not that I'm surrounded by hoardes of people 24/7. That would just be crazy. Unless they are humans trying to kill us zombies, and that won't work.
Ah, crap. Presentation on a club I know nothing about. Wonderful.
*elevator music*
..We fail. Anyway, I am more concerned with Steve liking me as a person than having him think of me highly as an intelligent student, though I definitely won't turn that idea away. Why is this? It all started on a dark, stormy--
Wait. Seaside is SUPPOSED to be dark and stormy. Has it been this way? No. No, it has not. I shall begin again.
It all started on a freakishly hot day, in boring FYS class. Boring. But wait! In comes a woman who starts speaking about.. CSU study abroad. Oh no. But oh yes.
I have spent a year an a half learning and speaking Japanese, and so I'm going.. to Germany.
Why does this make sense? It doesn't.
"You can blend right in, Blue. You're blonde."
"Indeed. You're blonde too(, Glenni)."
"But I'm Norwegian."
My friend, the lovely lolita Glenni, is also travelling with me to Europe. To Germany.
Will: "Maybe you'll find some Jap..ogerms."
Me: "Japogerms?"
Will: "Drinking beer with chopsticks since.."
And that is where I shall leave off. For now. Me? I am off to lament my FYS epic learn and find out where I can take German next semester.
Love and other indoor sports (such as tagging humans with socks),
Blue Disastrous
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
::Shopping and Shooping::
BLOG. PEOPLE. Hallo there. Still busy, as usual these days. Still shopping for stuff I need for when I leave. Still obsessed with KH (like my Heartless pendant?) and art (except my scanner won't let me show anyone anything I've been doing) and llamas.. LLAMAS?!
Um.. Wow. Seriously. This blog? Lame stuff now. BUT I will tell you, today involved my very first teeny tiny bikini and hope for my birthday. Which is Sunday.
So, there SHOULD be a good post after that weekend with pictures and all. Someone? Stab me on Facebook and tell me to write an entry, please? Why, thank you.
Love and other indoor sports (sailing on mounds of clothes),
Blue Disastrous
Sunday, June 27, 2010
::Arts, Hearts and New Starts::
It's summer, isn't it?
All I have to say:
+I'm not dead
+I am obsessing over art (mostly featuring Alice)
+I am thinking over my future
Thank you.
Love and other indoor sports (like Wizard's Chess, of course),
Blue Disastrous
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Ho, shat, people! Has it really been so long since the last entry? I believe so. But I am not dead! Err, maybe a zombie, but not dead.
AHHH THERE'S A FISH STARING AT ME!! Oh wait. It's just my son, Frankie (full name Franklin Shoelace McCunningham the Third the Second). He is enjoying making his bubble nest at the moment. Silly, spazzy fish. He was added to the family right after we went to the Japanese restaurant, actually (full of Asian people who didn't know any drop of the language at all). The food was amazing, by the way.
What they don't tell you in high school is how generous people you don't even know can be when they find out you're graduating. I swear, relatives back in Kansas who didn't even know I existed at this point sent me quite large checks. Very crazy, I'd say.
And so, my summer so far has been filled with shopping, cleaning and endless hours of Onimusha and Kingdom Hearts and such. Don't you just love simplifying the house? So much more room, now.. I CAN SEE MY CLOSET FLOOR. I can actually walk around in it. Which is amazing.
Ahh anyway.. There isn't any other news, other than the fact that my twin is missing until mid-July. But not to dwell, this boat runs on happy faces.
And now.. It's time to catch up on everyone's blogs.
Love and other indoor sports (like wrestling with dust bunnies, of course),
Blue Disastrous
Sunday, May 30, 2010
::Rockin' the Night Away::
Gyah. So I snapped awake when I heard a super-loud bang, almost explosion-status. And immediately after was the quake. I freaked out. A few minutes later came another bang and another quake.
And now, I am scared to sleep. So I'm here, blogging, since I've neglected to do so.
Yesterday (or, er, Friday) was my graduation. And really, it still hasn't sunk in that I have no school now. Which is a bit odd.
What is up with the high school planning the graduation at the start of a Memorial Day WEEKEND?! Do they not take into consideration those of us coming from an hour away to the school?! I was almost an hour late due to traffic (as well as two detours to pick up guests, but we left in plenty of time). So icky. The traffic.
Er, anyway. I got there. I had a gold cord shoved into my hand. Yay for a 3.0 (or somewhere higher, though lower than 3.5 since I wasn't called up for that, buu).
The ceremony was.. er. Interesting? I dunno, the speeches were great, in my opinion. Some were funny. Others made me dig my nails into my palms because I didn't want to cry. After all, Sheelah was filming this all, and I was in the front row.
There were singers. Two for the national anthem. One of which was good, the other seemingly had stage fright at the last second and barely tried and that made their voices clash and our ears bleed. The same happened with the choir at the end. Some were good, others not so much.
But one girl sang The Climb in the middle of the ceremony and was amazing. Why couldn't she have sung the other songs, hm? Ah, well.
The highlight of this whole thing, other than getting my fake-diploma (I suppose my name is Sample Diploma?), was the amount of people who came for me.
+Mum, of course
+Jordan, thank gooses
+Grandma, who was excited I was graduating on her birthday
+Kai, who was more excited than I
+Vince, who cheered the loudest (er, or I just heard him the best, I dunno)
+Matt, whose card he gave me made me want to cry
+Aunt Dee
+Aunt Cherie and Uncle Chico
+"Aunt" Nancy and John
Now, I haven't seen my brother, Ken, or his wife and son for nearly.. actually, over a year now. And Jason is almost two. He has no clue who I am, just this girl with purple-blue hair. That was sad. But I was so happy they came for me. I totally stopped and ran out of the group of us grads, who were supposed to be exiting at this point, and just.. ditched them all. To hug my brother. It was amazing.
Though, it reminded me that my dad wasn't there. And that was, and still is, painful. He didn't care enough to see me.
That's done with, though. Nothing else to do about it.
Today, or, er, yesterday, Kai and his dad picked me up and we went to San Jose to go to an awesome card shop. I actually saw a Black Lotus. I squeed. I'm silly. Kai sold a few cards to get almost 80$ in store credit, which he used to buy a small stack of cards to almost complete his newest deck. Oh, the shinies.. Oh, the full art.. They are glorious.
We passed right by Fanime, too. Tons of people. Even a Tetris block. Yeah. Beat that.
Later today, my Aunt Cherie and Uncle Chico are treating our immediate family (as well as Kai and their daughter's boyfriend) to dinner for Grandma's birthday at a Japanese restaurant. I wonder vaguely how much Kai will totally pwn my family in speaking, and if anyone there actually speaks Japanese.. Either way--they'll have chopsticks, and Kai won't have to use a knife as his primary eating utensil.
Monday, we'd better be able to see each other. 1 3/4 years. Kanpai!
Love and other indoor disasters (such as, say, a postage-stamp double room),
P.S. Dick Clark likes whipped cream. A lot. It was all over his chin and whiskers.
For Kai,
Quest for a Life,
School Stuff
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
::The River Monster Returns::
Oi! I've been gone so long, it was getting easier and easier to NOT blog! Ahaha how crazy!
So what was the last I'd left everyone at, hm? Ah yes, utter peril, woe-is-me with pain and basically mental chaos.
..Except not the pain, but shh it's all good.
Because I will NOT be homeless yet live in a shopping cart. It appears I can pull off miracles and complete tasks way above average through everything. That's right. I AM GRADUATING ON FRIDAY. And everyone's invited. Just, er, if you're coming, latch onto a kid who looks like they have no people. Because--ho shat!--we're only allowed ten guests. Oopsie.
The unofficial summer break so far has been awesome as oh-possums.
I kidnapped Kai and we took a looong trip to Sacramento to attend my Fetus Buddeh's jazz fest performance. She plays oodles of poodles of brass instruments. She can blow that brass like nobody's business. Sheesh. But eh, she came equipped with suspenders and a trumpet for this performance.
EVERYONE IS SO TALENTED. I swear! You'd think these peoples were like, I dunno, in their fifties as far as experience and skill goes. Mind-blowing. Or, at least it seemed that way to me.
My Fetus Buddeh is awesome as an oh-possum and I love her to bits. And she's going to be playing in another jazz fest soon. The one Molly Ringwald will be at. That lucky batch of cookies. I'd have kittens.
Hmmz. So what else happened?
I cried during my portfolio presentation? And that gave me a better score? These teachers must be Froot Loops. But they're awesome anyway. Though they hijacked my binder and drove it to the desk, where I presume it is right now.
The world may never know. Or, it will perhaps. I'll get back to that tomorrow. Er, today. Geez. It's 1:23am. At least it's fun enough to be in order.
Errr oh. Yes. So, Kai is home now. I like this, bunches. It means he is kidnap-able, and also available for any Disastrous shenanigans. If I disappear any more, blame him. Also, look for a tent somewhither close to Livermore.
Shat! What else has happened? It seems like it's been AGES since I've updated this blog (and playlist--I'll do that now, as well as change its auto-play setting to NOTto-play. Er.) and yet.. Nothing's happened. Not really.
Reading everyone's blogs really helps, though, with any funky mindset I get into. Or just for entertainment purposes. Tis very interesting to get a peek into the lives of others, without getting caught up in that stalking business. Very messy stuff, I tell you.
Aw, shat. I must clean up the mess in and about my room. I totally forgot about my attempt at packing earlier.. Well, duty calls.
Love and other indoor sports (such as, you know, scaling mountains of crap that's been around for nine years),
Blue Disastrous
Saturday, May 15, 2010
::Reasons Why::
I have been gone forever. I know this. You know this. The world knows this.
But I have good reason, I swear.
End of the year as an independent study accelerated junior during a period of especially crippling pain from fibro. FUN STUFF.
+Unit 3 of Chemistry
+Unit 4 of Chemistry
+Unit 5 of Chemistry (which is, unfortunately, not an exam unit as usual)
+Community service log mishaps
+PowerPoint summing up my entire life in school thus far
+Obtaining a copy of my transcript
+Obtaining copies of work samples from random classes I don't even know about
+The last bits of the stack of forms for my portfolio
+Resume and cover letter
+Somehow print my (102-page) script when we have no ink for the printer
In three days. THREE DAYS. On top of pain. Or I don't graduate.
I swear, if I make it through this, I am going to throw a party for the IPU (Don't you agree, Du'Pont?).
Blue Disastrous
For Kai,
Psycho Blue,
School Stuff,
To-Do Lists
Friday, May 7, 2010
Woah, I've totally gone missing from my blog, haven't I?
An explanation:
I have Infectious Kyle Disease. There's a no-brainer. It is a mind-controlling thing, I tell you!!
But also, my poor Kai is in the hospital. Again. I hope this doesn't happen EVERY MAY. Seriously. No thanks. Anyway, I have been visiting every day! The last thing I want is for Kai to stare at a wall all day, alone, with nothing to do but sleep. Nyan.
For the next twelve days I shall also be gone. I have a semester of Chemistry. Still. But I swear I'll pull this off.
Also, some more good news--I am on my college's list for the EOP. Yay! While it sounds all suckish and ew-I'm-poor-ish, it really is pretty cool. I can't wait. August 13th, please!
What else is new? A crockpot, my earrings and an obsession over an iPod touch. Yeah..
JULNOWRIMO IS COMING. Who is jumping into insanity?
Love and other indoor sports (like riding the bed in half-dresses),
Blue Disastrous
Sunday, May 2, 2010
::The Good, The Bad, The Ugly::
I think it'll be best to work in reverse.
The Ugly.
Today was a really bad day for my family--us in this house. My brother was set off again. I can't share many other details--as Mum doesn't want anything said, yet--but I really, really hope that he is getting the help he needs now.
The Bad.
I am still sick with the Infectious Kyle Disease. It's like the flu, without the ohmydogI'mgoingtodie! part. I feel bad for Kai--it's been a month now for him. Because of stupid, stupid Saro-chan.
But the excruciating sore throat did not stop me from screaming earlier. Surprisingly.
Now, all of my medications are starting to work less and less. I'm not crippled like I used to be, but it's pretty bad. I am not falling into a pit of despair like I used to, but my thoughts are more bitter than I know they should be. And I still cry for no reason.
I'm hoping the solution is summer.
The Good.
On Friday, I had an appointment with my financial aid counselor at CSUMB. That meant an automatic visit with Kai. But first, the meeting.
My semester bill will look something like this:
Tuition: Something around $2100
Housing: $2720
Meal Plan: $1475
And guess how much the grants will cover? Everything. All I'll need is spending money. That is crazy!! Mum and I were in shock. Still, Mum starts smiling and when I ask, she tells me this is why. It's such a relief.
So, after the meeting, I got to see Kai. Yay! We did what we normally do, our awesome Kai/Blue stuff. Which is a totally weird sentence. Anyway. I checked my email. Who was it?
Said with a dramatic accent, of course.
Kai and I met up with him so I could give him his son's hat (another happy kitty!) and then we just talked. Randomly. On the sidewalk.
Friday was the last day of Script Frenzy. I had 35 pages to write in nine hours. It doesn't sound like much, but it is.. pretty huge.
It was a long struggle.
At exactly 11:58pm, less than two minutes before time was up, I saved my PDF; I HAD REACHED 101 PAGES!!
So that was my exciting.. Friday. Hm. I should get a life.
Love and other indoor sports (monkey-hunting!),
Blue Disastrous
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
::Unsaved Spreadsheets::
My title is referring to the few spreadsheets I have open right now, making lists for random courses and schedules and all that stuff. Lists are your friends!
Oh, dear. My brother is once again making a lot of noise in the kitchen. He better not throw out the Chinese food (it does feed my soul); he can rid of the cake I made, though.
So last.. Er, last last night I decided to finally make a cake. Not from a box. It took a long time to make, including the buttercream frosting, but it was way fun. Everyone in the house thinks it's yummy.. except me. The frosting is too sweet (you know I like sugar--this is too sweet in a bad way) and the cake tastes too much of flour. Of course, I am sick (thank you, love) and so everything tastes weird as hell. But not the Chinese food. Chinese food is ALWAYS good.
So. So! Are you two, like, boyfriend/girlfriend? Steady dates? Lovers?
Yes. Aaanyway. Some updates::
+Finished English with a 91
+Still on page 35 of my screenplay
+My Chemistry course even stumped my uncle, who took 8 semesters of it in college
+Another 2 books were received (Paperback Swap)
+My fear of needles now only extends as far as the ones that go into veins for some medical purpose
+I was given a symbolic knife by Diana, a relatively new friend
Not much else has happened. I really can't wait until I finally have something to blog about, instead of these mundane things that come about from only leaving the house three to six times a month.
Or even summer. I'm not really picky. As long as I'm out. Cheers.
Love and other indoor sports (like the inevitable tripping),
Blue Disastrous
Sunday, April 25, 2010
::OH My Dog::
But not a Big Fuckin' Dog by any means.
Where to begin, where to begin?
Yesteryesterday my mum randomly is like, "I think I want to go to Monterey tomorrow."
And so we went. Obviously--this was a Kai visit. Sadly enough, from 9 to 11, then maybe 3 to 7, we were asleep. It was a truly lazy day.
I do love spending time with Kai, even if we are being crazy weird--especially if we're being crazy weird. And oi! I actually beat him. Yay for a shiny Mill deck!
After a point we just wanted to get out. Get a grilled cheese like a Sim's aspiration gone wrong. Only, there were people in the lobby, so that is where we went after obtaining said grilled cheese. (There were no napkins or paper towels to speak of, so I had to soil the wolves howling on Kai's knees--which totally doesn't sound awkward.)
You know, I'm really getting to like these lobby-people. Today I saw most of the best, and none of the worst. Speaking of, Kelly is very kind. She baked Kai a late-birthday cake. Nyan.
In all of her niceness, and the cake's niceness.. it was Funfetti. And so, the spiteful baker in Blue is moving on.
Yes, Kai, a cake can be made without any cardboard to speak of.
Of course, in this newfound need to learn to bake from scratch comes the rest. I'm adopting Mum's tradition--or Ken and Laura's, more like--which is, basically, to try a new recipe EVERY DAY. MWAHAHA. Yes, love up the evil laughter. Anyway, this is most likely going to lead into planning full menus every two weeks. Just like Mum. And Laura. And Sara.
That said, if anyone has any particularly tasty recipes they'd like to share, it would be appreciated. Printed and cooked, and then appreciated.
On the note of paperful needs, the screenplay is now a few pages longer, thanks to Chuu. Annoyingly, Chuu only likes to send messages shorter than 130 characters, and so Chuu spammed up my email. Ahh, Chuu..
Summer is coming. Quickly. It's scaring the hell out of me. Less than a month, and I'll be done. I hope. I may need to rely on the help of Magical Decision Dime and Magical Empty Weird Tiny Plastic Cup, but at least it'll be over with, nyan?
No. I take that back. Orientation, then Mayhem/Blue's Birthday, and THEN August. Maybe with some form of camping trip or beach B&B stay injected in there. Tis a good plan, nyan?
Garble warble didgeridoo. Yeah, I went there.
Someone please sort out this mind.
Love and other indoor sports (made for you, me and the creepers),
Blue Disastrous
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
::I'm Up Anyway::
Wowie wowie wowie, I have oodles of poodles to catch up on.
On the agenda for toni--this morning, so I don't forget.
+Du'Pont outing
+Relationship issues
+Mental issues
+My dad
+Lastly Dick Clark, just because
Are you ready? Here we go.
Du'Pont Outing.
So, on Saturday I went out to Tracy to meet up with my twin to go over some Chemistry. Woo. Fun, right?
Mum and I were late. Pathetically late. Luckily, that got me out of meeting Vince's dad (sorry, Vince), so that was all good. So, as we park, Vince comes over and tries to open the door. Which was locked. MWAHAHAHA.
We all went into Barnes and Noble, because where else is better? Nowhere. Duh. But then we had to have a random lady bring a random table to a random place so I could plug in Mr. Toptop. Because, of course, I'm so cool that I must have my very own outlet in the middle of the stationery section, right by the fiction section, wedding section, and quill/ink bottle display thing.
And then of COURSE Mum has to whip out this stack of pictures and give it to Vince. So he saw me as a Rugrat, which was kind of okay, since I don't think he holds it against me. All I can say is, I'm glad I'm not nearly so pudgey as I was as a childling. Though, I did look much happier back then.
I open up my window for Chemistry, all while listening to A Very Potter Musical with Vince, singing it all and dancing about. Because obviously we're cool like that.
HO SHAT. Sorry, the house settled/cracked and I swear the ceiling was going to cave in.
Anyway, we tried Chemistry. Maybe for half an hour. Neither of us had a clue, so Vince pulled out the Magical Decision Dime and threw it into the Magical Empty Weird Tiny Plastic Cup and spun it about. And the Magical Decision Dime chose my answers for me. What did I get?
Actually, I'm not sure. Let me check.
An 82. A B. Wow, saying that is weird. But still! I got a B for random guesses. Now, if only I could have as much luck all the time.
Eventually we gave up because the lessons were so boring and unclear that even Vince, Mr. I-got-a-130-something-percent-in-Chemistry-back-in-my-day, didn't understand it. It IS online, so it's not like we could really ask an active teacher any questions.
So, we gave up and headed to Hot Topic. Of course, there's nothing new, and we didn't have any pot of gold or anything, so we didn't buy anything. Some videos and pictures inside and out of Hot Topic were taken. We basically played with store merch and moved on to going to Target, where Vince got slightly sweetened tea. BLEH. Tea. Bleh.
Only then, Mum had to go eat. So we dashed (or, strolled, er.. yeah.. strolled..) back to Barnes and Noble so I could grab my bag (with Mr. Toptop). What did we do after that? I'm not sure.
All I know is that we did a BUNCH of random things. Vince made his bed in a freezer. We went to Sanrio to see if they had any more, er, spikes.. HALLO, I want gauges (not that Mum would let me, psh) as well as my labret. Sigh.
So that's where my safety pin went..
Anyway! We also walked aaaall the way to Round Table to discover we weren't really so hungry after all. I mean, I had already filled up on random-purple-flower-garlic--
Okay. That is a lie. But really, Vince told me it was safe. And I trust him. But I had nothing to drink in case after eating it my mouth tasted like.. like.. I dunno, bee fur.
Eventually we did make it BACK to Round Table and we split a Medium (with a capital M) pizza, pepperoni and olives versus plain ol' cheese. MWAHAHA. Again. The pizza wasn't much a good idea, though. Sunday, my tummy made me pay. BUT, I really enjoyed spending time with my brain twin. As well as Diana, but she can't be helped. Nor can Nymphie. Or any of the others.
Relationship Issues.
Ehh, so, as some (or two) of you may know, I'm a bit--well, mostly--mental. Or you can just call me a Cancer and be on with it. My perception is skewed crazily, and I don't forget emotional trauma of any kind (unless asked point-blank, which was unfortunate last autumn) and that can be quite a bugger when it comes to me being in a relationship.
I do thank Kai for putting up with it.
A couple nights ago, I finally broke down and told the plain truth; I am sick of anything and everything sexual being directed at him. Nyan, I know it's true that that makes up a good portion of conversation at uni. And I understand that. But still, oi! I can't help but to feel awkward and thoroughly upset whenever I hear or see it.
I try to be good. I don't want to end up as the horror story of a girlfriend everyone hates. The over-protective, overly-jealous and generally bitchy girlfriend that attempts to force everything from her happy bubble of a relationship. I purposely try to keep things to myself to avoid being like that. But then, that is what ended up killing me. Along with family issues, and basically being on the run, these feelings shredded my spirit at the end of last year, and fragments are still caught up in me.
It sucks.
But now that I've been honest, now that I've confessed this to Kai, now that I'm BLOGGING about it (which I may regret later), I think the shredded and darkened parts of me will start to go away. Only happiness for the future. And that makes the whole world seem brighter.
Script Frenzy is only days from being over. If today is the 21st, all Script Frenzy participants have 9 days to be at 100 pages. How many pages should everyone have right now? Around 67 pages.
Blue is so behind, writing in at 23 pages.
Sure, it won't be easy to catch up. But still, I swear I shall win this one! It's a really great experience, to write a script. Being part in a challenge is fun, too. So, here is my challenge for the rest of the month: Writing around 9 pages per day. Face. Keyboard.
But I promised! I promised I'd finish! Actually accomplishing this.. would mean I'm no longer a failure at everything. Isn't that what everyone else is doing? Struggling (or working smartly) to prove they can finish something like this? In a month? It's pretty amazing.
By the by, my screenplay has evolved from Tunnels into Mindfuck. Yeah. Excuse the non-French.
Psychological Thriller? Whaa? YES.
Mental Issues.
What can I say? Symptoms of ADHD, depression, OCD, and various other things all mashed up in one head can be fun. But it is also.. weird.
And that is that!
Less than a month now to finish my semester of Chemistry and last unit of English. Pressure? Yes. Stress? Yes. Have I tackled things like this before? Yes. Will I finish on time to graduate with the rest of the class (yes, the class I don't know at all whatsoever)? I'd better.
I am really looking forward to summer. Especially because a happy summer means that I've finished Chemistry and I won't need it again (I hope--even if it does come up, I hope not for a WHILE).
Also, I got an email from Ms. Lytle herself, congratulating me and such for my academic success and rewards and things of the like. That is really special. Crazy.
My Dad.
I have no idea why I feel the need to mention this.
Today, my phone went wonky and it said I had received a failed message from my dad, only, I was out of it, and I exited that screen. Bye bye, message. Later, I asked him to resend it, but he said he hadn't sent anything.
So we were talking. This hasn't happened in.. how long, now? It has to have been at least a month. We talked a bit about what we are both currently doing, then a little bit about college. And then out of nowhere, he says he has to go to call back my brother. Okay then.
Is it true I'm having abandonment issues? Perhaps. I try not to think of it. There are already too many issues.
Lastly, Dick Clark.
Because who doesn't love Dick Clark?
He was adorable today. He looked all stoic (and not Matt's "stoic") while he was sitting on the bench on the porch, watching the storm come in.
Last.. er, last last night, I discovered Dick Clark enjoys playing with my old earphones. Only, not if Marilyn Manson or Lady GaGa is playing through them. He folds his ears all the way back. So far back.. I didn't even know cats' ears could go that far back.
Poor Dick Clark. He and his literal 'Fraidy Cat sister, Duchess, are getting old. They're around 12 years old right now! Looong life for two outside cats.
Dick Clark has some issues getting up. It's like he uses the momentum of bouncing several times back and forth to fling and twist himself up. It's quite sad, but rather cute at the same time.
He is as purry and drooly as usual. He enjoys talking, yawning, being pet (petted?) and long walks on the beach. Or, marina. Shh. He is quite the stud, Dick Clark. Very.. orangey. Very adorable.
Oi, so that was a huge load of possibly-depressing news. Sorry about that. Hopefully, soon, the blog will start to get brighter. Especially after I graduate (woo!), when I won't have Chemistry nagging me. Hehe.
Also, someone in me is extremely spiteful. Which means the fun is about to begin.
Love and other indoor sports (like poodle-shaving),
Blue Disastrous
Saturday, April 17, 2010
::Quick, Now, Quick::
I feel really bad for doing this, but I'm going to have to delay what should have been today's post. Today, I did have an awesome day with my adopted Du'Pont twin, but I will have to write a much longer, much more detailed entry tomorrow.
I have been set off once again by the carelessness of someone close.
Blue Disastrous
Friday, April 16, 2010
::Mm, Brains, How Tasty..::
Welcome once again to Zombie Blue's blog. Thanks for reading.
Being a mostly-homeschooled childling, I have the freedom to do my work whenever, and the freedom to totally put everything off otherwise. Because I don't have specific times I MUST go do that important paper on Victorian Poetry, I have gotten my sleeping schedule WAY off track. Hence the zombie feeling. Yesterday/today I stayed up twenty-three hours, then took a nap for five and a half. Woo. Still, zombie-like.
So, updates. I have six books to ship out to people requesting them, and I'm waiting for mine. It is really odd, to me, that people like these types of books, but I suppose if my mum has bought them, other people out there can share that taste in books.
I am STILL shocked about my grants. I keep logging into CMS and looking at my Financial Aid page. I feel like I have Jobberknolls flapping about in my tummy. Is it silly to keep checking it? I doubt it would mysteriously vanish..
So, Mr. Toptop the blue laptop had an adventure today. He traveled in the car! On my lap in a small space, but I could tell he was excited. I mean, his battery life actually lasted a lot longer than it usually would.
I decided to go along with my mum and my uncle to his radiation appointment today for the first time, because my grandma had over her sister and an old friend. Eva, Delores and Gladys. Tell me those DON'T sound like stereotypical granny names. Anyway, they were chattering about and laughing like old hens, so, no thank you. I would rather sit out in a car for half an hour to an hour. Which is what Mum, Mr. Toptop and I did.
It was good, I got to write more to my screenplay freely without distraction from the internet. Maybe I should go to Borders or something more often, and not use their wireless internet. Though, books would probably snag me then. Darn. Coffee shop? I can wear all black (wow, such a stretch from what I usually wear, right?) and pretend to be one of those super cool people you see in the movies who appear so untouchable because of their awesomeness, but then they turn out to be the unfortunate, moody, misunderstood people whose lives are only full of bad things..
Um. No. I don't think so.
Anyway, I've written up to the first main point in my screenplay. Finally. It seems to have taken forever. But now is when I need to start really thinking, how can I build up the structure of the plot? How can I neaten it up, and make it have more impact? One thing I need for sure, though, is to know some ways a person can torture herself.
Oh, yeah. Writing this and not being scared? It'll be a ball.
Love and other indoor sports (oh, don't laugh),
Blue Disastrous
::I Need More Music::
Listening to the same 1246 songs gets pretty monotonous. And yes, I did just spend five minutes trying to remember the word "monotonous" due to another brain fail.
There hasn't been much to blog about lately, and that makes me sad. Sad because I am putting out blog entries that aren't quite worthwhile, and sad because my life is, unfortunately, so uneventful that the highlights of a day include finally finding a book to order and doing another unit in English. And that is definitely not okay.
So, today. First off, once more, I slept until around four. This is also not okay. Anyway, at least I woke up to good news. I got mail!
The reason this is so exciting is that I never get mail. I'm not signed up for any memberships at stores or responsible for paying bills or a receiver of magazines or anything, so all of my mail traffic is the occasional bank statement and--WAIT. Now, I am pretty sure I've explained this before. Brain fail two in a matter of eight minutes.
But this wasn't a bank statement telling me what I already know, or anything from my dad. This.. was the best news I've had in a while. My financial aid award letter.
I've received enough grants to pay for nearly the full total for my freshman year. I can't remember if I screamed or cried or was shocked into silence (it was probably some mixture of these) but this is.. amazing. Beyond that, even. I don't have to beg my dad for help, and I don't have to miss out on college altogether. This is.. the biggest thing that will happen, most likely, until graduation. Huge. Duh. Of course. I'm still shocked.
After that, I don't even know what I did until only a few hours ago. I am pretty sure I only sat staring at the piece of paper for a bit, while other things were happening in the background.
Also, my grandma went out to get another Old Lady Bouffant, also known as The Ridiculous Afro (in my head, at least), so Dick Clark came inside. Not just in my room, either, but in the living room. And he ate my mac n cheese, then rested awkwardly half-off my lap.
Okay, then. I just got off on a very different and passionate tangent. I saw, on a photo album of one of my friends', quite an argument. I clicked. The album was of five pictures, each one containing an emo-ish couple. The first picture, one was kissing the other's cheek. The second, the couple was kissing in the rain. Very classic and cute, and dynamic shot on the photography side of it. The third was two just standing close together. The fourth was an embrace, romantic. The fifth was a sketch of a couple kissing, with credits to someone's DevArt account. Okay. So, why the outrage?
Yep. You guessed it. They were gay couples.
(Er, well, the rain one, I couldn't quite tell if the shorter person is male or female.)
Um. Okay? CUTE and NOT OBSCENE pictures in an album these people didn't have to even click on? It just bothers me that the people who commented with such passionate rage said, "I don't hate gays," but that they didn't want to log into Facebook to see "a bunch of dudes making out." Er.. "(Not that I'm anti-gay.)"
I believe there is only one picture there of one couple of questionable sexuality kissing in the rain. There is no groping, no rubbing, no flying tongues. Nothing at all obscene. Nothing out of the realm of what straight couples normally post. Hell, these pictures were way conservative for what I've seen some of my friends post. If this album shouldn't have been posted, neither should any of straight couples.
Sorry about this tangent. It just really, really bothers me that people show so much hatred toward one group of people while smiling and putting up a front of, "I'm totally supportive!" Did we, as a country, not just get out of a period of time that was full of hatred for a group of people because they have a different shade of skin colour?
Just because of a stupid book..
ANYWAY. Woah. Totally went off again. My original idea, writing of some self-discoveries sparked by another of Sara's blog entries, is now seeming like a very, very bad idea. Too much negativity in one entry. Oi. Let me just say that I've got some more evaluation to do, and I have a lot of personal work to get done and even more issues to get through.
And I'm on page eleven of my screenplay.
Love and other indoor sports (like bashing in skulls, of course),
Blue Disastrous
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
I am giving my permission to be sent off, given away, dumped in a trashcan or whatever else my dad was supposed to do at my wedding.
::Again, Again, and Again::
OH WOW. I typed the title thinking of how I have been chronically staying up into the wee hours of the morning, and then I wanted to listen to music and the first song that comes up on shuffle?
Reread the title. One of my favourites. Ever. Blaqk Audio..
Just go. Just go.
Hmm, so today was.. rather.. odd. It started off (kind of) around 9AM, when I attempted to wake up and failed. Quarter of an hour later, I attempted to wake up and failed. Lather, rinse, repeat. When did I actually get up, breaking this sleep spell? 4:13PM. I suppose sleeping a quarter shy of an hour in two days has finally taken its toll.
What the heck have I even been doing today? I honestly can remember nothing past Mum agreeing to let me sign up for Paperback Swap.
That is the highlight of today, really. I mean, I have had meaningful conversations, meaningless conversations, and worrisome conversations, but signing up for what will equal many books has outshone everything else. Mum pointed at two plastic crates full of books. She wants to rid of them.
They are listed on our PBS account. TWENTY-NINE BOOKS. That is exciting.
Also, current conversation.
After eavesdropping, a 31-year-old masochist teams up with David Bowie to save the world. says (1:30 AM):
lyn-z will be my maid of honour. but i will have.. no bridesmaids.
all my other friends are guys.
Vincent says (1:30 AM):
well, in all honesty, the way the world is right now, things like that have changed
After eavesdropping, a 31-year-old masochist teams up with David Bowie to save the world. says (1:31 AM):
would you like to wear a kilt?
Vincent says (1:31 AM):
honestly, yah, i would do it
So. Um. Yeah.
Love and other indoor sports (中と上です),
Blue Disastrous
For Kai,
I Can Haz Life Plz? NO.,
Random Quotes
Monday, April 12, 2010
::Under the Influence!::
Not of drugs, though. Of colourful things. Of cute things. Of fluffy things.
And of books. And fabric. And baking. Oh my dog, I just may explode.
What happened today? Right! It is a Moonday. 月曜日。Yes, I did remember. That bit of Japanese should send a little hint--yes, waking up at 5:45am (after falling asleep around 5) to go to a class that absolutely messes with my mind! Yay! Japanese is pretty cool though. The class was going over particles. Of course, all of us girls already knew it all, and we were doodling on our whiteboards again and idly standing (sitting) by in case we were shot a question.
My whiteboard contained a llama, an invisible orange pink unicorn, a monstrous leech, all of katakana at least once, and a good (new) portion of my script.
And then I was asked a question.
OH SHAT. I had just learned this with Kai. I literally did a face-desk. It really hurt, and it was really loud. Miyu, of course, giggled as usual. Takada-sensei asked if I was all right--as if I were an escaped hippopotamus with rabies wearing a tutu. So I had explained I had just learned all of these prepositional kanji two days ago. And then.. everyone went quiet. More quiet. Meh.
So now they think I'm a kitty-eared, pink-haired, Japanese-genius freak. It's an improvement.
Then a break. Lunch. Wanting to shoot myself after two--TWO--painstakingly long phone conversations with my grandma.
And then Music! Yay! Right?
Wrong. Apparently the school has decided to have a "talent showcase" and OF COURSE Mr. Courtright has made it known that this is mandatory for all of us in his class. WHAT?! What's worse yet, he just gave us sheet music today which we must master by the showcase on the 30th. Excuse me. No. I do not DO Hook's "Minuet", no matter how easy it is. Can't I do Perfectly Flawed? Why not?! Buu.
AAANYWAY, the positives:
+4 more pages of my screenplay today.
+Did not fall asleep in either class.
+Got a lot of compliments on my hair.
+Random urge to work on my ridiculous English course--finished a unit and then some.
So, say yay for the psychotic senior?
Hopefully I can go to the fabric store to make Dexter's neko mimi.
OH YEAH. I totally just remembered a large portion of my day I wanted to say here. So, I've written an 18 Before 18 list, and one of my goals is to read a book a week until then. But I've no money! And no (safe) library! So, I asked my old pal, Sedona, what I should do.
Oh, duh. Paperback Swap.
Double score: people have listed textbooks Kai and I are going to need next semester. For 1 Book Credit? Heck yes.
Love and other indoor sports (like plotting sweet, sweet revenge),
Blue Disastrous
I apologise; I have been unnecessarily annoyed at just about everything today. I don't know why, particularly, but my mind has pretty much declared war on itself. I want one thing, but then it annoying because I want its opposite at the same time, which is annoying in itself, and this struggle continues.
It has kept me from doing anything productive, really, so I wish I had just gone to bed much earlier. Isn't that horrible? Oi, don't answer that.
Erm. What news is there? Dick Clark is sick. Again. So he's been laying on my bed nearly all day. A random French Canadian guy added me on Facebook. I gained another follower (which actually does make me happy!). Er.. I still have oodles of schoolwork to do, and the main part of that is Chemistry which I still hate with a burning passion. Hopefully I can pull it off in the end.
Er. Also. Now I really, really want a pet ferret. Too bad they are illegal to buy and own in California. But then, if I go to another state (that is not Hawaii)..
Now, I shall go. Either I shall sleep, or bake the brownies I want. Either way, it is what it is.
Blue Disastrous
Sunday, April 11, 2010
::Another Perfect Day::
Well, maybe not absolutely perfect, but pretty close. I spent the day with Kai, mostly in his dorm. Little bit in the lobby.
Meh. It was a really lazy day. First thing we do when I arrive? Sleep. Nine thirty is too early for us night owls. Anyway, we spent some of the time after waking up just laying and randomly.. being us. Which included totally ignoring his stupid さろ roommate who forgot his stupid key and banged on the stupid door for ten minutes straight.
Our story: we were asleep. Yeah. I promise.
Anyway, the day was spent making my blue/black mill deck better, learning some kanji (almost none of which I even remember now) and being totally pissed and therefore writing another two pages to my screenplay by texting it to my email while I was in the place.. situation.. whatever it was that was sucking the happy right out of me.
ENCOURAGE, please.
So now I.. am writing. Yay, I've reached all of.. six pages. So lame. But at least I'm filling out the plot and adding ideas in, thanks to Vince. And it's funny, because I've been talking of killing off characters in my screenplay but.. it wouldn't really apply to my script with current changes. So. I will stick to killing them off in my mind!
Yeah, Blue, that doesn't sound psycho at all..
Also, new music. That's all.
Love and other indoor sports (like balancing four awkward drinks in awkward bottles),
Blue Disastrous
P.S. I have had the craving for a jar of baby food all day. Strawberry banana applesauce. WHY?!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Such a fun word. Well, if you've clicked the link to this post or you're just tuning in--you can see I've done some remodeling. Like the new layout, widgets, and music? Oh, I do.
Unfortunately, this is all I have for tonight/this morning. I'm supposed to wake up in four or so hours to go see Kai. Eep!
Blue Disastrous
Unfortunately, this is all I have for tonight/this morning. I'm supposed to wake up in four or so hours to go see Kai. Eep!
Blue Disastrous
Friday, April 9, 2010
::And Now, My Day::
All righty then! After totally ranting forever, I feel mostly better. So, that's good.
A quick blog-update, about the actual technical and not-content stuff, I am working out a custom layout, getting music to put up, tabs linking to other relevant things, possible "theme" entries (as lame as that sounds), and other cool things like that. I'm pretty excited about that.
Also, my graduation party-planning is SO underway. That's pretty exciting too. Now, if only I could get Via Coma to respond.. Cough.
Anyway! Today--well, yesterday now, so Thursday, yep, Thursday, okay, that's all settled--I woke up at 7:30 AM (a HUGE surprise, like eight hours early for me, right?) with intent to meet Matt at the BART at 10. Well, we were all some random number of minutes late, but that didn't make much difference. We were going to Japantown, after all.
I know, I'm shocked too. Of course, I still got the whole list of things NOT to do; don't make eye contact, don't sit by shady people on the BART, don't talk about money, don't talk to any seedy-looking people, don't you DARE take your sweatshirt off, Brittany Rose, I will NOT have you showing your belly--in my defense, it perfectly covers my belly.. if I keep pulling it down during the day. But I wear a jacket anyway. Ah, times.
So we were off, Tiger and I. We were bubbly excited. I took off my kitty hat and got a few looks from people--oi, my head had just exploded in pink. Anyway, we brushed up on our Japanese on the way. We failed to hold our breath going under the tunnels (come on, there were stops IN the tunnels). Mostly we caught up, and people-watched with our sharks, Jessie and James. Meowth is missing, again, by the by.
We got off at Powell Street. Phase One--done. Only, we got slightly side-tracked by the mall. Well, I sort of dragged him in. But, it's so.. nine-story-y! It is awesome. We took some pictures (which I am too lazy to upload, nyan, nyan) and left. Phase Two was in progress.
Japantown, I estimate, is only a bit over a mile from the Powell Street BART stop. Maybe.. Let me check. One point six miles. That didn't seem so far to us. And why would we want to waste a good dollar or so on bus fare when we could walk? After all, buses smell and have weird people and stopped at random places. Surely we'd get lost. Plus, it's so.. unsanitary!!
Anyway. An hour and a half of straight climbing up gigantic hills, we were sweaty, tired, and SO relieved to see the little waving Japantown flags. We were there!
Phase Three--mall. And then began our exploring. We had a three-hour time limit, unfortunately, but it was okay. We went to nearly every shop; the kimono shop, stationery shops, furniture shops, and a lot of candy shops, trinket shops, and oh-my-goodness delicious-smelling inscence shops. Matt had to stop our excursion for one of his beloved lychee pearl drinks. Blechk.
And then we realised--oh, shat! We had forty minutes to eat and start heading back. So, still a bit of time, but not much. We popped into the other side of the mall. There weren't many shops we were interested in--only one, actually. A little supermarket. It was adorable, as were the Japanese people who were (duh) fluently speaking in Japanese amongst themselves. We were so jealous.
Then, right as we walked out, to the right, we found the perfect restaurant. Phase Four. A sushi bar. Finally, I was getting my beloved sushi. Sake (salmon) nagiri. YUM. Matt got shrimp tempura (shouldn't it be tenpura, in Japanese?) and some sort of weird sushi.. Anyway, it was delicious. All washed down with oodles of soy sauce and two Cokes. The ice cubes, I feel I must mention, were ADORABLE. They were like, PERFECT small cubes, about the size of.. erm.. my keyboard keys! Yeah! And they were completely clear. It was awesome.
Except then, somehow, a small dollop of undiluted wasabi got into my sushi. I didn't know this. I ate the whole thing. This was my first--and hopefully LAST--experience with wasabi. My head nearly exploded. Spicy and I don't mix. At all.
So, after that whole ordeal (そおいしいでした!) we went back to the supermarket. I had been craving some MOUSE (actually small, cocoa-dusted chocolate mousse squares by Meltyblend, OOH I DO recommend them) all day, so I had to get some. Also, a bento box, which is priced as 3.80$ on Jbox, but was 1.50$ at the supermarket. I could have so bought two. My bento collection is happily growing. It's rather exciting.
Anyway, after that, we went across the street and popped into a store dedicated to origami. NYAN. All the paper was so pretty. It made me wish I could fold something other than stars and weird stackable claw-beak things. They didn't even had any star paper! Or, maybe we just didn't see any. It wasn't on my mind at the time.
We found a sign outside that had a kitty and, duh, said, "ねこ" and it was so cute. Obviously I had to take a picture with it. But then--
We had to go back. Into Phase Five. Going back. And, of course, going back was all uphill too. Sigh. But then we hit the peak of the hill, and it was basically running all the way down. We made it back in half an hour! That's better than my P.E. mile time. Really!
So then, Phase Six--wandering. We went back into the nine-story mall. People-watched. Hot Topic to scan ze card. Then out to get a cup-bowl-cone of frozen yogurt, which I had to slurp and get a brain freeze, noticing we were late.
Phase Seven--BART again. We were going home.
Today was an exciting adventure. Except the part of fearing for our lives walking to Japantown and back. But hey! It was a great experience. I hope this happens again sometime soon. And we WILL speak Japanese.. We WILL!!
Love and other indoor sports (like doing the wasabi-dance),
Blue Disastrous
Thursday, April 8, 2010
::Okay. It's TIME::
It is time for my rant about children. It just so happened that, again, I was thinking of a topic to blog about, and decided to check the other updated blogs and it just so happened that the lovely Sara had written an entry on the same topic here.
Yes, I did say that. What is wrong with America, this generation? Why is society crumbling away into a mess of crime and disrespect, with no morals and laws to protect us from protecting ourselves?
I know I am barely out of childhood, so hush. But at least I'm not one of my peers, who smokes, drinks, does drugs, parties all night, sleeps around, and behaves generally idiotic every waking second of her miserable and nearly pointless life. Maybe that is a bit of an exaggeration; after all, not every American teen is like that.
But really, now, we've gotten terrible. There are cases such as the examples used in Sara's post, in which (early) teens are discriminated against, beaten into a coma, and forced to resort to killing themselves because the bullying has gotten that terrible.
Why do the figures of authority not try to help these kids? Why is no one bothering to help?
It is starting early on now, in the twos and threes, when children are just learning how to put coherent sentences together. Children are now growing up with a television as a full-time nanny, while their parents are out partying, or ignoring their responsibilities, or just not caring. Actually, I'll take that back. Let's say these parents do care about their children. They care, but they don't bother to actually parent.
Now, I'm not saying every parent in America is bad. There are some truly great ones out there, with children who will grow into amazing people. There are also children who will grow up well in spite of their bad experiences with their parent(s). But this is not quite my point.
All right. So, let's take a trip into this scary land of parenting--which I have never experienced, and hope not to for at least another ten years. So, there you go. You've had a baby. Congratulations, it's a boy. Now what?
Well, now you've got a baby on your hands. A baby who will begin to learn to talk, walk and act according to what he sees--and what he is allowed to get away with. Okay, so little Johnny spilled his mac n cheese on the floor and laughed. Maybe it was an accident. You give him new food. He does it again, and laughs. So now it's a joke. Maybe, just laugh it off. He's only playing.
But then, those two incidents turn into ten, forty, one hundred meals splattered on the floors, the walls, and Fluffy the cat. And why have you not stopped this yet?
Take a step back. Little Johnny is learning to talk. It's kind of cute, but you know, you may not have a lot of time to put into this whole teaching thing. You turn on the TV, like every evening. Some reality show about rich brats in Orange County. Meh, okay. It's usual.
The next morning, little Johnny fails to address you as "Mommy/Daddy". No, this morning, he demands, "Food, bitch!" Oh, my. Maybe that wasn't what you thought it was.. No, it may have been the TV (the one that is still on, by the way), or maybe he was just babbling. Certainly he doesn't know what this word means. You get him some food.
Only, this too turns into a hundred incidents. You shrug it off. Surely he must know it is impolite, and he is only playing because he is only a baby.
The same exact pattern plays for a majority of his baby behaviours. He screams when he's not happy. Appease him, then he will be quiet. Until next time. He runs around the house, and accidentally knocks a lamp over. But then, what does he care? He shrugs his toddler shoulders and runs off again, knowing you'll just clean up his messes. Isn't that what you always do?
This child you've just raised is the child that will run around stores screaming his head off, pushing down other kids at the playground to get a swing, or even hitting people. I mean, really? Raising a child with little to no discipline? Who does that help?
Certainly not yourself. You're the one who has to, again and again, clean up his messes. It may have been mac n cheese that first time, but what about when he's sixteen or seventeen, coming home escorted by police because he was caught tagging the school?
Mostly, you're certainly not helping him. He will grow up thinking he can order people around, or hit, or throw a tantrum with no consequence. He could end up the bully at the school, beating one of his peers because of some stupid fight over texting. Or, even worse, he could end up with a group that gets him into drugs. Or, he could end up fathering a child of his own way too early.
Of course, that was an extreme situation. There are some kids who have grown up with no discipline who have had to learn the hard way that these actions will lead them down the wrong path--something as small as not being able to go out to recess as a child, or maybe something later as an early teen, such as being busted at a party serving alcohol to minors. Again, more extreme cases.
But we hear these sorts of sad things all the time. It's always in the news. More school bullies beating their victims within an inch of death, more property damage by aimless teens, more rape.. and the young adults as well. It's hard to miss on the news, living in the Bay Area, a murder committed by someone barely legal, or a pair of them on the loose, armed. These kinds of people are the ones who make other parents, the good parents, afraid to let their own children go out of the house. These people are infringing on our rights as Americans. I want to be free, as we have all been promised. Don't you? But how far can we take that if we're even afraid to walk to the convenience store three blocks down the street?
Wow, this blog that started as a rant about bad parenting has turned into.. this. It's crazy.
So, what can new parents do to prevent this? The first thing I'd say a parent can do is love his or her child enough to discipline the child. No, it doesn't mean giving them the belt if they throw a tantrum. (Though, that happened a lot in future generations, didn't it? And it seems to have worked!)
Letting little Johnny know that knocking over his food, or screaming, or breaking furniture is not acceptable is absolutely going in the right direction. Children are, obviously, young and impressionable. They will get the message that certain behaviours are not tolerated. And then they will act accordingly.
Also, a great idea is to NOT let trashy TV parent your child. If anything, it can serve as an educational tool, or a bit of entertainment--clean entertainment. And not even that much. Children should not be inside with the TV all day! Or at--ugh, this is so wrong--their own laptops, or using their own cell phones. First, HELLO, children should not be allowed to have cell phones! They are CHILDREN, who are they going to call?
But secondly, the more important bit; why should children be inside watching TV when they can be outside, exploring the world they've been brought into? Er, safely, of course, as I've already ranted about those totally unfair evil people who make cities unsafe. But still. Outside. Surroundings. Friends. Playing, learning, laughing, growing as happy, bubbly children as they should. Is that too much to ask?
When little Johnny understands it isn't good to be the bad kid, little Johnny can start having fun in life. I was just that age a bit over ten years ago! I remember it! Having sleepovers with my friends, catching ladybugs, baking with my mum, "camping" out on the lawn.. I'm certainly glad my parents didn't allow me to be shut into a room with a TV talking at me. I'm glad I got to experience childhood as I should have--erm, just forget the divorce, shh!--heck, I'm even grateful I got those, what, two spankings for bad behaviour? Just getting "the look" from my mum or dad stopped anything bad straight in its tracks. As a little kid, you don't want to disappoint your parents. Or, at least, you shouldn't.
So, what are my main points here?
+Discipline. Let them know bad behaviour is not tolerated.
+TV isn't a nanny.
+Inject them full of love. There has to be a balance for all this spanking/"the look"-ing business.
+Nothing is more important than parenting your child. Not your rocky relationships, not your work, nothing.
+PLEASE don't assume your child knows how to behave well and is choosing to act like a brat. Chances are, little Johnny has been allowed to act this way by YOU.
Erm. Yeah. I should also add in some stuff about helping them become well-rounded little people, not with food but with experiences, and to get involved and all that jazz, but really, I'm getting tired of ranting and I now feel OODLES better getting this all out.
And now I am at a total loss for words. It's turning into NaNoWriMo all over again! Ahh!
Love and other indoor sports (like PARENTING),
Blue Disastrous
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
::Prime Suspect!::
Watching Family Feud has never been so fun.
What a lie.
So hey, I'm climbing up in entries. Finally I'm at a good number again, this being number 135. What have I revealed in so many posts? Not much actually. Reading so many different blogs has opened up a lot of ideas, some of which I shall silently admire, and some of which I shall try. I should have news about this out pretty soon; I have some things stewing in my mind.
Day two, no, three of eating an overload of sugar. Still loving it. Eating all this chocolate is making me drink practically my weight in water (as that is what goes best with chocolate, duh) so.. That balances out the bad, right? Not quite. But it's delicious! Buu. I'm sure there are millions of parents out there dealing with their small children bouncing off the walls (and furniture and ceiling and pets..) and wishing Easter had never come. Oops.
Family Feud, again: "GOOD ANSWER, GOOD ANSWER--" until the X smacks them down. Isn't that great? Crushing the hopes and dreams of millions.. or at least that family. Fail.
Sadly, I have nothing else to say for now. I shall be back!
Love and other indoor sports (it's wabbit season--chocolate wabbit),
Blue Disastrous
Monday, April 5, 2010
::Thank POODLES::
FINALLY I have caught up on blogs. It has taken that long to get through all the entries to all the blogs I have subscribed to from that one random.. one-week period? Er, the time when I was away from Blogger for a while. Yeah.
But no, I am not the type to just skip over all those entries. I won't ignore the all the work put into blogging, because obviously I blog too, and it means a lot to me when people take the time to read. (Though I'm not sure why, I don't say anything so interesting..)
You know what I find interesting? When I take a break to go to the bathroom, as I am unfortunately a human, and I get back to about six messages with a couple asking where I've gone. I was only gone a minute! Honestly.. Yes, I do love my people. Which is why I'm known for texting back immediately. Weirdness.
Happy Zombie Cria Day! Yesterday, that is. Was. Of course I am sitting here eating my purple Peeps (one has a random eye on its head) and dark chocolate and all. But also, I am enjoying my bright hair.
I would post a picture, but I want to wait for something better than what I currently have. So ha. But it is extremely similar to Jeffree Star's.
..Oh.. my.. dog.. I totally refreshed my Blogger homepage to find a bunch of new entries. Lovely! I shall read them now.
So, I read them. Do I regret it? Yes and no. One particular entry brought up an old issue and while I do think of it often, I do shove it aside and purposely forget it. Now I am not. But moving on.
Saturday was fun. Vince and I walked a long way, first stopping at a field over overgrown bushes and yellow flowers. It was pretty cool, but I was kind of afraid a random creature would pop out and eat me. So on we went, until we got to that one side of Schulte, with the ditch with a "creek" and all those trees and whatnot. Turns out, there were no dead bodies. I was shocked.
We spent a few hours there, experimenting with what I will call "photo art". We both semi-failed, but we did get some good shots out of it.
Anyway, we ended up taking off to the mall when two raccoons scared the artistic vision out of me. So, to the mall! To Hot Topic! To Best Buy! To the World Market!
Only, Mum and Grandma were there. We were not supposed to go anywhere they were, as they were getting Easter surprises. We snuck around like creeps. Vince ended up getting tea (which smelled nasty; I forced him to stay away a bit because it was so bad), and then we decided to leave. Only, Mum was near the entrance. For sure we were going to get caught. So we crouched down, weaving in and out of displays, and darted out the door. Only one of the ladies at the counter saw us.
Right outside we were stopped. Ho. Shat. Before she could say anything, we both started half-shouting, "We didn't steal anything! We didn't steal! We have nothing! We were trying to not be seen by someone! We don't have anything! We didn't steal!" Things like that. Vince even offered we turn out our pockets. Like Snape. Or something.
But then the lady says, "No, I just wanted to know what you got." Gesturing to his tea. Sure, lady. I'm sure that's exactly what you wanted to know. Two dark teens darting out of a store, suspiciously glancing over their shoulders to see if they were being caught (by Mum)? Sure, lady.
Yesterday was interesting. I woke up at a somewhat-normal time. But of course, I immediately felt ridiculously sick, and I fell asleep on the couch right after looking through my Easter basket. Which was awesome, by the way. Stuffed full of socks, dark chocolate, purple Peeps, my traditional Long Ears chocolate bunny, a dark bunny, and my own set of adorable ceramic measuring spoons. And a llama! Another for my family of llamas.
I woke up later to find my Aunt Connie and Erica had just arrived. Yes, I know saying "my Aunt Connie.." should be grammatically incorrect. But I mean they are MINE, so ha. Not just a general "this is my aunt, this is my cousin". Meh, whatever, now I'm just rambling.
Very shortly after, I took a shower while Erica gave everyone haircuts. Then it was my turn. The whole day was consumed by hair stuff, catching up, and watching the Blindside while eating dinner. All in all, a good day. And yes, I am eating the leftovers now! Delicious, tender pork.. Oh! Yum!
It is now five days into Script Frenzy, and I am still on page three. Today, I am supposed to be on page seventeen to be on track. Well, ha! Take that, goal! I am going to feign failure, and come out victorious after all!
Well, I can only hope.
Still, deaths, car crash, Lulu, abusive father, mental scars.. Nearly to the first mention of Adrienne hearing a guiding voice. The story is totally taking on a life of its own, and it is way warped from my original nightmare. It is truly amazing.
As well as the human mind. That is all I shall say about that.
As of now (well, when I post this entry), I shall be whoring my blog. Who wants to follow, ne?
Love and other indoor sports (like.. Paso Doble?),
Blue Disastrous
For Kai,
Quest for a Life,
Saturday, April 3, 2010
::Another Day::
This has been a week or so of me being ridiculously sick. And it is just that--ridiculous.
Last night I got absolutely no sleep due to being freezing with a mild fever, nausea, headache, and just about every part of my body cramping up from the cold. And yes, I did have three blankets and an additional electric one on. Stupid.
I did get sleep, though. After three. I was waiting for Mum so I could buy.. Mayhem tickets! I'm really excited. Hopefully Kai likes his birthday gift, nyan?
Anyway. I woke up around.. nine? Ate a small dinner. Wrote two more pages on my screenplay. Now I am only six pages behind. Woo! I'll catch up.
My main stopping point was where my stopping point always is--the first time a character's name is brought up.
After hours of consideration, I decided my heroine is Adrienne, her fiance is Will, and her nearly irrelevant white rabbit is (was) Lulu. Only the first two are important, though.
So far, I think it has a lot of impact.. It even sort of freaks me out. I am reliving a cauchemar, after all. Hehehe. I like that word better than "nightmare".
Anyway. Four pages, two deaths, a car crash, two flash backs and an abusive father. Four pages. One of which doesn't even really count.
So you decide.
Anyway, I just finished my ice cream and I am TIRED. So goodnight.
Love and other indoor sports (like, maybe a typing race?),
Blue Disastrous
For Kai,
I Can Haz Life Plz? NO.,
Thursday, April 1, 2010

That's right. DevianTART has changed everyone's avatar to Team Edward, Jacob, Gaga, and Seeker (no, not a cool Harry Potter Seeker, one of the stupid "seekers" from Twilight).
Sigh. Joking aside, today is the first day of Screnzy.
Of course. I'm only on page one.. of three. Three! Three and a third pages are all that is needed per day in order to reach the goal of one hundred pages. I'll make it up tomorrow, I swear..
Today it really sunk in (well, to my mum, really) that I will be graduating in a couple of months. So what does mum do? Calls the Super Team of us Brown women (and Wray, shh!) to start planning a party. Cake!! I've asked Via Coma to come play, and grab some food and such, so we'll see about that. Also, I have made my list and I'm checking it twice.. I am Sandy Paws, after all. I hope it will turn out to be a somewhat-non-boring party. I know nothing about parties.
Hm. I am very excited. First off, I've plans, and that never happens!! Er, actually, I've said that for the past few months and life is proving me wrong, so I'll keep on saying it.
Anyway. Slight chance of seeing Vince again for a test, and for.. awesomeness. Duh. Twin vibe.
Possible chance at maybe seeing my Fetus Buddeh?
Sunday, my cousin and aunt are coming over, and I'm getting bleach and colour, FINALLY!!
And then will come working hard on schoolwork and my screenplay and seeing Kai and somehow fitting sewing in somewhere.
Also, I like bananas.
And questionable Chinese food. And now I must change rooms.
THAT took a VERY long time. Forty minutes. But I did other stuff as well. Random stuff. Like noticing the towel on the real rack smells like my cat after rain (not awful, no matter how bad it sounds). And taking my measurements.
How'd that happen?! However, I like it. Now, if only to get those numbers nice and even.. Almost there. And don't call me crazy! I'm not complaining. Just want to shape up. And do it well. So ha.
Anyway, I think it is time to get back to writing Tunnels. Which is the official unofficial title. Now it is technically "tomorrow", so now I've got to get to six and two-thirds pages before next midnight strikes.
Wish me luck.
Love and other indoor sports (like bed-dancing),
Blue Disastrous
P.S. Bed-dancing is not the same as the aforementioned "Love".
P.P.S Kai still hasn't written since he's been back.
P.P.P.S. This makes me a very sad kitty.
P.P.P.P.S. Also, I've been awarded a Cal Grant and I can't believe I didn't mention it!!
P.P.P.P.P.S. Apparently I like the whole "P.S." thing.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
::Pasta Blends with Nothing::
You see, it tries to be Davey while singing 100 Words. And you know it makes sense.
As you know, I have not blogged in a very long time. Why is this, you ask? Why am I sitting in front of the laptop (rather, it sitting on me) nearly all day, every day, and I've not blogged?
Simple. Because I, you see, am lazy. And forgetful.
Basically, I have been feeling like I have the flu (especially yesterday) and of course that affects my brain which goes, "Whee! Ima pretend I go to Hogwarts! And plan a wedding that is still a star away! And build a Mill deck (which is kickass, if I do say so myself--not that I'd play anyone other than Kai, for now)!"
Also, it makes me type many typos and many R's and \'s from my obsessive-compulsive typing. Which is very ridiculous. And not in the "OH HAY, BOGGART" way.
What I am trying to say is, as far as anything of importance in the real world (or semi-real world, actually, which kills that dreadful TV show from ages ago) goes, I've fallen off the face of the Earth. Like, really, gravity has selectively chosen me to not receive its almighty sucking/pulling ima-make-you-this-many-pounds-mwahahahaha powers. I have only done a few hours of schoolwork, I have not updated my blog, I have not been on Facebook (which is actually good, since it's distracting, but bad because I'm keeping up some old friendships there--how bittersweet), and I have not been on top of any of my college stuff.
Which reminds me! Today, as I've started to look back into everything important, I noticed that.. FINALLY CALGRANTS HAS RECEIVED AND KEYED IN MY GPA FORM, YAAAAAAY!!
You may not throw me a party at which you shall serve me Funfetti cake with lavendar buttercream frosting, and you shall lay a fluffy kitty on my lap, as well as a dark crown upon my head and call me your Mistress, as you are now my evil minions who will help me take over the world with my mind-controlling novels.
That is all.
But really, I'm excited about that. And I'm excited to hear back from every financial aid place. I have a 3.5 GPA, which (hopefully) will be higher when I graduate. I thought it was worse. So now I'm really happy.
Also, I am really happy that I got to see Kai on his birthday. He is now 17 (again--NOT THE MOVIE, PLEASE) and it was a happy occasion. Except there was no cake. Why was there no cake? Because he wanted Lucky Charms marshmallow treats and I was going to give them to him! But he didn't even shove one of the emo candles in it to make a wish! Really! What kind of birthday is that, Kai?!
Still, a fun one. We saw How to Train Your Dragon, which was actually very entertaining. It was also in 3D. I'm happy with 3D now. It is no longer the IMA-POP-OUT-AND-GRAB-YOU-OR-STAB-OUT-YOUR-EYE-MWAHAHAHA 3D, but Real3D, which is.. good. I don't like the first-mentioned type of 3D. It is freakish, and no matter how well I know it is fake, it scares me. Me, Blue, the girl who laughs through horror movies. It is very sad.
Sigh. Now, apparently my tummy wants to sing along with the pasta mentioned waaay up there. I do have all of Crash Love stuck in my head. I hated it at first, but now I'm borderline-obsessed. Also, I was temporarily obsessed with the game Imperfect Balance, which is why my eyes are being weird and every word I read or type is falling "off-screen" and bursting into a billion shards of glass.
All right, so! My agenda for the rest of the week is as follows:
+Actually work on cleaning the room. This means leaving my laptop off and instead playing music on my iHome made just for that purpose so I can't get distracted.
+Actually work on schoolwork, and hopefully a lot of it to catch up before.. PLP meeting, which is going to suck because of the fact I have been neglecting my work for VH and French and an un-birthday birthday and somewhat-fake wedding planning. But honestly, they're a lot more fun than wasting hours to get through pointless work that teaches me nothing.
+Get Mum to do what she needs to do for my financial aid process. She knows. She knows.
+Meet with Vince! And do the shoot! And catch up! And not be awkward! We are, after all, twins. And he knows if he tries anything, I shall shout incest and start an epic brawl that I will probably lose. But he is one of the guys that lives by the code of chivalry, which is why I keep him around. I could babble about his awesomeness but it would get very awkward for quite a few people.
+Not hate on the people I hold a grudge against. Which means, at the moment, two girls who do not know when to stop and do not know what boundaries are and who do not understand anger (or they do, and still act how they do to continue making me feel this way, because they know I will never publicly unleash my wrath upon them, and I only ever do see them in public). Though, they both deserve hating, however illogical that is, so I shall continue to hate them and hope I do not see them EVER, EVER again. Unfortunately, I may be stuck with them for a few years. I hope not.
+Absorb more Japanese and French. This does not mean speaking French in Japanese or speaking Japanese in French. How I will keep these as two separate entities remains to be seen.
+Get all other eight to stop crowding me, despite the current anger I just caused by making this known.
+Prepare for Screnzy. That is pretty self-explanatory.
+Learn to prepare more meals so I shall not starve or die from malnutrition in college.
+MAKE EVERYTHING I PROMISED. I am a horrible, horrible person who has been sick and distracted and every other excuse. But the army of fleece kitties is coming, I swear.
+Start sleeping regularly.
Speaking of sleeping regularly, it is nearly three, which is not going to help anything at all. But it is not my fault that the blogs of those I follow are really interesting. It is, however, my fault that I just decided to start reading them at midnight, and also that I have been away so long that I STILL haven't caught up on all the blogs.
Unfortunately for now, this means I must leave. You all must be rolling your eyes or jumping for joy (butt-jumping from your chairs?) that finally this blog is getting wrapped up.
But, instead, I shall make it longer.
That is all.
Love and other indoor sports (like doing the Can-Can while asleep),
Blue Disastrous
P.S. My legs still hurt.
For Kai,
Nonsensically Long Blog Entry,
To-Do Lists
Saturday, March 20, 2010
::Kami Llama!::
I haven't blogged in ages! I have, however, been roleplaying a LOT as my new alter, Marjorie Du'Pont, who will be getting her own blog soon. Well, possibly a joint blog with her brother,Vincent.
So, this all reminds me of what I was going to blog about a couple nights ago. But now I won't, because no one will believe me, and I don't want everyone to know all my inner workings. So instead, I shall list my alters.
Lilith Tempest::
+Favourite subject is Potions
+Basically, she is like the average me
+She wants to play Quidditch, as a Seeker
Marjorie Du'Pont::
+Aspiring Hufflepuff
+Favourite subject is Transfiguration
+She is very dreamy
+She wants to play Quidditch, as a Chaser or Beater
+Did I mention she has a twin, Vincent?
Mae Shi::
+Aspiring Slytherin
+Favourite subject is Defense Against the Dark Arts
+She is very aggressive and very.. kickass
+She is going to put her name in the Goblet of Fire for that year's Tri-Wizard Tournament
Nymph Bruach::
+Aspiring Hufflepuff, possibly Ravenclaw
+Favourite subject is Herbology, with Divination as a close second
+She is.. You can guess.
+She wants to play Quidditch, as a Beater
Stella Anderson::
+Aspiring Gryffindor
+Favourite subject is Astronomy
+She is basically a con artist
Aurora Calder::
+Aspiring Hufflepuff
+Favourite subject is Defense Against the Dark Arts
+She is, the poor dear, a basketcase
Elise Du'Pont::
+Aspiring Hufflepuff
+Favourite subject is Herbology
+She is VERY hyper
+She wants to play Quidditch, as a Seeker
+She is also the younger sister to Marjorie and Vincent
Clara le Fay::
+Aspiring Ravenclaw
+Favourite subject is Transfiguration, then Care of Magical Creatures
+She is extremely logical
+She wants to play Quidditch, as a Keeper
Alice Stone::
+Aspiring Hufflepuff
+Favourite subject is Charms, then Arithmancy
+She is very creative
How will I keep up with all of these alters? They will carry me through years if I keep up with them. Actually, three years, as soon as Marjorie's and Vincent's first day. A LOOONG time.
Anyway, I have been really.. randomly busy lately. Building Magic deckness and spending time with my sickie Kai, and AFI. And gettingto know Vince better. That's.. actually all.
I really hope I can see Kai on his birthday. I must!!
Love and other indoor sports (what is more beautiful than love?),
Blue Disastrous
Monday, March 15, 2010
::Blue Jays::
Have I not blogged in a while? I don't remember blogging in a while; I have, however, been reading other blogs. Good blogs. Great blogs. Blogs that make me happy, and blogs that make me think.

Geez, we look so young. That was only.. nearly two years ago. Time moves so fast.. That was the night Kai and I moved up a step. Very yummy.
I am feeling quite happy about this, so I'd like to share a few.
Sleep Talkin' Man::This is one everyone should know about. I mean, come on, an English man who is rather aggressive and random while he talks in his sleep? It's awesome.
Love Always, Clara::I found Clara's blog through NaNoWriMo. No, Kai, I'm not stalking her. Glare. Anyway, Clara is always very real, very random, and very deserving of good-natured laughs and blog love.
Insatiable Host::Danon, the Insatiable Host, is a mother who is witty and entertaining at the very least (add in a dash of cursing). She also has themed days, and that's pretty cool.
Layla Grace::On a much more serious note, this blog is written by the parents of Layla Grace--a little girl with a terrible disease. I came upon this too late.. but the story is still.. Well, it will be with me for a long time.
It's a Panty Pyramid::This last blog I shall share was created by the Insatiable Host. It's a whole bundle of fun! For women. Eh, Fetus Buddy? Nudge, nudge! I haven't joined yet, but I will sometime in the future. It's a panty party!
So! Other than reading tons of blogs when I should have been doing schoolwork, I have been avoiding schoolwork on Virtual Hogwarts, avoiding schoolwork by baking six batches of cookies and a Devil's Food Cake, avoiding schoolwork by attempting to create Magic decks, avoiding schoolwork by trying to digitally paint on Photoshop, and avoiding schoolwork by preparing for Screnzy and college, which is still five months away.
There's still way too much to do. The least important being to re-purple my hair. Hey, I haven't even had so much as highlights for a year now. Do you know how hard that is for a person who hates being anything like anyone else? Dull, dark brown? Please.Geez, we look so young. That was only.. nearly two years ago. Time moves so fast.. That was the night Kai and I moved up a step. Very yummy.
Ah. My point is, look at that hair. Purple, please!
Okay, I think this post is long enough. Tehe. It's time for dinner and, after that, frosting the cake.
By the by, I looked up at the TV and it read: "Bacon and Blue". So now I want dorm bacon again. Thanks, Hermione. I mean, TV.
Love and other indoor sports (FRET),
Blue Disastrous
Saturday, March 13, 2010
::Is That a Kitty?::
No, in fact, it was/is an otter. Sadly.
Anyway! Today was/is the thirteenth. I got to spend mooost of the day fully with Kai. It was amazing. Not only the morning, then later Magic (even though the only time I won was because he made a mistake and even said so.. >_>)..
But! Today was/is Reception Day! For all the new Otters. You know how it is. So basically most of it was a waste of time. Kai just took Mum and I around CSUMB and gave us a mini-tour. It was good enough. Then we ended up at the TAT building, and I am SO glad we did.
Not just because of the hat order, either.
The presentation for Teledramatic Arts and Technology completely made me change my mind. See, I was the ONLY Integrated Studies Special Major out of nearly seven hundred incoming freshmen.. but now I want to declare TAT as my official major. Because it is awesome. More awesome than OH-possums, and that is just not even possible. Physics says so. "Physics" is singular because it is a singular subject, nyan?
Anyway, I am now absolutely excited to just skip the whole summer and go straight into what I seriously hope are going to be the best years of my life. Everyone says they'll be. All cliché-y and such. But really, I am very excited to begin learning how to get the horror stories out of my head.. which sounds a lot worse than it actually is.
And I really, really hope there will be some fellow Harry Potter enthusiasts in my year. Hufflepuffs, preferably. But we'll see.
Love and other indoor sports (NOT like o!quid),
Blue Disastrous
Friday, March 12, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
::So Quickly::
+Cutting of fleece. Lots of cutting.
+Tiredness. Rest on the couch after said cutting.
+Script Frenzy. It is coming up, I read some script-writing resources.
+Series proposition. Ten episodes in twenty days with Zak. Preparation for Screnzy.
+Magic. Kai. Ho shat.
+School tomorrow.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Ah! Don't shoot me, I know I'm dreadfully behind. Shh.
Today was spent.. half-cleaning. The rest of my attention was focused on America's Next Top Model, and it was one of my favourite cycles. Hey, it's not my fault I like crazy editorial shoots! Well, I guess it is. And at some point, I'd love to do something extraordinary with my ordinary self.
Speaking of "ordinary", I really hope I get a roommate that's.. not trashy, not dramatic (in an overly-rude, middle school-esque Ima-ruin-your-life-any-chance-I-get way, not in a theatrical in a tasteful on-stage-performer-and/or-maybe-on-film-actor), and not attitude-impaired. I want someone I can relate to, someone who can carry on an intellectual conversation and actually know what she's talking about. Someone who is, preferably, a TAT lady. LADY. Which would be nice. Because soon I'm going to be a fish mommy. Again.
So, I'm up late, watching TV (sort of). And of course, staying up late and watching TV does not mix. This is what came of it:
"Excuse me, honey, while I go away for four minutes to vacuum myself. Then I'll be ready to go."
Oh dear. It's a VACUUM. That's all I have to say.
Love and other indoor sports (like.. NOT vacuuming..),
Blue Disastrous
For Kai,
I Can Haz Life Plz?,
Random Quotes
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
::So.. Many.. Cards..!!::
Today, I.. learned (somewhat) how to play Magic: The Gathering. Woo. Took me long enough, nyan?
Now all I must do is somehow get someone I know to make a site specifically for cycling through every card ever made..
So many cards.
Tomorrow will be a long day.
Love and other indoor sports (like click-click-clicking),
Blue Disastrous
Monday, March 1, 2010
::Metaphors for the Soul.. or Some Crap Like That::
Er. What happened today? Nothing, really. I couldn't go to school. Astronomy professor on VH didn't post today's lesson. Facebook was kind of dead. Admissions still hasn't sent an email.
I learned a bit about the sororities on campus. I am still undecided. If I remain undecided, I will stay lazy and not rush.
Umm. Cool titanium rings. Some friend drama he created out of nothingness. More House Points awarded for stupid reasons.
And now I really, really want some dino chikkin nuggets.
Love and other indoor sports (like interestingly showering),
Blue Disastrous
Sunday, February 28, 2010
::Alligators and Epic Misspellings::
So I signed up for a mentor on Virtual Hogwarts, which, in my head, isn't so virtual anymore. It is more or less becoming my whole life. And I'm okay with that. My fake-life, which is Lilith's and not mine, is far more fun and far less complicated. Plus, I suspect she will be getting straight O's this term.
I am finding that my emotions are all completely and unnecessarily jumbled. When I should be angry, I'm disappointed. When I should be serene, I am super--no--über--no--HYPER-random and over-the-top crazy. When I should be sad, I am numb. When I should be sympathetic, I am greedily happy. When I should be happy for someone else, I'm either sad or jealous, or some cheap combination of the two. And all of these can happen in the course of a five-minute conversation, or a walk down the hall and out the door.
And the really sad part is, there are probably a lot of weddings ruined by flamingos.
I am also becoming more and more easily distracted. For example, every day I set out to do schoolwork, and end up on random scientific pages or on videos of people adapting songs into their preferred instruments. Or, like now, the random urge to Google "Parkour" for no reason.
It's really very interesting, actually.
Imagine getting attacked and running away off the wall next to you to get around the attacker. And then the look of "HUH?" on his face as you vault or jump or roll away.
Or maybe not that dramatic.
Above all, we must remember that anything is possible. Do with that what you will.
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